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3. Learn the key words and expressions.

area – площадь

bird – птица

food – пища

heat – жара

important – важный

language – язык

native – родной

nearly – около, приблизительно

quiet ['kwaIqt] – тихий, спокойный

quite [kwaIt]– вполне, совершенно

range – амплитуда, диапазон, колебание

total – общий, целый

yearly – ежегодный

4. Make a written translation of the text. Test Yourself

1. A double-decker is a _________.

a. bed for two people b. bus c. ship with two decks

2. Most English children start school in a __________school.

a. high b. primary c. secondary

3. The leader of the opposition forms________.

a. the Cabinet of Ministers b. the Privy Council c. the Shadow Cabinet

4. An Association of former members of the British Empire and Britain is called____.

a. the Commonwealth b. the Common Market c. the United Nations

5. The Ceremony of the Keys takes place every night at 10 p.m. at ________.

a. St. Paul’s Cathedral b. Buckingham Palace c. The Tower

6. The Lake District is in_______.

a. England b. Scotland c. Wales

7. The red cross of St. George on the British national flag is for ______.

a. Ireland b. England c. Scotland

8. Christmas Day is observed on the _______.

a. 25th of December b. 1st of January c. 27th of November

9. The Speaker’s Corner is in ______.

a. Regent’s Park b. Hyde Park c. Kensington Park

10. The capital of Wales is _______.

a. Cardiff b. Glasgow c. Belfast

11. _______ lives at 10, Downing Street.

a. the Lord Mayor b. the Prime Minister c. the President

12. Norman Conquest of Britain took place in _______.

a. 1066 b. 1600 c. 1666

13. The academic year in Oxford has ________.

a. four terms b. two terms c. three terms

14. Loch Lomond is situated in _______?

a. Wales b. Scotland c. England

15. Peter Pen is ________.

a. an outstanding politician b. an English admiral c. a fairy-tale boy

16. The English prefer speaking about _______.

a. the weather b. money c. private affairs

17. Big Ben is ______.

a. a mountain peak b. the bell of the clock c. a tower

18. _______ is the only country which occupies a whole continent.

a. Russia b. Canada c. Australia

19. The _______is the symbol of the New Zealand people.

a. emu b. parrot c. kiwi

20. The maple leaf has been associated with_______ since 1700.

a. the UK b. the USA c. Canada

21. The English children begin going to school at the age of ______.

a. 5 b. 6 c. 7

22. Covent Garden is _______.

a. the Royal Opera House b. the National Picture Gallery c. the National Park

23. The Tower was founded in the 11th century by ____.

a. Alfred the Great b. Edward the Confessor c. William the Conqueror

24. Belfast is the capital of _____.

a. Northern Ireland b. Scotland c. Wales

25. The river flowing between England and Wales is ______ .

a~ the Severn b. the Thames c. the Tweed

26. A thistle is an emblem of _______.

a. England b. Scotland c. Wales

27. In the UK _____ is a symbol of peace.

a. the daffodil b. the poppy c. the red rose

28. The emblems of Wales are _______.

a. the daffodils and the leek b. the leek and the poppy c. the poppy and the daffodils

29. The emblem of Ireland is _____ .

a. the daffodil b. the thistle c. the shamrock

30. ______ is the head of State in Great Britain.

a. The Queen b. The Prime Minister c. Lord Mayor

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