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Computer Engineering 71

5.This application offer both internet and gaming acceleration. It can quickly _____hance your computing experience with a single click of a button.

6.You should know that too many little icons can easily _____tract your website visitors.

7._____loading usually refers to transfer from a larger "host" system to a smaller "client" system, and "_____load" usually means to transfer data or files from a peripheral or subordinate system to a larger or more central one.

8.Is it possible to create a simple image map with _____bedded hyperlinks that I can use online?

9._____learning is pedagogy _____powered by digital technology.

10.Their aim is to make sure that every home becomes Internet _____abled in the next 10 years.


8. Translate the sentences into Russian and define the functions of Participles. If you need help use

GRAMMAR FILES 7 (p. 114).

1.Multimedia technologies, whether delivered online or offline, offer significant advantages over alternative communications mediums.

2.Interested users may sign up to receive future information concerning electronically delivered products via e-mail.

3.A new web based program for MP3 files runs silently in the background and can be accessed by any machine on your local network.

4.The word “play” suggests different notions to a child, an actor or a footballer, and has in

their speech different meaning. The same applies to the word “track” as used by a pilot, a sportsman, DJ or the word “keyboard” as understood by a programmer, a musician or a telephone operator.

5.In the 24-bit mode, the digital data is recorded onto the internal hard drive as 32-bit data, ensuring even higher recording and playback quality.

6.If used in a computer based training environment, the students’ computer can be connected to the A input, whilst the teacher computer can be connected to the B input.

7.Computer graphic designs are picture images created and manipulated digitally on computers.

8.Certain videos are empty when downloaded. Why does it happen?

English for Special Purposes

72 Computer Engineering


9.Scan the text and match the headings (a – e) with the paragraphs (1 – 5).

a)Entertainment and fine arts;

b)Structuring information in a multimedia form;

c)Major characteristics;



10.Read the text and answer the questions.

1.What does the term “multimedia” refer to?

2.What is the difference between linear and nonlinear multimedia?

3.Where does multimedia find its application?

4.What applications are called interactive multimedia?

5.Is multimedia entertainment used in Education?

6.How can you characterize the “on-line writing style”?

11.Read the text and mark the information about online multimedia features.


In common usage, the term multimedia refers to an electronically delivered combination of media including video, still images, audio, text in such a way that can be accessed interactively. Much of the content on the web today falls within this definition as understood by millions. Multimedia is usually recorded and played, displayed or accessed by computerized and electronic devices, but can also be part of a live performance.


Multimedia may be broadly divided into linear and non-linear categories. Linear active content progresses without any navigational control for the viewer such as a cinema presentation. Nonlinear content offers user interactivity to control progress as used with a computer game or used in self-paced computer based training. Hypermedia is an example of non-linear content.

Various formats of technological or digital multimedia may be intended to enhance the users' experience, for example to make it easier and faster to convey information. Enhanced levels of interactivity are made possible by combining multiple forms of media content. Online multimedia ranges from Web photo galleries with both images and title user-updated, to simulations whose illustrations, animations or videos are modifiable. In addition to seeing and hearing, haptic technology enables virtual objects to be felt. Emerging technology involving illusions of taste and smell may also enhance the multimedia experience.

Multimedia finds its application in various areas including, but not limited to, advertisements, art, education, entertainment, engineering, medicine, scientific research.


Multimedia is used in the entertainment industry, especially to develop special effects in movies and animations. Multimedia games are

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a popular pastime and are software programs available either as CD/DVD-ROMs or online. Some video games also use multimedia features. Multimedia applications that allow users to actively participate instead of just sitting by as passive recipients of information are called Interactive Multimedia. In the Arts there are multimedia artists, whose minds are able to blend techniques using different media that in some way incorporates interaction with the viewer. Although multimedia material may be volatile, the survivability of the content is as strong as any traditional media.


In Education, multimedia is used to produce computer-based training courses (CBTs) and reference books. A CBT lets the user go through a series of presentations, text about a particular topic, and associated illustrations in various information formats. Edutainment is an informal term used to describe combining education with entertainment, especially multimedia entertainment. Learning theory in the past decade has expanded dramatically because of the introduction of multimedia. The possibilities for learning and instruction are nearly endless. The idea of media convergence is also becoming a major factor in education, particularly higher education.


