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1) Скажите, в каких случаях, в связи с какими событиями мы поздравляем друг друга, какие пожелания высказываем.

2) Прочтите диалоги по ролям и найдите в них поздравительные фразы.

Conversation 1

Irina: How do you get on in your exams?

Natasha: I passed.

Irina: Congratulations! What marks did you get?

Natasha: Three fives and a four.

Irina: Well done. Now you can relax and enjoy yourself for a bit.

Natasha: Yes. It’s a big relief.

Conversation 2

Margaret: Happy Christmas.

Jane: Thank you. Merry Christmas to you, too.

Margaret: Thanks. Are doing anything special?

Jane: No, just staying at home with my family. And you?

Margaret: I’m going over to my brother’s for Christmas.

Conversation 3

Ann: Many happy returns of the day, Mary!

Kate: Oh, is it you birthday? Many happy returns!

Fred: Happy birthday, Mary!

Mary: Thank you!

3) Подберите к следующим событиям (1-8) соответствующие поздравительные фразы из таблицы.

Happy New Year! Happy anniversary! Best wishes of the season. Cheers!

It’s lovely, thank you very much. Happy birthday! Thanks for coming. Merry Christmas! Congratulations! Good health! Good luck! Be my Valentine! Wish a bright and joyful Easter! I hope you'll be very happy! I hope you feel better soon! Happy Easter! Let me congratulate you on ... The best of luck for the New Year ... My congratulations! Many happy returns! Many happy returns of the day! Good luck and good health in the New Year !

  1. Birthday

  2. Christmas

  3. Wedding

  4. Wedding anniversary

  5. Illness

  6. New Year

  7. St. Valentine’s Day

  8. Easter

4) Дополните ситуативные высказывания соответствующими поздравительными словами из упражнения №1 .

  1. Today is a special day. I am 25!

  2. I've got some news for you. Alex and I are getting married!

  3. Here is a gift for you, Mary. I hope you like it.

  4. One, two, three… twelve!!!

  5. I have to go now. I need to get ready for my English exam.

  6. Thanks for your invitation. I’m sorry but I can’t come. I’ve got an awful cold. I’d better stay home and take some pills.

  7. We brought this basket for you. These are eggs that we have decorated for the occasion.

5) Составьте короткий диалог, используя ситуативные высказывания

из упражнения № 2 и поздравительные фразы из упражнения №1.



Способы выражения и место в предложении

Виды обстоятельства

Вопросы к обстоятельству

Задания к тексту

I. Прочтите правильно следующие названия достопримечательностей в Лондоне и соотнесите их с картинками справа (1-6).

Madam Tussaud's [ mædəm tə so:dz]


the Science Museum [ saiəns mju: ziəm]


the Tower [ tauə]


Harrods [ hærədz]


Camden Market [ kæmdən ΄ma:kit]


the underground [ Λndəgraund]


II. Выберите слово или выражение (a,b,c), значение которого подобно значению слова или выражения (1-6).


a) principal

b) common

c) unique

2)a lot

a) a little

b) different

c) the variety


a) duty

b) leisure activities

c) work

4) money you spent

a) price

b) credit card

c) the expense

5)not friendly


b) unfriendliness



a) multicultural

b) urban


My home – love it or hate it!

A I live in *Blackheath in South London. London’s one of the largest and most exciting cities in the world, and there are advantages and disadvantages to living here.

B The main advantage is that there's a lot to do and see. In the centre of London there are tourist attractions like *Madam Tussaud's and the Science Museum, and there are all kinds of parks and historic buildings. I suppose that we *don't always make the most of it. We only visit places like the Tower of London when one of our relatives comes to visit!

C Secondly, London is a great place for entertainment. All the new films come here first, and if we want to go to a pop concert or big sports events, there’s always something right *on our doorstep. And of course the shopping is great - there's everything from department stores like Harrods to Camden Market.

D Another advantage of living in London is that you can travel easily and quickly across the city on the underground. And we've got railway stations and airports to take you anywhere in the world.

E Lastly, London is truly cosmopolitan. You can meet people from lots of different cultures, but that doesn't stop us being friends. It’s good to mix with people from different backgrounds. It stops you from becoming *narrow-minded.

F But there are some major problems if you live in London. Like most other capital cities, it is noisy, polluted and *congested with traffic. The traffic problem is so bad that they have recently introduced a congestion charge for central London. Drivers now have to pay if they want to take their cars to the city centre. Hopefully that will improve the situation.

G Secondly, things are very expensive here - apparently it's more expensive to live here than to live in any American city. For example, if you go to the cinema in the centre of London it can cost you £12. And to go just one stop on the underground can cost you nearly £1.

H But the worst problem about living in London is that, in general, people aren't very friendly. Nobody will talk to strangers or help people in the street if they are in trouble. They don't trust each other, and I think that's because they are scared of becoming victims of crime. London has the highest crime rate in the country.

I But in spite of these negative points, I still wouldn't want to live outside of London. It’s my home - love it or hate it!


*Blackheath in South London [′blækhiθ in sauθ ′lΛndən]- местечко Блэкхит в южном Лондоне

*Madam Tussaud's and the Science Museum- музей мадам Тюссо и музей науки

*don't always make the most of it- ...не всегда использовать ч-л наилучшим образом

*on our doorstep- рядом

*narrow-minded- ограниченный, недалёкий

*congested with - загруженный ч-л

(Elizabeth Sharman “Across cultures”)