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4.16.6 Quality

  • 1) What do you understand by the word “quality?” What role does it play in life? What place does it occupy in the processes we are engaged in?

What this all leads up to is the capstone of the Deming philosophy – quality – which is achieved through the never-ending improvement of the extended process, for which management is responsible. There are three types of quality that managers must understand if they want to improve the extended process. These are: (1) quality of design/redesign, (2) quality of conformance, and (3) quality of performance. Quality of design begins with consumer research, sales analysis, and service call analysis and leads to the determination of a prototype that meets the customer’s needs. In considering consumer’s needs, it is critical that firms look years ahead to determine what will help customers in the future. Next, specifications are constructed for the prototype and are disseminated throughout the firm and back to the suppliers. Quality of conformance is the extent to which a firm and its suppliers are able to surpass the design specifications required to meet customers’ needs. Quality of performance is the determination through research and sales/service call analysis of how the firm’s products or services are actually performing in the marketplace. Quality of performance leads to quality of redesign, and so the cycle of never-ending improvement continues.

  • 2) Answer the questions:

a) What is the main idea of the Deming philosophy?

b) How is quality achieved?

c) What are the three types of quality that managers must understand?

d) What do the tree types of quality mean?

4.16.7 Common and special variation

  • 1) Look at the phrases taken from the article: a process varies, common variation, special variation, a change in the system, accountable for, to penalize, beyond one’s control, to differentiate, crucial, inherent. What do they mean?

  • 2) Read the text and answer the questions:

1) What is the difference between common and special variations?

2) The common variation in a system is inherent in it, isn’t it?

3) What can the common variation be caused by?

4) What could special variation be caused by?

5) What can lead to the total achievement of quality?

6) Who and what must be involved in the process of achieving quality?

A process in a firm is like any other type of process – it varies. Consider a natural process or system such as your own appetite. Some days, you are hungrier than you typically are, and some days you eat less than you usually do, and perhaps at different times. Your system varies from day to day, to some degree. This is common variation. However, if you go on a diet or become ill, you might drastically alter your eating habits for a time. This would be a special variation because it would have been caused by a change in the system. If you hadn’t gone on a diet or become ill, your system would have continued on its former path of common variation.

Understanding the difference between common and special variation in a system is a critical element in the Deming philosophy. Management must realize that unless a change is made in the system (which only management can make), the system’s process capability will remain the same. This capability will include the common variation that is inherent in any system. Workers should not be held accountable for or be penalized for common variation; it is beyond their control. Common variation could be caused by such things as poor lighting, lack of ongoing training, or poor product design. Special variation could be caused by new materials, a broken die, or a new operator. Workers can become involved in creating and utilizing statistical methods so that common and special variations can be differentiated and process improvements can be implemented. Since variation produces more defective and less uniform products, it is crucial that managers understand how to reduce and control variation. Understanding and controlling variation can lead to the total achievement of quality.

Managers must understand that there is no easy way to change the current situation. There can be no quick results because what is needed is a continuing cycle of improved methods of manufacturing, testing, consumer research, product redesign, etc. This view extends to include the company’s vendors, customers, and investors. All must play a role in the continuing improvement of quality.

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