Multimedia and the Internet require a completely new approach to writing. The style of writing that is appropriate for the “on-line world” is highly optimized and designed to be quickly scanned by readers. A good site must be attractive for visitors. When users view a page, they can only view one page at a time. As a result, multimedia users have to create a

“mental model of information structure”. That’s why users need predictability and structure, with clear functional and graphical continuity between the various components and subsections of the multimedia production.


12. Complete the sentences with suitable words and word combinations.

1.Modern Interactivity is made possible by combining multiple forms of media ________.

2.Haptic technology, illusions of taste and smell

________ the multimedia experience.

3.Some multimedia artists often ________

techniques using different media applications.

4.Multimedia content is not ________, it is as strong as any traditional media.

5.In the ________ multimedia applications are used to develop special effects in movies and animations.

6.Multimedia games are ________ as CD/DVDROMs or online.

7.The edutainment possibilities are ________.

8.Nowadays media ________ is an important characteristic of higher education.

9.Education potential has expanded a lot on account of ________.

10. Attractiveness, ________ and structure are the zzzmain features of a good site.

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74 Computer Engineering


13. Reread the text, tick the “false” sentences and correct them.

Multimedia represents a combination of media including video, coded representation, audio, printed text in such a way that can be accessed interactively.

Linear multimedia is characterized by the absence of navigational control for the viewer.

Online multimedia contains not only photo galleries with both images and title user-updated, but also displayonly illustrations, animations and videos.

A computer-based training course is a set of texts, illustrations and multimedia presentations.

When users browse through an Internet page they have to create a

“predictable structure of mental model of information”.

The style of writing in the Web is highly refined and designed to greatly impress readers.

Haptic technology enhances the multimedia experience.

Being an example of linear content hypermedia offers users certain interactivity.

In Education, reference books are still produced without any multimedia content.

Several multimedia formats are intended to make it easier and faster to convey information.

Any website should be characterized by distinct continuity between the elements and subsections of the multimedia production.

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Computer Engineering 75

SPECIALIST READING B: Multimedia Web Design

14. Scan the text, identify different parts and entitle them.


from… – to…





15. Read the text and decide whether these points are discussed in it.


Yes No

Yes No

good multimedia web design characteristics Web content variants

multimedia web design software products streaming multimedia

the main goal of Web advertising vector graphics features computer design specifications bitmap images

A good multimedia web design is one that adds to the overall value of your site. It depends on the web site design as well as the kind of services you want to convey. The very last thing you need is to distract your viewer from the key message on your web page through multimedia web design.

Multimedia web design products will allow you to publish two versions of your content. One version is published strictly with HTML and doesn't include the rich features of the multimedia project, but it allows most users to get to the content they want. The multimedia version will require additional download time or a plug-in, but the viewer will be able to see, hear, and interact with the content exactly as it was intended. Much of multimedia web design software utilizes compression technology to create the smallest possible files, thereby reducing the download time and wait time for the viewer.

You can publish texts, audio, images and animation to the web as streaming multimedia. Streaming multimedia means that the user does not have to wait for the files to download completely before he can see them. Usually a portion of the content is downloaded, and the remainder is downloaded while the content is being viewed.

Adding multimedia design to web site greatly enhances the visual experience of the visitor. Multimedia for web design requires the viewer to install a plug-in or player to view the content. However, some products employ technology that

is already included with the latest Web browsers. Computer graphic designs are picture images

created and manipulated digitally on computers. There are basically two forms in computer graphic design: bitmaps and vector graphics. Bitmap images are widely used. The number of pixels in the image determines the size of these images. They must be printed or displayed at the same size. Any other size distorts the image. Vector graphics are a set of graphical objects stored as coordinates, and mathematical formulas that determine their shape and position. These graphical objects are called primitives. Lines, curves, rectangles, ellipses etc. are all primitives. These are widely used in computeraided design.

