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Computer Engineering







distributed similarly to freeware, except that it requires payment after a trial period




designed to monitor the actions of your computer and send this data via the Net







Consult your dictionary to find more “-wares”.

GRAMMAR FOCUS : Present Tenses: Simple and Continuous (Active & Passive Voice)

8. Underline the correct form of the verb and translate the sentences. If you need help use GRAMMAR FILES 1 (p. 107).

1.When one computer system is set up / sets up / set up to communicate with another computer system, connectivity becomes / become an important system element.

2.People are the most important component / is the most important component of the computer system: they create / creates / are created the computer software instructions and respond to the procedures that those instructions present.

3.Computer uses / is used / are using to convert data into information and to store information in the digital form.

4.Nowadays computer development is rapidly progressing / rapidly progresses at both the high and the low ends of the computing spectrum.

5.Researchers are currently developed / are currently developing microchips called digital signal processors (DSPs).

6.Data feed / is feeding / is fed into the computer's memory.

7.The main memory holds / is holding / is held the instructions and data which are being processed / are processed / are processing by the CPU.

8.Peripherals include /are including / are included storage devices and input/output devices.

9.Disk drives are used / is used / are using to read and write data on disks.

10.Input devices enable / are enabled / were enabled data to go into the computer’s memory.

English for Special Purposes

12 Computer Engineering

SPECIALIST READING A: What is a computer?

9. Before starting, answer the following questions. This kind of information is well known and you will deal easily with the quiz.



Who founded Microsoft



Charles Babbage






















Who set up Apple



Herman Hollerith







Computers’ Corporation?




















Who invented a tabulating











machine using punched



Bill Gates



cards for computation?











Who designed the



George Boole







“analytical engine”?















Who developed logical



Steven Jobs and






Stephen Wozniak








10. These phrases and sentences have been removed from the text.

1.There are two different types of computers – analog and digital.

2.People are the most important component of the computer system…

3.The most common form of computer in use today is the embedded computer.

4.In addition, hardware devices can include external components...

5.An incredible important contribution in computer technology development …

6.IBM made punch-card office machinery…

7.…Hardware, Software, People, Procedures, and Data.

8.This process is called digitization.

Read the text quickly and fill in the gaps with the suitable phrases or sentences to form a logically correct text. Mind that one extra sentence you don’t have to use is given.



J. Atanasoff

C. Berry

The term computer is used to describe a device made up of a combination of electronic and electromechanical

components. Computer has no intelligence by itself and

is referred to as hardware which is the computer's physical electronic and mechanical parts. A computer system can be viewed as consisting of five most vital elements: _____________________________________

______________. When one computer system is set up to communicate with another computer system, connectivity becomes the sixth system element of the total computer system.


_________________: they create the computer software instructions and respond to the procedures that those instructions present.

The basic job of the computer is the processing of information. Computers accept information in the form of instruction called a program and characters called

data to perform mathematical and logical operations,

and then give the results. The data is raw material while

information is organized, processed, refined and useful for decision making. Computer is used to convert data into information. Computer is also used to store information in the digital form.


________________________. Analog computers solve

problems by using continuously changing data

(temperature, pressure, voltage) rather than by

manipulating discrete binary digits (1s and 0s) as digital

computers do. In current usage, the term computer

usually refers to digital computers. Hybrid computers

combine elements of both types. Digital computers are generally more effective than analog computers for three principal reasons: they are not as susceptible to signal interference; they can convey data with more

precision; and their coded binary data are easier to store

and transfer than are analog signals.

Such computers can represent any type of data, from

numbers and letters to musical notes._________


A vague image of modern computer was first outlined in 1833 by British mathematician Charles Babbage. His design of an “analytical engine” contained all the necessary elements of a modern computer: input devices, a store (memory), a mill (computing unit), a control unit, and output devices.

English for Special Purposes

The design called for more than 50,000 moving parts in a steam-driven machine as large as a locomotive. Most of its actions were executed through the use of perforated cards: a method that was already used to control automatic silk-weaving machines called Jacquard looms by the name of the inventor. It was one of the first programmable devices.

In the 1880s Herman Hollerith developed a calculating machine able to count, collate, and sort information stored on punch cards. His “tabulator” quickly demonstrated the efficiency of mechanical data manipulation. In 1896 Hollerith founded the Tabulating Machine Company to produce similar machines. In 1924 the company changed its name to IBM. The most popular of operating systems – which are used to run mainframes, built by the industry leader IBM – include MVS1, DOS/VSE2, and VM3.______________________

___________________________ the dominant business information system until the late 1960s.

From 1939 to 1942, American physicists John V.

