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V. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

My best friend is Alison. We (1) ... (know) each other since we (2) …(be) five years old. We (3) … (always help) each other, but we (4) … (also enjoy) good times together and we (5) ... (spend) many hours laughing together. We (6) … (live) next door to each other before Alison (7) ... (move) to London. I (8) … (visit) her many times since then. She (9) … (just buy) a new house but I (10) … (not see) it yet.


VI. Закончите диалог, поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

John: I do not know where to go on holiday this year. Have you got any ideas?

Mary: (1) ... ( you\ ever \ be) to Spain? I (2) ... (go) to Madrid and Barcelona last year and I really (3) … (enjoy) myself.

John: I (4) ... (spend) two years in Spain. But I (5) … (never/visit) South America.


Модальные глаголы.

VII. Вставьте should ( совет) или have to ( должен, обязан).

1.Your hair is too long. I think you … get it cut.

2. I am going to bed. I … be up early tomorrow.

3. I … tell my parents where I am, then they do not worry.

4. I like your boyfriend. You … invite him round.

5. If you need some help with your homework you ... go to the library.

6. You … visit San Francisco because it is the most beautiful city in America.

7. You … get a work permit if you want to work in America.

8. When you go to America you … hire a car because it is the easiest way to travel.

Stop and Check 3

Units 9-12

Сложноподчинённые предложения. Придаточные предложения времени (…when,assoonas) и условные предложения (…if)Iгруппы.

I. Закончите предложения, поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму: Present Simple или Future Simple.

1. If the dog … (keep) barking, the neighbors … (complain).

2. The boss … (be angry), if you … (arrive) late for work again.

3. If you …(study) hard, you …(pass) your exams.

4. If the weather … (be) bad on Saturday, we … (stay) at home.

5. When the TV program …(end), Pete … (do) his homework.

6. As soon as I …(earn) a lot of money, I…(buy) a new car.

7. When we … (receive) a telegram from him we … (not worry).

8. While Ann … (be) in Paris she ... (visit) her friends.


II. Составьте предложения, соотнесите строчку в колонке а со строчкой в колонке b.

1. If there are no buses

a. we`ll make a snowman

2. If you go on diet

b. you`ll understand everything

3. If it snows

c. she`ll have to take a taxi

4. If you listen carefully

d. you`ll lose weight


Условные предложения II группы (Second Conditionals).

III. Закончите предложения, поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму: Past Simple(were, lived) или Future-in- the Past (would go).

1. If she … (study) more, she ... (be) a better student.

2. If I … (live) in France, I … (speak) French well.

3. I … (buy) that bag, if it … (be) cheaper.

4. If I … (be) you I … (go) to bed earlier.

5. If I … (be) taller I … (join) the basketball team.


IV. Перепишите следующие предложения, используя Second Conditional.

Например: I`m not rich. I do not live in a big house.

If I were rich, I would live in a big house.

1. I do not have enough money. I do not buy a new car.

2. Ann does not tell Sam the truth. He is not angry with her.

3. I do not have a plane. I do not travel all over the world.

4. Tom spends a lot of money. He is poor.

5. My uncle smokes so much. He is ill.


Глагольные структуры (Verb Patterns).

V. Закончите предложения, поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму: инфинитив (to go) или герундий (going).

1. I enjoy … (visit) places I have never been to before.

2. If you do not stop … (smoke), you`ll make yourself ill.

3. I`d like … (go) to India next year.

4. We hoped … (finish) the project by the end of the month.

5. My parents made me … (study) hard during my exams.

6. Let`s go…(swim) this Sunday.

7. The dentist told me … (be) careful when I brush my teeth.


VI. Выберите правильную форму глагола.

1. My mum always makes me to go / going/ go to the dentist.

2. Alison wants go/ going/ to go to Paris.

3. Albert likes to watch/ watching/ watch TV before going to bed.

4. My parents do not let me to come/ coming/come home late.

5. Tom used ride/ riding/ to ride a bicycle when he was a boy.


Страдательный залог (Passive Voice).

VII.Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

1. The beautiful house … (build) by an Italian architect 5 year ago.

2. The doctor … (just examine) Pavel.

3. Alpha Romeo cars … (make) in Italy.

4. A swimming pool … (build) in our town next year.

5. The letter … (type) at the moment.

6. My sister … (work) as a teacher for 25 years.


VIII. Выберите правильную форму глагола (Active or Passive Voice).

1. James Cameron was directed / directed Titanic.

2. The announcement will make / will be made tomorrow.

3. Marie Curie discovered / was discovered radium.

4. The picture has just been stolen / stole from Art Gallery.

5. France and Britain developed / was developed Concorde, the world`s fastest plane, in 1960.


IX. Перепишите следующий отрывок в страдательном залоге.

1. Some people saw a UFO in the sky above London last night.

2. They reported it to the police.

3. The army sent a helicopter to look at it more closely.

4. The UFO shot the helicopter down and killed the pilots in it.

5. The people have already given photographs.

6. The experts are looking at the photographs now.


Might = will + perhaps.

X. Напишите предложения с might вместо will + perhaps.

Например: Perhaps it will rain tomorrow. It might rain tomorrow.

1. Perhaps we`ll go to Italy next year.

2. Perhaps Ann and Pete will buy a new computer soon.

3. Put the car keys somewhere safe. Perhaps you`ll lose them.

4. Do not buy this book. Perhaps your son won`t like it.

5. Don`t wait for me. Perhaps I`ll be late.


Stop and Check 4

Units 13-14

Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous.

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