Computer graphic design entails editing and polishing graphics. 2D or 3D computer graphic design programs can be used to create animations. One of the issues in computer graphic design is choosing the image that will convey the meaning best. The graphic must complement the text on the website. The graphic designer must produce a visual communication product for a specific audience. Technology gives the tools to create finished products quickly with a high level of professionalism. An effective advertising or education campaign does much more than deliver a message; it also influences the audience response. There is no point in telling people how good a product is if we can't make them start using it.

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76 Computer Engineering

WRITING: Summary

16. Summarize the general ideas of text B:

Multimedia Web Design. Follow these This text goes under the headline...


1. Read the text again.

2.Underline the relevant information in each paragraph.

3.Make notes about the main points. Leave out details such as examples.

4.Make sentences from the notes and link the sentences with connectors (and, but, because, therefore, etc.).

5.Write your first draft.

6.Improve your first draft by reducing sentences. For example:

cut out unnecessary phrases;

omit qualifying words (adjectives or modifying adverbs);

transform relative clauses into -ing participle clauses

7.Write the final version of your summary.

8.Don't forget to check the spelling and grammar.

SPEAKING: Multimedia applications

17. Prepare a report and take part in a round table discussion on the topic “Multimedia applications”. Pay attention to the following points:

1.Online multimedia.

2.Edutainment applications and CBT courses.

3.Engineering multimedia applications.

4.Multimedia web design software.

5.Rich media components.

Use Supplementary reading section text “Rich media features” to express your opinion.

The following discourse markers may help you:



These expressions are much more elegant

moreover (very formal); furthermore




than the conjunction 'and'. We use them to

(formal); in addition; as well as that; on




add information to what has been said.

top of that (informal); another thing is;





what is more; besides; in any case









These expressions show that the second

therefore (formal); as a result (formal);








statement follows logically from the first one.

consequently (formal); so; then











English for Special Purposes

3. Translate the following definitions and memorize the terms:
Cell Phone
Laptop with internet access
Television Radio
BlackBerry Two-Way Radio
Dial-up modem
Wireless access point
A (DSL) modem

Computer Engineering 77

Unit 8 Telecommunication

Suffixes -able, -ize Passive infinitives Telecommunication Satellite services Viewpoint adverbs

LEAD-IN: Telecommunication devices

1. Match the telecommunication devices with their implementations:

provides information to the viewer

provides communication as well as access of information and contribution of information via the internet

provides information to the listener

allows sending and receiving e-mails and SMS with a high level of security through on-device message encription

provides communication between individuals

provides access of information and contribution of information on the internet

allows wired communication devices to connect to a wireless network using Wi-Fi

is a device used to connect a computer or ... termination broad band adapter

uses the facilities of the public switched telephone network to establish a dialled connection to an Internet service provider via telephone lines






2. Make sure you pronounce the following words properly:
































access (v) - a) to obtain or retrieve (information) from a storage device; b) to place (information) in a storage device: direct access, sequential access;

English for Special Purposes



Computer Engineering








allocate (v) -

to assign or allot for a particular purpose;



chunk (n) -

a considerable amount: chunk of data;



customize (v) -

to modify (something) according to a customer's individual requirements;



destine (v) -

to appoint for something, intend, design;







encode (v) -

to convert (characters and symbols) into a digital form as a series of impulses;



eventually (adv) -

a) at the very end, finally;




b) (as sentence modifier) after a long time or long delay: Eventually, he arrived.



handle (v) -

to deal with or treat in a specified way;



medium (n) -

an intervening substance for transmitting data: automated data medium, data




input medium, data medium, interactive medium, transmission medium;



merge (v) -

to blend or cause to blend, fuse;



regardless (adv) -

in spite of everything;



restrict (v) -

to confine or keep within certain often specified limits or selected bounds;



router (n) -

a device that allows packets of data to be moved efficiently between two




points on a network: communications router, router ID, router identifier;







stack (n) -

a) an area in a computer memory for temporary storage;




b) a set;




c)data structure: hardware stack, hidden stack, instruction stack;



stream(n) -

continuous moving: bit stream, data stream, input stream, output stream;