Atanasoff and Clifford Berry built a computer based on the binary numbering system. Their ABC (Atanasoff-Berry

Computer) is often credited as the first electronic digital

computer. Furthermore, George Boole, a British

mathematician, had already devised a complete system of binary algebra that could be applied to computer circuits. Boolean algebra, developed in 1848, bridged the gap between mathematics and logic by symbolizing all information as being either true or false.


______________ is made by Steven Jobs and Stephen

Wozniak, the founders of the Apple II computer. It is also

worth mentioning William Henry Gates III, (known as Bill

Gates), the father of Microsoft Company. The first devices that resemble modern computers date to the mid-20th century (1940–1945). Early electronic computers were the size of a large room. Modern computers are based on tiny integrated circuits and are millions to billions of times more capable while occupying a fraction of the space. _________________________________________

__________________. Embedded computers are small, simple devices that are used to control other devices - for example; they may be found in machines ranging from fighter aircraft to industrial robots, digital cameras, and children's toys.

The dominant operating system is the disk operating

system (DOS) developed by Microsoft Corporation. Also popular is Microsoft's Windows NT, an adjunct to DOS that provides enhanced computer graphics.

Computer Engineering



1IBM MVS (Multiple Virtual Storage) - множественное виртуальное хранилище, операционная система, разработанная IBM (1974).

2DOS/VSE (Virtual Storage Extended) – дисковая операционная система с расширенной виртуальной памятью.

3VM (Virtual Machine) — операционная система для мэйнфреймов фирмы IBM. Первая версия была выпущена в 1972 году для семейства компьютеров

IBM System/370.


11. Replace the italicized words with the equivalents from the box:







different kinds




give commands to

1.Software consists of the programs that instruct the hardware to perform tasks.

2.Varieties of types of integrated circuitry are used in contemporary supercomputers.

3.Embedded computers are small, simple devices, which are used to control other device.

4.Herman Hollerith, an American inventor, fabricated a calculating machine able to count, and collate information stored on punch card.

5.A device called “tabulator” quickly demonstrated the efficiency of mechanical data manipulating.

6.IBM introduced its Personal Computer in 1981.

English for Special Purposes


14 Computer Engineering


12. Put the facts in the logical order as they are given in the text:

Steven Jobs and Stephen Wozniak, his engineer partner, founded a company named Apple Computer, Inc.

Hollerith founded the Tabulating Machine Company to produce similar machines.

Bill Gates founded Microsoft.

IBM introduced its Personal Computer (PC).

American physicists John V. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry built a computer based on the binary numbering system.

13. Mark the following statements as “true” or “false”, correct the false ones. Find information in the text if necessary.

True False

A computer has an artificial intellect.

Connectivity can be viewed as an important element of a computer system. The basic job of a computer is to encode algorithms written in a programming language.

Hybrid computers have elements of both analog and digital computers.

Hardware is used to store data.

American mathematician Charles Babbage was the first to outline a vague image of a modern computer.

7. The ABC Computer was the first image of the first electronic digital computer.

8.Steven Jobs and Stephen Wozniak were the founders of the Apple II computer.

9.The dominant operating system was developed by Apple Computer Company.

10. Nowadays DOS is not the prevailing operating system.


14.Read the text and underline the information to prove the following statements:

1.Software is not a part of hardware.

2.The term”motherboard” is the point of argument.

3.External Bus Controllers are used to connect to external peripherals.

15.Say if the text touches upon the following points (tick them) and put the information in the correct order:



X №


X №










RAM characteristics




information about CAE software












power supply features





central processing unit functions










external components of a computer




networking connections description










history of computer-aided engineering (CAE)





the definition of the term “mouse”




typical personal computer case





engineering design description










English for Special Purposes

Computer Engineering 15

A personal computer is made up of multiple physical components of computer hardware, upon which can be installed an operating system and a multitude of software to perform the operator's desired functions. Typical personal computers consist of a case or chassis in a tower shape (desktop) and the following parts:

1) Motherboard is the "body" or mainframe of the computer. The term “motherboard” is the point of argument in the USA even at Court level. It was even proposed to use the term “mainboard” not to give any privileges to male or female belonging of the word.

2)Central processing unit (CPU) performs most of the calculations which enable a computer to function; sometimes it is referred to as the "brain" of the computer.

