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Step 3. Types of computers

Task 1. Learn the following words and word combinations.

To distinguish from – отличатьсяот

to store – хранить

to process – обрабатывать

to retrieve – извлекать (хранимую) информацию

data – данные

analog – аналоговой

varying data – переменные данные

discrete data – дискретные данные

concurrently (with) – одновременно (с)

sophisticated – сложный, современный, передовой

general-purpose systems – системы общего назначения

to meet the needs – отвечать потребностям, удовлетворять потребности

RISC (reduced instruction set computer) processor – процессор с сокращенным набором команд

single-user – однопользовательский

multi-user – многопользовательский (способность компьютера и/или ПО поддерживать одновременную работу многих пользователей, предоставляя им весь спектр возможностей системы)

local area network – локальная сеть

parallel-processing system – система параллельной обработки

grid computing – сетевые вычисления, «решетки» вычислительных ресурсов

integrated circuit – интегральная микросхема

to spur – стимулировать, вдохновлять

versatility – универсальность, эксплуатационная гибкость

inefficient – неэффективный

Task 2. Read and translate the text.

Types of computers

A computer is a device capable of performing a series of arithmetic or logical operations. A computer is distinguished from a calculating machine, such as an electronic calculator, by being able to store a computer program (so that it can repeat its operations and make logical decisions), by the number and complexity of the operations it can perform, and by its ability to process, store, and retrieve data without human intervention. Computers developed along two separate engineering paths, producing two distinct types of computer-analog and digital. An analog computer operates on continuously varying data; a digital computer performs operations on discrete data.

Computers are categorized by both size and the number of people who can use them concurrently. Supercomputers are sophisticated machines designed to perform complex calculations at maximum speed; they are used to model very large dynamic systems, such as weather patterns. Mainframes, the largest and most powerful general-purpose systems, are designed to meet the computing needs of a large organization by serving hundreds of computer terminals at the same time.

Minicomputers, though somewhat smaller, also are multi-user computers, intended to meet the needs of a small company by serving up to a hundred terminals. Microcomputers, computers powered by a microprocessor, are subdivided into personal computers and workstations, the latter typically incorporating RISC processors. Although microcomputers were originally single-user computers, the distinction between them and minicomputers has blurred as microprocessors have become more powerful. Linking multiple microcomputers together through a local area network or by joining multiple microprocessors together in a parallel-processing system has enabled smaller systems to perform tasks once reserved for mainframes, and the techniques of grid computing have enabled computer scientists to utilize the unemployed processing power of connected computers.

Advances in the technology of integrated circuits have spurred the development of smaller and more powerful general-purpose digital computers. Not only has this reduced the size of the large multi-user mainframe computers, but it has also made possible powerful, single-user personal computers and workstations that can sit on a desktop. These, because of their relatively low cost and versatility, have largely replaced typewriters in the workplace and rendered the analog computer inefficient.

Task 3. Do you think the statements are true or false?

  1. An electronic calculator does not differ from a computer.

  2. There are two distinct types of computers - analog and digital. An analog computer operates on discrete data; a digital computer performs operations on continuously varying data.

  3. Mainfraims are large and powerful general-purpose single-user computers.

  4. The distinction between microcomputers and minicomputers has blurred as the latter have become more powerful.

  5. Advances in the technology of integrated circuits have reduced the size of the large multi-user computers.

Task 4. Answer the questions.

  1. What is a computer?

  2. How is a computer distinguished from a calculating machine?

  3. What is the difference between analog computers and digital ones?

  4. What types of computers are described in the text? What are their major characteristic features?

  5. How do the advances in the technology affect computers?

Task 5.Find in the text the English equivalents for the following.

  1. принимать решения;

  2. без участия (вмешательства) человека;

  3. выполнять сложные расчеты на большой скорости;

  4. развитие технологий;

  5. относительно низкая стоимость;

  6. количество и сложность выполняемых операций;

  7. классифицировать по размеру и количеству одновременных пользователей;

  8. разработанный так, чтобы отвечать потребностям;

  9. неиспользуемые возможности по обработке данных (производительность);

10. мультипроцессор.

Task 6. Match the words with their definitions.

1. sophisticated a. a machine or tool used for a specific task;


2. inefficient b. possession of the qualities required to do

something; necessary skill, competence, or


3. to utilize c. the information operated on by a computer


4. to store d. to make practical or worthwhile use of

5. to retrieve e. to perform mathematical and logical operations

on (data) according to programmed instructions

in order to obtain the required information

6. device f. to enter or retain (information) in a storage


7. data g. to recover or make newly available (stored

information) from a computer system

8. to process h. h. unable to perform a task or function to the best

advantage; wasteful or incompetent

9. ability i. complex and refined

Task 7. Complete the sentences using the words from the list below:

meet … needs, utilize, concurrently with, integrated circuit, distinguish … from, spur, local area network, inefficient

1. I sometimes don’t … Spanish … Portuguese.

2. … the conference an exhibition of things associated with Rutherford was held.

3. A … is a computer network covering a small physical area, like a home, office, or small group of buildings, such as a school, or an airport.

4. We can ensure our new products …. your exact …

5. Even a small success would … me on to greater effort.

6. …. methods are too expensive.

7. A monolithic …. is made of devices manufactured by diffusion of trace elements into a single piece of semiconductor substrate, a chip

8. Sound engineers … a range of techniques to enhance the quality of the recordings.

Task 8. Retell the text using your topical vocabulary.