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Look through the following text and fill in the gaps with the words given below: Leadership is a position of style

By changing one’s professional image, an _1_ cannot only become more successful, but also _2_ the future of the country. Businesspeople need more than just an academic _3_ of marketing and sales to be successful; they need _4_ manners and the right outfit.

The right image is _5_ for success. Most people don’t realize the importance of having a proper _6_ at work. For instance, women don’t know that they should _7_ put pictures of children on their desk, or people will _8_ they aren’t concerned with their work. Men, on the other hand, should never be _9_ pictures of their families, or people will think they are _10_.

Cultivating the proper image can help change Russia’_11_for the better. Russia has entered a new era and it is necessary _12_ the image of a socially responsible business people. We should also _13_between the English word “leader” and the traditional Russian _14_ “rukovoditel”. “Rukovoditel” is a word for the old times when bosses simply delegated tasks to employees. “Leader”_15_someone more proactive and cooperative.

Image, future, proper, employee, without, change, implies, irresponsible, knowledge, to build, term, never, differentiate, essential, think.


Task 13

Write a brief summary of the text.


Task 14

Answer the following questions.

  1. What was the “Soviet” approach to looking for a job?

  2. What is the best, more civilized means of looking for a job?

  3. What information do job opportunities ads give and what information is omitted?

  4. Is it possible to extract information about the company’s activity from such an ad?

  5. What does the name of the “assistant” position imply?

  6. What skills are very important for an applicant?


Task 15

Render the text into English.

Несколько советов для успешного прохождения собеседования при устройстве на работу

В последнее время в большинстве организаций собеседование при устройстве на работу становится все более и более сложным: один интервьюер или комиссия, множественные интервью, демонстрация навыков и способностей, изучение личного дела, психологические тесты, ролевые игры, задания на сообразительность и так называемые "испытание улицей". Так как невозможно предугадать все, с чем вы можете столкнуться, наши советы помогут вам успешно пройти собеседование.

1. Приготовьтесь ко всему мыслимому и немыслимому. Почему к немыслимому? Ответ прост: спланируйте вашу стратегию, подготовив ответы на возможные вопросы, и тренируйтесь, тренируйтесь, тренируйтесь. Проведите ролевую игру и повторяйте свои ответы до тех пор, пока они не будут звучать естественно и спонтанно слетать с языка, что возможно только после многократных повторений. Особенно четко формулируйте то, что вы знаете и чего хотите добиться.

Большинство собеседований основаны на изучении резюме, поэтому укажите, в нем ваши цели, соответствующий опыт, образование и т.п., их запомните и прочувствуйте. Что же касается ваших целей в работе, ясно сформулируйте, чего вы хотите и не хотите. На рынке труда мало места для кандидатов, готовых делать, что угодно и в результате они ничего не получат.

2. Убедитесь, что ваши возможности совпадают с вашими целями.

К примеру, если в университете вы написали курсовую работу, чтобы иметь право занять определенную должность, если у вас есть водительские права, если вы достигли особых трудовых успехов или получили определенный сертификат, обязательно упомяните об этом в вашем рассказе или включите в свой файл.

3. Четко опишите свои сильные стороны.

Вам без сомнения будут задавать вопросы, касающиеся ваших сильных и слабых сторон. Вам нужно знать свои сильные стороны и особо выделить те из них, которые непосредственно могут относиться к вашей будущей должности.

4. Не позволяйте вопросу о зарплате изводить себя.

Стоимость вашего труда - вопрос взаимного согласования, основанный на вашей осведомленности о том, чего вы стоите и на вашей способности убедить в этом интервьюера. Итак: узнайте уровень компенсации за работу, которую вы ищете, определите реалистичную стоимость вашего труда и будьте готовы отстоять свою позицию.

Несколько дополнительных советов:

  1. Встаньте, когда человек, который будет проводить с вами собеседование, здоровается с вами. Стойте до тех пор, пока вам нe предложат присесть.

  2. Крепко пожмите руку интервьюера и стойте прямо напротив него - это скажет о вашей уверенности.

  3. Будьте вежливы с секретарем в приемной, так как интервьюер обычно интересуется его мнением.

  4. Мужчины: наденьте костюм консервативного цвета (темно-синий, коричневый, темно-серый, темно-зеленый, или черный) с белой рубашкой, черными либо просто темными туфлями, и носками в тон вашему костюму.