3)Computer fan is used to lower the temperature of the computer; a fan is almost always attached to the CPU, and the computer case will generally have several fans to maintain a constant airflow.

4)Random Access Memory (RAM1) is also known as the physical memory of the computer. Fast-access memory that is cleared when the computer is powered down. RAM attaches directly to the motherboard, and

is used to store programs that are currently running. Firmware is loaded from the Read only memory ROM2

run from the Basic Input-Output System (BIOS) or in newer systems Extensible Firmware Inter-face (EFI) compliant.

5)Internal Buses are connections to various internal components: PCI, PCI-E, USB, Hyper Transport, CSI3, and AGP (being phased out).

6)External Bus Controllers are used to connect to external peripherals, such as printers and input devices. These ports may also be based upon expansion cards, attached to the internal buses.

7)Controllers for hard disk, CD-ROM and other drives for a PC are IDE/ATA; the controllers sit directly on the motherboard or on expansion cards, such as a Disk array controller. IDE is usually integrated, unlike SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) which can be found in some servers. The floppy drive interface is a legacy MFM4 interface, which is now slowly disappearing. All these interfaces are gradually being phased out to be replaced by SATA and SAS5.

8)Video display controller produces the output for the visual display unit. This will either be built into the motherboard or attached in its own separate slot (PCI,

PCI-E, PCI-E 2.0, or AGP), in the form of a Graphics Card.

9)Internal storage encompasses hardware that keeps data inside the computer for later use and remains persistent even when the computer has no power (hard disk – medium-term storage of data; solidstate drive – a device similar to hard disk, but containing no moving parts; disk array controller – a device to manage several hard disks to achieve performance or reliability improvement).

10)Sound card enables the computer to output sound to audio devices, as well as accept input from a microphone. Most modern computers have sound cards built-in to the motherboard, though it is common for a user to install a separate sound card as an upgrade.

11)Networking connects the computer to the Internet and/or other computers (modem is used for dial-up connections, network card – for DSL/Cable internet, and/or connecting to other computers, direct cable connection – use of a null modem, connecting two computers together using their serial ports or a Lap link cable, connecting two computers together with their parallel ports).

12)Hardware devices can include external components of a computer system. The following are either standard or very common including various input and output devices, usually external to the computer system.

Keyboard is used to input text and characters by depressing buttons (referred to as keys), similar to a typewriter. The most common English-language key layout is the QWERTY layout. Mouse is a pointing device that detects two dimensional motions relative to its supporting surface. Webcam is a low resolution video camera used to provide visual input that can be easily transferred over the internet. Microphone - an acoustic sensor that provides input by converting sound into electrical signals. Printer is a machine that can be connected to a computer in order to make copies on paper of documents or other information held by the computer. Monitor is a screen which displays an image generated by a computer. Computer speakers, or multimedia speakers, are external speakers, commonly equipped with a low-power internal amplifier. The standard audio connection is a 3.5mm (1/8 inch) stereo jack plugs often colour-coded lime green (following the PC 99 standard) for computer sound cards.

English for Special Purposes

16 Computer Engineering


1RAM – запоминающее устройство с произвольной выборкой (ЗУПВ). 2ROM – постоянное запоминающее устройство (ПЗУ).

3CSI – высокоскоростная шина Common Systems Interconnect - последовательный точка-точка интерфейс. 4MFM – устаревшая ныне шина для подключения жестких дисков. Использовалось два шлейфа – один для управляющих сигналов, другой – для обмена данными. Один из шлейфов был очень похож на шлейф для FDD.

5SAS – компьютерный интерфейс, разработанный для обмена данными с такими устройствами, как жёсткие диски, накопители на оптическом диске и т. д. для замены параллельного интерфейса SCSI и обеспечения более высокой пропускной способности. SAS совместим с интерфейсом SATA, поддерживает передачу информации со скоростью до 3 Гбит/с (в перспективе до 10 Гбит/с).

WRITING: Computer development

16. What are in your opinion on the most urgent computer problems? Could you give the ways of future computer development? Give characteristics of your own computer components and try to describe a model of a Computer of the Future. Do you consider that the future of human development belongs to the computer? Prove your ideas. Use links from Get Real to help you.

