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  1. I was not sufficiently interested to continue the argument.

  2. You are lucky to live in such a beautiful spot.

  3. His wife was in London. She was busy finding themselves a new home.

  4. I'm not very likely to do that.

  5. Such results are impossible to achieve.

  6. I was surprised to be rung up by Charles.

  7. I respected her highly and was proud to know her.

  8. I was free to go and to come as I pleased.

  9. His plane was due to leave at one.

  10. I was distressed to find him so ill.

  11. The man was easy to understand.

  12. I saw that he was reluctant to go.

  13. He was now determined to stay there.

  14. The offer was not so easy for Doris to accept.

  15. When I arrived he was busy mowing the lawn.

  16. His collection of stamps was worth seeing.

Ex. 18.

  1. He didn't now know how to pass the day.

  2. I don't know who to believe any more.

3. We sat silent a few minutes. We didn't know what to talk about. 4- I didn't know whether to thank him again or not.

  1. He took off his glasses and looked vainly for something with which tc clean them.

  2. I couldn't decide where to look for him.

  3. He appeared uncertain which way to go.

  4. He learned how to get along with such people.

  5. Autumn is not a suitable season in which to travel.

  1. He had little time left in which to sleep.

  2. Philip did not know whether to go or to stay.

  3. There were more knives, forks and spoons than he knew what to dc with.

  4. "Men are queer creatures, and one has to know how to manage them," Ann said to me.

  5. I didn't quite know what to do about my brother.

Ex. 19.

  1. on

  2. for

  3. from

  4. in

  5. of

  6. with

  7. in, in

  1. for

  2. to

  1. in

  2. to

  3. at, from

  4. to

  5. of

  1. against

  2. for

  3. for

  4. by, into

  5. to

  6. of

  7. from

Ex. 20.

  1. she

  2. him

  3. Milly

  1. this old house

  2. Beryl

  3. her

  1. him

  2. your

Ex. 21.

  1. walking

  2. having written

  3. being ordered

  4. using

  1. being forced

  2. being made

  3. having done

  4. having seen

9. Being connects!

  1. having escaped, (having) married

  2. having guessed

Ex. 22.

  1. He didn't object to others being there.

  2. I can't blame you for being so eager to leave the town in this weat

  3. I had nothing to do with his making the decision.

  4. Then I suspected him of teasing me.

  1. We had no difficulty in being nice to each other.

  2. He insisted upon her learning this complicated game.

  3. There was nothing to prevent him from returning to London.

  4. He apologized for keeping me.

  5. I didn't succeed in making Ann talk.

  1. My father often accused me of treating the house as a hotel.

  2. I was not really sure what I felt about Jack coming home.

  3. I told him about Phil wanting to come with us.

  4. At the hotel, she insisted upon paying for the taxi.

  5. Dan talked Bill into staying to lunch with him.

  6. The doctor began by feeling his pulse.

  7. For a second, I was afraid he was thinking of resigning.

  8. He insisted on Ann being invited here at once.

  9. I disapprove of him for ever getting involved into this affair.

  10. I asked him how he felt about being a doctor.

  11. How did you account for smashing that car?

  12. He reproached himself for not having tried to talk with her.

Ex. 23.

  1. to 7. on 13. at

  2. of 8. of 14. at

3.. in 9. at 15. about

  1. about 10. in 16. of

  2. of 11. at 17. in

  3. at 12. at 18. of

Ex. 24.

  1. he 5. his friend 9. no tourists

  2. Meg 6. the car 10. someone

  3. me 7. he

  4. I 8. me

Ex. 25.

  1. living

  2. being entertained

  3. having invented

  4. wearing

  1. having been

  2. being told

  3. having persuaded

  4. dealing

9. being interviewed 10. getting

Ex. 26.

  1. You're pretty good at keeping your mouth shut.

  2. I felt proud of having been of use to him.

  3. I knew he was not capable of making decisions.

  1. The doctor was used to listening to all sorts of people.

  2. I'm sorry for giving you so much trouble.

  3. I'm more interested than you in finding her.

  4. I am sure that you are quite capable of dealing with the situation.

  5. I am tired of doing what does not come easily to me.

  6. I was surprised at his getting married at all.

  1. I was a little disappointed at not meeting Charles.

  2. She was grateful to him for realizing that she didn't want to talk about herself.

  3. He was annoyed with her for getting him involved in this quarrel.

  4. He was fond of laughing at those who were shy.

Ex. 27.

