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PartI machine-building engineering

  1. Text В


Memorize the pronunciation of the following words:

suitable ['sju:t9bl] —подходящий,соответствующийmember [' mernbo] —элемент,конструкцияstrength [strerjQJ —сопротивление

ductility [dAk'tiliti] —эластичность,ковкость,тягучестьtoughness ['tAfnis] —прочность,вязкостьfatigue [fэ' ti : g] —усталость

resistance [ri ' zistonsj — сопротивление, устойчивость

stiffness ['stifnis] — жесткость

shock [fok] — сотрясение, удар, толчок

wear [wea] — износостойкость

frictional [' f rik/эпэ!] — фрикционные

casting [' ka: stitj] —литье,отливка

lead [led] —свинец

cast-iron [ka: st ' aionj —чугун

carbon [' ka:Ьэп] —углерод

tension [' tenjbn] —упругость

shear [fia] — сдвиг, срез, срезывающее усилие

impact [' impsekt] — сопротивление удару

cupola [' kj u: рэ1э] — вагранка

furnace ['fa:nis] — топка

pig [pig] — болванка

coke [kouk] — кокс, коксовать

moderately ['modaritli] — умеренно

brittle [britl] — хрупкий, ломкий

malleable ['masliabl] — ковкий, тягучий

airtight [es'tait] — герметичный

pot [pot] — резервуар

semisteel [' semis ti :1] —сталистыйчугун

wrought [' ro: t] — кованый, обработанный давлением

iron [aisn] — сварочная сталь

ductile ['dAktail] — ковкий

roll [roul] — прокатывать

draw [dro: ] — вытягивать

forge [fo:d3] —ковать

weld [weld] —сваривать

slag [slaeg] —шлак

tonnage [' tAnid3] —тоннаж,вес

Word combinations for connected reading:

to be hammered —бытьвыкованным

to select suitable materials —выбратьсоответствующиематериалы

machine member —станочныйэлемент

strength —сопротивлениематериалов

fatigue resistance — усталостная прочность

shock resistance — прочность на сотрясение

frictional qualities —фрикционныекачества

in turn by —поочереди

to be weak in tension and shear —слабыйвупругостиивсрезывающемусилии

to be remelted in contact with coke —переплавлятьсявовзаимодействиискоксом

easily machined —легкообрабатываемый

wrought iron is quite ductile —сварочнаястальвполнетягучая(ковкая)to be used to replace —применяется,чтобызаменить


In studying engineering processes an engineer who is to build a machine must select suitable materials for each machinemember. One must know the characteristics of engineering materials. These are as follows:strength, stiffness, ductility, toughness, elasticity,fatigue re­sistance, shock resistance, corrosion resistance,wear resistance, hard­ness resistance,frictional qualities, machinability,casting and forging properties. They depend upon the chemical composition and the phys­ical structure of the material.

From the point of tonnage produced and used, iron is the world’s most common metal, followed in turn by copper, zinc,lead and alu­minium.

Cast iron is a general term applied toiron-carbon alloys contain­ing more than 1.7 per cent ofcarbon. Cast iron without the addition of alloying elements is weak intension andshear, strong in compression and has low resistance toimpact. It is obtained from thecupola furnace wherepig iron is re-melted in contact withcoke. Grey cast iron has the carbon present in the free or graphite state and is soft, easily machined, and onlymoderately brittle. White cast iron has most of the carbon in the combined state and is therefore hard andbrittle. Malleable cast iron is made by heating white iron castings for a period of several days inairtight pots filled with an oxide of iron.

Steel is a ferrous material with a carbon content from 0.1 to 1.0%. Semisteel is a name to a metal made by melting 20 to 40% of steel scrap with cast iron in the cupola. Steel castings are more expensive but strong­er and tougher.

Wrought iron is quiteductile and can be easilyrolled, drawn, forged andwelded. It has high resistance to corrosion. The carbon content is generally less than 0.1% and the material must contain not less than 1 % ofslag.