● Get Real

Check these websites to find out more additional computer history facts and the latest computer evolution achievements: http://www.accessscience.com http://science news.org

English for Special Purposes

Computer Engineering 17

SPEAKING: Computer history and evolution

17. Work in pairs or in groups with your partner(s) to discuss the following problems: “What type of computer in your opinion is the most suitable for home and office use, for specific engineering tasks: for Computer Aided Design (CAD), for instance, or other engineering fields?” “What are the most important characteristics and the functions of main memory, I/O devices, storage devices, CPU?” “What peculiar facts can you give about different computer programs and data, about CPU, the heart of the computer? (The Supplementary Reading Section may help you).” “What will future computer technology development result in”? Could you create a presentation on the problems, marked above? Role-play the discussion problems in the form of a conference.

The following discourse markers may help you:


Introducing a

I would like to present you (to touch upon) a problem; I’ like to state (maintain) the



importance of this problem, to say that this problem is very vital and extremely popular;




I’d like to mention that I have studied and used a lot of information from the following




(different) sources.






Carving the

I’d like to present, analyze the main facts; It’s worth mentioning ;I’d like to give my


main idea

opinion on the problem, which concerns…; I share the authors opinion (I agree/disagree)






Summing up


Now I’d like to draw a conclusion; I’d like to conclude; summing up; as I’m running out of


the presented


time I’d like to summarize









on a problem



English for Special Purposes

18 Computer Engineering

Unit 2 Software

Useful prefixes 1



Operating system





LEAD-IN: Operating Systems

1. Study the following list of Operating Systems. What other Operating Systems could you name? Will you characterize them? What are the main functions of OS?

• Slax


• Open SUSE

• Haiku

• React OS

• Ubuntu

• Mona OS

• Symbian OS


2. Make sure you pronounce the following words properly:








['ʃedjuːl ];








[sʌb ruː'tiːn]














3. Translate the following definitions and memorize the terms:

software (n) -

the collection of computer programs and related data that provide


the instructions telling a computer what to do: system software,


application software;

operating system (n) -

the system software that allows all the hardware and software


components to work together; a set of programs that manages all


the computer's resources;

bug (n) -

an error in a computer program or system;



computer programmer (n) -

a person whose job involves writing programs for computers;



English for Special Purposes

Computer Engineering 19

debugging (n) - is the process of identifying and removing errors from computer hardware or software;

disk operating system (n) - a computer operating system that controls and manages files and programs stored on disk; DOS is a shorthand term for several closely related operating systems (MS-DOS, PC DOS, DR-DOS, etc.) that dominated the IBM PC compatible market;

flowchart (n) - a graphical representation of a computer program in relation to its sequence of functions;

graphical user interface (n) - a visual way of interacting with a computer using items such as windows, icons, and menus, used by most modern operating systems;

LINUX (n) - an operating system modeled on Unix, whose source code is publicly available at no charge;

program (n) - a set of instructions that a computer follows in order to perform a particular task;

schedule (n) - a plan for carrying out a process or procedure, giving lists of intended events and times;

eliminate (v) - completely remove or get rid of something; file (n) - holder, cover, case, box, etc. for keeping data;

server (n) - a computer or computer program which manages access to a centralized resource or service in a network;

UNIX (n) - a computer operating system developed in 1969 by K. Thompson and D. Ritchie; today is used to describe any operating system that conforms to Unix standards, meaning the core operating system operates the same as the original Unix operating system;

4. Match the following words with their synonyms (A, B) and the Russian equivalents (C, D):




































carry out












удалять ошибки

paging file


task manager









диспетчер задач








файл подкачки



English for Special Purposes


Computer Engineering


5. Match a verb in A with a noun in B:













a computer








the Net




the instructions




the button




a problem








two computers together





6. Complete the puzzle using the clues.




a set of rules to be followed in calculations or other
























problem-solving operations, especially by a computer























































































a graphical representation of a computer


























program in relation to its sequence of functions

























































































a program that controls the operation of a




























device such as a printer or scanner


























































































an open-source version of the UNIX





























operating system




















































































the simultaneous execution of more

































than one task by a single CPU
























































WORD BUILDING: Useful prefixes 1

A prefix is placed at the beginning of a word to modify or change its meaning. These are

some prefixes used in English for Computer Engineering. You can find more detail or

precision for each prefix in a dictionary. The origins of words are extremely complicated.

You should be very careful, because what often appears to be a prefix is not a prefix at all.

7. Match the prefixes with their meanings in the box. Two of them have the same meaning.


not (negative)





re- means ______________________________________________________________

pre- means ______________________________________________________________

dis- means ______________________________________________________________

un- means ______________________________________________________________

8. Write a prefix in front of each word (some of them can take more than one prefix).

English for Special Purposes

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