4. Match the following words with their synonyms (A, B):





































5. Match the following words with their equivalents in Russian:



packet switching

многоуровневый подход

file sharing

временное уплотнение каналов

discrete value

шумовое сопротивление

layered approach

передающая среда

instant messaging

пакетная коммутация

time division multiplexing

дискретное значение

noise resistance

совместное использование файлов

transmission medium

мгновенные сообщения



6. Complete the puzzle using the clues.


a device that allows packets of data to be moved efficiently









between two points on a network















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Computer Engineering 79


the form in which data is presented for handling by a

























particular computer configuration (information transmission)





















































































a software package that enables a user to find and






























read hypertext files, esp on the World Wide Web

















































































a system of interconnected computer systems, terminals, and

























other equipment allowing information to be exchanged












































































a path along which data can be transmitted between a






























central processing unit and peripheral devices












































7. Match a verb in A with a noun in B:






a segment



in order



a signal












the traffic







WORD BUILDING: Suffixes -able, -ize

SUFFIX –ABLE is used to form the adjectives having the necessary power, resources, skill, time, opportunity, etc., to do something.

SUFFIX –IZE is used to form the verbs with the following meanings

1)to cause to become, resemble, or agree with

2)to become; change into

3)to affect in a specified way;

4)to act according to some practice, principle, policy

8.Form the adjectives from the following verb roots with suffix -able and translate them:

Example: drink – drinkable (пригодный для питья).

Wash, eat (!), suit, use, note, detect, operate, consume, count, enjoy, read, separate, love.

What do these words mean? Use it can ... or it can't... . Use a dictionary if necessary.

Example: If something is 1) washable, it can be washed.

If something is 2) unbreakable, it … If something is 3) edible, it …

If something is 4) unusable, … If something is 5) invisible, … If something is 6) portable, …

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80 Computer Engineering

9. Form the verbs with the help of the suffix −ize and translate them:

Customer – customize – изготовлять по техническим условиям заказчика (делать на заказ)











































GRAMMAR FOCUS : Infinitive

10.Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the Passive Infinitives. If you need help use GRAMMAR FILES 8 (p. 115).

1.The word "communication" has been used in a very broad sense, it includes all of the procedures by which one mind may affect another.

2.All kinds of distortions of sound to be conveyed by telephone communication are called noise.

3.In the mathematical theory of communication the word "information" to be used in a special sense must not be confused with its ordinary usage.

4.The conference to be held in Moscow will discuss questions dealing with communication problems.

5.There are Markoff processes to be widely involved in the theory of communication.

6.The effectiveness problem must have been concerned with the demands of the design.

7.Only one information must have been given at the moment.

8.Zero and one may have been taken symbolically to represent any two choices.

9.This subject will be dealt with in the next chapter.

10.A new type of computing equipment is being produced at our plant.

11.Rewrite these sentences. Instead of using 'somebody' or 'they', write a passive sentence.

1.Somebody has locked the computer. − The computer has been locked.

2.They have postponed the conference. The conference __________________________.

3.Somebody is using the computer at the moment. The computer __________________________.

4.I didn't realize that somebody was recording our conversation. I didn't realize that __________________.

5.When we got to the stadium we found that they had cancelled the game. When we got to the stadium, we found that __________________________.

6.They are building a new ring road round the city. __________________________.

7.They have built a new hospital near the airport. __________________________.

12. Complete these sentences with one of the following verbs in the correct form: carry cause do make repair send spend wake up. Sometimes you need have ('might have', 'could have' etc.).

1.The situation is serious. Something must be done before it's too late.

2.I haven't received the e-mail. It might _____________________ to the wrong address.

3.A decision will not _____________________ until the next meeting.

4.I told the hotel receptionist that I wanted to _____________________ at 6.30 the next morning.

5.Do you think that less money should _____________________ on equipment?

6.This net is in very bad condition. It should _____________________ a long time ago.

7.The injured man couldn't walk and had to _____________________.

8.It's not certain how the fire started but it might _____________________ by an electrical fault.

English for Special Purposes

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