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3. Learn the key words and expressions.

advertisement – реклама

art gallery – художественная галерея

atop – наверху

band – (зд.) полоса

cargo – груз

carving – резная работа

consider – считать, полагать

design – проектировать

gift – подарок

hang over – висеть над

headquarter – штаб-квартира

luxury – роскошь

mill – завод

picturesque – живописный

pond – пруд

population – население

rich – богатый

stained glass – витражное стекло

unique [jH'nJk] – уникальный

wealthy – состоятельный

zoo – зоопарк

4. Check your comprehension.

1. What is London and where is it situated? 2. What are the main parts of London?

3. What is the West End known for? 4. What parks are there in London?


1. Read the following proper nouns correctly.

The Tower of London ['tauqr qv 'lAndqn] – Лондонский Тауэр

The Norman Keep ['nLmqn 'kJp] – Крепостная башня

Traitor’s gate ['treItqz 'geIt] – калитка изменников

Yeomen-Warders ['joumqn 'wLdqz] – Йомены-смотрители

Beefeaters ['bJf'Jtqz] – служители охраны лондонского Тауэра; букв.: «едоки говядины», получившие это прозвище за свою цветущую внешность.

2. Read and translate the text.


The earliest historical monument of English architecture is the Tower of London built on the ruins of a Roman fortress. Ten centuries have passed since its erection, but time failed to destroyed the enormous thickness of its walls or shake the solidity of its construction. The whole huge fortress occupies almost five hectares of land. For many centuries the Tower has been a fortress, a royal palace, a mint, a prison, a royal treasure and even a Zoo once. Several kings of England found protection within its walls both against foreign enemies and their own people fighting for their liberties and privileges.

The Norman Keep or the White Tower was built by William the Conqueror in the 11th century. He wanted to guard the river approaches to London.

During its earliest days the royalty lived in the secure of White Tower. The Tower was surrounded with a double row of walls up to four metres thick. Smaller towers formed the inner court with the scaffold in the back of it. The traitors’ gate, through which many distinguished prisoners entered, doomed to death, and the grey stones of the Tower can tell terrible stories of violence and unjustice. Among the numerous prisoners were kings of England, France and Scotland. Thomas More, the greatest humanist, was falsely accused and executed there. Narrow galleries, steep staircases, secret passages and dark cells formed in the thickness of the walls exist up to the present day. Arms and armour have always been stored in the Tower and now the Tower of London is a museum.

The Tower is guarded by the Yeomen-Warders, the famous “Beefeaters”, dressed up in traditional medieval clothes. All the traditions and ceremonies are kept up in the Tower of London; everything is left as many centuries ago.

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