  5. Женщины: туфли должны быть под цвет вашего костюма или чуть темнее. Лучший выбор - туфли на среднем каблуке. Не надевайте босоножки или туфли с открытым носком. Убедитесь, что ваш макияж подходит для должности, на которую вы претендуете, а также постарайтесь, чтобы он был естественным.

  6. Не стесняйтесь жестикулировать - это прибавит вам уверенности.

  7. Не забывайте улыбаться.

  8. Смотрите прямо в глаза интервьюеру. Это очень важно, т.к. придает вам больше искренности.

  9. Никогда не говорите ничего неприятного о себе и о ваших нынешних, либо бывших начальниках. Если вас попросят рассказать что-нибудь плохое, выберите эпизод из прошлого и, не задерживаясь на нем, сразу переходите к тому, чего хорошего вы ждете от новой работы.

  10. Возьмите с собой папку из мягкой кожи - никаких больших портфелей или сумочек.

  11. Не перестарайтесь с парфюмом: вы ведь не хотите уморить интервьюера слишком резким запахом.

  12. Будьте внимательны ко всем деталям - чищеная обувь, прическа, аксессуары, аккуратный маникюр.

  13. Не демонстрируйте никаких символов религиозной или политической принадлежности.

  14. Узнайте о компании и интервьюере как можно больше.

  15. Отправьте благодарность по факсу, либо электронной почте сразу после собеседования, в тот же день.


Task 16

Read the text and the example below.


An excellent resume may help you get the job of your dreams and a poor resume may mean a lost opportunity. Since this is the first piece of information a company will receive about you, it is critically important that your resume, be well-written.

It should be presented at the beginning of any interview that you have with a company. Ideally, resume should not be longer than one page. The contents of a resume can be roughly categorized as:

  1. PERSONAL INFORMATION (address and telephone number),




  5. SKILLS,



The resume begins with PERSONAL INFORMATION, name, address, telephone number centered at the top page. After your address, a statement of intent or JOB OBJECTIVE should be written. This objective should be well thought out from the very beginning since it will influence how you will write the rest of the resume. After the statement of intent, describe your EDUCATION.

List the universities, institutes and colleges you have attended in reverse chronological order. Any studying you have done abroad should be included and courses that you have taken that are relevant.

Your working EXPERIENCE is the next section. List your experience starting with your most recent place of employment and work backwards. Spell out the exact dates of employment, your position, and the name of the company you worked for. Following experience, you should list your special SKILLS.

These include your language skills, computer abilities, and any other talent that relates to your statement of intent. When describing your language abilities, it is best to be honest about assessing your level, "Fluent English", "native Russian", "intermediate German", and "beginning French" are all ways to describe your language abilities. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES should be included in the next section. Student or professional organizations you belong to, travel, sports and hobbies should be listed here. The last section of your resume is the REFERENCE section. List at least two people, not related to you, who can describe your qualification for the job. Their names, titles, places of work, and telephone numbers should be included. The style and format of a resume are extremely important. Your resume must be typed, preferably on a computer in order to format it most effectively. A neat and well-written resume with no spelling mistakes will give an employer the impression that you are accurate and take care of details.

A resume will not get you a job. An interview with a company will get you a job. In order to have the opportunity of interviewing with a company you should send your resume with a cover letter.

Example of resume

Anna Smirnova

98, Chaikovskogo Street, apt. 85

St Petersburg, 191194, Russia

Phone: +7 812 272 08 95


Obtain employment in the field of public relations that will allow me to use my ability to work with people and take advantage of my knowledge of English.


St. Petersburg State University, 1989-1996, Diploma in English and French.

Qualified as English interpreter.


Assistant, Interpreter of Director General Insurance Co.


Rodin a Ros Company

April 1996- Duties: schedules of meetings, appointments and till now recording of the personnel, interpreting and translation of documents.

January - Personal assistant and secretary to Mr. Ron Black at the March office of Operation Carelift.

1993 A former member of the Pennsilvania House of Representatives supervised the activities of this NGO in distributing humanitarian assistance in St.Petersburg. Duties: interviewing and screening Russian organization which applied for humanitarian assistance, arranging and supervising of deliveries of children's shoes and boots in St. Petersburg, scheduling of the drivers and Russian personnel.


ENGLISH Fluent reading, writing and speaking ability. Qualified as interpreter and translator,

FRENCH Good reading and translating ability.

GERMAN Rudimentary conversation German acquired during several visits to Germany.

OTHER SKILLS: Computer. Microsoft Word and Excel. Typing, fax, Xerox.

HOBBIES: Theatre, music, tourism, sports.



