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  • 2) Answer the questions:

a) You are a socially active student, aren’t you?

b) Which of the mentioned events would you like to take part in?

c) Should students be involved in extracurricular activities or should they devote their free time to studying only?

  • 3) Agree or disagree with the statements:

a) “Students’ life in the Karelian Branch of NWAPA is quite diverse and intensive.”

b) “The students of the Karelian Branch of NWAPA understand the role of science in contemporary world and value the work of modern scientists.”

c) “The students also understand the role of foreign languages in their future career.”




  • 1) Answer the questions:

a) When did you last fill in a form in Russian? What for?

b) Do you know how to fill in a form in English?

Jim: Your painting is fantastic, Roger! Roger: I’m happy you like it. It’s for a competition. Here’s the form.

Jim: Right. OK, here are the questions.... Your hands are dirty. Roger: ... from painting! What are the questions? Here’s a pen (gives him a pen to fill the form in)

Jim: What’s your name? Roger: Oh, that’s difficult ... Roger!

Jim: Ha, ha. What’s your surname? Roger: I’m not sure ...

Jim: Very funny! OK, surname – Tailor. Roger: Yes, that’s it!

Jim: Next question, please. Are you married or single? Roger: Single. I’m sure about that!

Jim: What’s your address? Roger: 72 London Road.

Jim:... and what are your hobbies? Roger: Hmmm.... painting, going windsurfing and watching TV.

Jim: ... OK, last question. What’s your telephone number? Roger: 0343 897 6514

Jim: 0343 897 6514 – I got it. Where’s an envelope? Roger: Over there ...

  • 2) Say what these answers refer to:

a) Roger

b) Tailor

c) single

d) 72 London Road

e) painting, going windsurfing and watching TV

f) 0343 897 6514

2.2 Tell us about your family!

  • 1) Read the text and answer the questions:

a) Who is David? Who is Daniela? Who are Allan, Cecilia, Brian, Jenny, and Jason?

b)What is David? What is Daniela? What are Allan and Cecilia?

c)Where do the family members live?

d)What is special about each of the family member?

e)What are the family members fond of?

I think that a family is the most important thing for every person. Family is the people that always love you, support you and help you. For me, it is impossible to live without my family. My family is rather large. There are my parents, a brother, a twin sister and grandparents. We are from Vermont, the USA. We live in the suburbs of Bristol in a cottage. It takes us only half an hour to get to the city by car.

My Dad’s name is David. He is a plastic surgeon; he helps people to become more beautiful. He is a professional and he is fond of his job. My Daddy does his work very well and gets a very good salary. When he is free, he prefers to repair the car or to watch the news on TV. My Mum’s name is Daniela but we cal her Danny for short. She is a housewife. She looks after the house and us, the kids. Mum makes very tasty breakfasts and dinners for us. Our Mummy is very kind, but strict to us. She always checks how we do our homework. She arranges our free time, so that we cannot just fool around. In her spare time she enjoys knitting, sewing, embroidering, and baking. She is also very good at gardening.

My elder brother, Jason, is a student of the medical faculty. He wants to become a good surgeon, like our father. Besides he is also a member of the local theatre club. He plays main parts in several plays. He is a real theater-lover. Jason lives alone in a hostel but he comes to visit us twice a month.

My twin sister Jenny is finishing school this year. But she has not yet made up her mind about her future profession. On the one hand she is fond of animals and can become a vet, on the other hand she is very good at mathematics and knows some complex computer programs. Maybe she will have a year off to think over her future possibilities. My sister is such a sweet-tooth!

Our grandparents, Allan and Cecilia, are scientists. Grandfather is a historian and grandmother is a linguist. They are over sixty, and they are retired but they still give lectures in different universities and write serious books. They live apart from us, in a condominium complex in Birmingham. But we phone each other regularly to find out the news.

I have also got many relatives. I’ve got two aunts, one uncle, and three cousins. We keep in touch by e-mail or by phone since they live in Europe and we seldom meet each other.

As for me, my name is Brian. I have always loved music. I can play the guitar and piano very well. I am also good at singing. I love all kinds of music, but mostly I prefer rock. After school I am planning to enter the music college, because I want to become a professional musician. At the same time I want to have my own rock band. I dream of being famous!

Everyone in our family is rather busy, but we always look forward to a possibility to spend some time together. We all get on very well with each other. My family means a lot to me and I can say that “My family is my castle.”

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