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3. Learn the key words and expressions.

belief – поверье

contending – враждующий

cross – крест

daffodil – нарцисс

defence – защита

due to – благодаря

harp – арфа

horn – рог

knighthood – рыцарство

leek – лук-порей

pagan – язычник

pin – прикалывать

preach – читать проповедь

purity – чистота

rampant – стоящий на задних лапах

regard – рассматривать, считать

rivalry – соперничество

saint – святой

shamrock –трилистник

thistle – чертополох

unicorn – единорог

wear (wore, worn) – носить, одевать

4. Check your comprehension.

1. What is Union Jack? 2. How many crosses is the Union flag made of? 3. What is the national emblem of England? Why? 4. Why are leeks and daffodils the national emblems of Wales? 5. What is the national emblem of Northern Ireland? 6. What do such animals as lions and unicorns mean for the people of Britain?


1. Read the following proper nouns correctly.

John Cabot [dZOn kq'bL] – Джон Кабо

Jack Cartier [dZxk kR'tje] – Жак Картье

Samuel de Champlain ['sxmjuql dq Sxm'pleIn] – Самюэль де Шамплейн

the Saint Lawrence River ['seInt'lOrqns'rIvq] – река Святого Лоренса

Newfoundland ["njHfqnd'lxnd] – Ньюфаундленд

The Governor-General ['gAvqnq 'dZenerql] – Генерал – Губернатор

2. Read and translate the text.

CANADA (1, 600)

Canada is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. Elizabeth II of Great Britain reigns as Queen of Canada, but Canada is an independent, self-governing country.

Modern Canada originated as a country of immigrants. The first Europeans appeared on Canadian soil between the 15th and 16th centuries. They came to the shores of North America in search of a new way to the rich markets of the Orient. Among the first explorers were the French and the English navigators John Cabot and, Jack Cartier and Samuel de Champlain. Then many settlements of fishermen began to appear on the coasts of Canada. French colonies were set up along the Saint Lawrence River. In 1583 Newfoundland was proclaimed a British possession.

North America became the arena of bitter rivalry between England and France. In 1763, after the Seven Years’ War, the whole Canada fell into the hands of Britain. As the years passed, an endless stream of immigrants entered Canada from Britain and the English-speaking settlers became the majority.

Nowadays, Canada occupies the territory of about 10 million square kilometers and it is the second largest country in the world after Russia. Most of the population lives in the southern part of the country (about 30 million people). Canada is exceptionally rich in forests, minerals and fur-bearing animals. There are many rivers with a great hydroelectric energy potential. Canada is one of the most highly developed countries in the world.

As a federation, Canada is made up of ten provinces and two territories. The Parliament is the national legislature of Canada. It comprises the Queen, the House of Commons (elected) with 295 members, and the Senate (appointed) with 104 members.

Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain is also the Queen of Canada. She is the official head of state but the Governor-General acts as her representative. The Governor-General is appointed by the Queen on the advice of the Prime Minister. While the Prime Minister is not the Head of State, he holds most of executive power.

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