Task 17

Write your own resume according to the example.

Task 18

Read the text about a supporting letter which should usually accompany your CV or Resume. Pay attention to the differences in the content between the first document and the following one.

How to write a cover letter

When you use a resume to apply for a job, you also need a short cover letter. The cover letter should not simply repeat information given in the resume; instead, it should begin by identifying the job for which you are applying and telling how you heard about it. You can then add any other information not included in the resume which might be important for this particular job. Finally, request an interview, include your phone number, and when you can be reached. Address the letter to a specific individual whenever possible. Develop a bridge between yourself and employer at the very beginning, tell how you learned of the vacancy. Give a brief statement, emphasizing your qualifications for this position. Use words directly from the job ad to describe what you can do. Emphasize what you can do for an employer rather than what he can do for you. Show enthusiasm throughout your letter.

Sample: Cover Letter

753 Westborn Drive

Ardmore, PA 19361

November 23, 2002

Mr. Arnold Peck

Director of Personnel

Lientz Construction, Inc.

119 Westview Drive

Willoughby, OH 44094

Dear Mr. Peck:

With a civil engineering degree from Easter-University and practical experience in the field, I believe I could be of value to Lientz Construction. Would you please consider me for the junior civil engineering position described in the November

22 New York Times?

Your notice calls for a candidate with «business sense». While at Eastern, I took many business courses, including three advanced seminars. I was intrigued by the sometimes conflicting goals of high profits, and good lab our-management relations and did my research on solutions to such problems in the construction industry.

In three summers work with two construction firms, I saw the practical side of this issue. I began as a laborer experience which will be of great value to me in my career in construction. I have prepared over three dozen bids and estimates for both residential and commercial customers. In addition, I revised the entire drafting of a

700-unit housing complex in southern New Jersey.

The enclosed resume provides an overview of my skills and experience. Could I meet with you at your convenience to discuss my qualifications for the position? You can leave a message for me any weekday at (215)525-6681.

Very truly yours,

Kenneth Chaing

Enclosure (1)

Task 19

Look through the following text and fill in the gaps with the words given below:

Application Letter

Dear Mr. Wong,

Please consider my application for the Programmer (1) advertised in last Saturday’s Morning Post. I (2) I possess the required qualifications, as well as (3) characteristics which would make me an asset to your team.

As you can see from my enclosed (4) I will soon receive my Bachelor’s Degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. My (5) includes coursework and experience in using several computer languages.

While participating in (6) at University and in doing summer jobs I also (7) personal characteristics that have prepared me (8) as a member of a team. I learned the importance of (9) planning and job allocation, cooperation and responsibility to ensure a (10) outcome.

I am eager to develop myself, and hope that my learning (11) will not stop after graduation from University. I see myself in the long-term (12) as living in Hong Kong and contributing to a company which is innovative and (13).

(Developed, successful, growing, position, activities, future, believe, background, personal, careful, experiences, resume, to work).


Task 20

Answer the questions and give your opinion.

  1. What are normal working hours for most office jobs in Russia?

  2. How much income tax do most people pay, e.g. 10% or 20% of what they earn?

  3. Do workers normally get paid holidays? If so, how many days do they usually get?

  4. Is there a minimum wage decided by the government?

  5. What jobs often involve shift work in your country?

Think about your own job or the job of someone you know well. How many hours do you or they work? How much do you/they earn? Do you/they get paid holiday? Do they/you get sick pay? Can you explain your/their responsibilities and daily duties in English?

Write a list of friends, relatives and neighbours who have jobs. What does each person do?

Task 21

Read the dialogues and give your own continuation.

Calling an Employment Agency

Receptionist: Good morning, Pilot agency.

Applicant: Good-morning, my name is Kelly, Robert Kelly.

I'm interested in finding a job in quality control. Is there someone with whom I can speak?

Situation I.

Receptionist: I'm sorry, we don't handle jobs of that kind.

Applicant: O.K I'm sorry to bother you, but can you suggest an agency which does deal with such a job.

Receptionist: You might try the Greenfield agency.

Applicant: Thank you very much for your help. Have a good day.

Receptionist: You too.

Situation II.

Receptionist: Yes, Just a minute, Mr. Robinson will be right with you.

Mr. Robinson: Good morning, Robinson speaking.

Applicant: Good morning, my name is Kelly, I'm interested in finding a job in quality control. May I come and discuss the possibilities?

Mr. Robinson: What are your qualifications in this field?

Applicant: I have a five year diploma from Baltic State Technical University in certification.


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