  1. to realize 5. to carry 9. to ask

  2. to know 6. hearing 10. making, to argue

  3. to analyse 7. to feel j

  4. deciding 8. being ,j



Ex. 28.

  1. He was very tired and it took an effort to get out of the car.

  2. I don't think it amused him to quarrel.

  3. How long would it take her to find another flat?

  4. When it was time for me to leave, she begged me to phone that night.

  5. It pleased me to think that he did not know my plans.

  6. The wind was so strong that it took him four matches to light a cigarette.

  7. It irritated Mary to hear Willy use a German word or phrase.

  8. It didn't matter much Pat being late.

  9. It did not take long for the kitchen to get warm.

  1. After a time she said it was his turn to explain what he wanted to do.

  2. It never occurred to me to compare the two books.

  3. It delighted me to read the letter.

  4. It tortured him to see her body shaken by sobs.

  5. It might be of interest for you to see what sort of person this Allen ii

  6. It has given me pleasure to write an essay on his novels.

  7. It fascinates me to visit strange places.

  8. When it came down to cooking dinner she burst into tears.

  9. They never knew how much courage it had taken her to ask that question.

Ex. 29.

  1. to say

  2. to deal

  1. to feel

  2. to judge

  1. having

  2. to tell

7. 8. 9.

to walk (walking)


to go

  1. to decline

  2. being

  3. to explain

  1. to decline

  2. being

  3. having



  1. It is quite possible to have different views on the same issue.

  2. It is nice to be out in this weather.

  3. It was wonderful having Bart with us.

  4. In this rain it's tough getting a taxi.

  5. It seemed worth having a look at the cottage.

  6. It was rather sweet of him to hurry home in order to tell her all about it without delay.

  7. It will be very nice for my son to have a boy of his age to play with.

  8. It is delightful to plunge into cold water on a hot day.

  9. It was nice of you to do it fast.

  1. It is not natural for a young man to spend all his evenings at home.

  2. It is necessary to decide today whether to invite him.

  3. It's most annoying his disappearing like that.

  4. It was hateful to cause the old man pain.

  5. Then I thought it would be silly of me not to profit if I could.

  6. It was not unusual for dinner parties to end that way.

  7. If you have children it is sometimes worth being on the school com-




  1. Throughout the morning I found it difficult to concentrate.

  2. You will find it hard to forget the incident.

  3. We thought it best for her to go and live in London for a bit.

  4. He found it good to sleep in his own bed.

  5. He thought it odd of Tom to come.

  6. You want me to make it easy for you to leave us, don't you?

  7. I thought it possible to put one more question.

  8. He did not think it necessary to mention it to him.

  9. The noise made it impossible for me to hear what they were talking about.

  1. They all felt it unreasonable of Ann to have left them without a word.

  2. I thought it odd of you not to stay to tea with me.

  3. Her aunt's care made it possible for her to get used to her new way of


  1. I felt it somewhat unwise to pursue the subject.

  2. He did not feel it necessary to take any precautions.

  3. I found it hard to forget our conversation.

  4. I found it impossible to be frank with him.

  5. Would you find it convenient for me to call on you on Monday?

  6. I find it hard to understand him.

  1. Grant thought it best to deny everything.

  1. Hugh's mood made it impossible to approach him with my request.

Ex. 32.


to sleep




to be


to be


to tackle


to be




to stand




to lose


to whistle


to feel


to wish




to apply


to sit

  1. to make

  2. warming

  3. to get

  4. refusing

  5. whistling

  6. to kill

  7. to turn

  8. to show

  9. to express

  10. to await

  11. to be

  12. lying

  13. to take

  14. to use

  15. being

  16. being

Ex. 33.

  1. to have divorced

  2. to indicate

  3. to have been

  4. to have used

  5. to face

  1. to have quarrelled

  2. to be writing

  3. to have been caused

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