Cast steel normally contains about 0.5% of carbon, and is used to replace cast iron when castings of considerable strength are required. Forged steel is steel that has been hammered, drawn, pressed or rolled in the process of manufacturing a particular part.

Exercise 1.1. Find the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations:

engineering processes; machine member; casting and forging properties; strong in compression; in the free or graphite state; moderately brittle; in the combined state; when castings of considerable strength are required; forged steel.

машиностроительные процессы; кованая стань; свойства отливки и ковки; станочный элемент; когда отливка значительной крепости необходима; в смешанном состоянии; крепкий на сжатие; умеренно ломкий; в чистом или в графитовом состоянии.

Exercise 1.2. Answer the questions:

  1. What must an engineer who is to build a machine select?

  2. What are the characteristics of engineering materials?

  3. What do they depend upon?

  4. What is the most common metal?

  5. What are the properties of cast iron?

  6. What is cast iron obtained from?

  7. What is grey cast iron?

  8. What is white cast iron?

  9. What is steel?

  10. How is semisteel made?

  11. What can you say about wrought iron?

  12. What does cast steel normally contain?

  13. What is forged steel?

Exercise 1.3. Find the correct statements:

  1. An engineer must select... for each machine member.

  1. a plant;

  2. a workshop;

  3. suitable materials.

  1. One must know ... of engineering materials.

  1. the tonnage;

  2. the structure;

  3. the characteristics.

  1. The characteristics of engineering materials depend upon ...

  1. their weight;

  2. their colour;

  3. the chemical composition and their physical structure.

  1. Steel is a ferrous material with a carbon content from ...

  1. 0.2 to 2.0%;

  2. 0.3 to 3.0%;

  3. 0.1 to 1.0%.

  1. Cast steel normally contains about... of carbon.

  1. 1.5%;

  2. 0.75%;

  3. 0.5%.

Exercise 1.4. Complete the sentences using the appropriate variants:

  1. Cast iron is a general term applied to ...

  2. Grey cast iron has the carbon present in the ... or ... state.

  3. White cast iron has most of the carbon in the ... state.

  4. Malleable cast iron is made by heating ... for a period of several days in air- tight pots filled with an oxide of iron.

White iron casting; free; graphite; iron-carbon alloys; combined.

Exercise 1.5. Translate into English:

  1. Свойства машиностроительных материалов следующие: сопротивление, жесткость, Ковкость, прочность, эластич­ность, усталостная прочность, прочность на сотрясение, на коррозию и т. д.

  2. Эти свойства зависят от химического состава и физичес­кой структуры материала.

  3. Чугун без добавления сплавов слабый на упругость и на срезывающем усилии.

  4. Серый чугун содержит углерод как в чистом, так и в гра­фитовом состоянии.

  1. Text В


Memorize the pronunciation of the following words:

ferrous [' feras] —железныйalloy ['selii] —сплавsteel [sti:1] —стальmolybdenum [mo'libdinam] —молибденmanganese [,ma2nga'ni: z] —марганецtungsten [' tArjstn] —вольфрамberyllium [be'riljam] —бериллийboron [' bo: ran]— бор

conductivity [, kandAk'tiviti] —проводимость

design [di' zain] —конструкция

brass [bra: s] —латунь

bronze [bronz] —бронза

bakelite ['baekalait] —бакелит

plexiglass ['pleksigla: s] —плексиглас

fibres [' f aiba] —волокно

rubber [ 'гдЬэ] —резина

protective [pra'tektiv] —защитный

coatings [' kiutiij] —покров,оболочка

heat-treatment [hi: t ' tri : tmant] —тепловаяобработка

cooling [' ku: liq] —охлаждение

arrangement [a' reind3mant] —устройство,расположениеannealing [a'ni: liq] —отжигgrain [grein] —зерно

normalizing ['no:malaizir)] —нормализацияquenching [' kwentjiq] —закалкаimmersion [i'ma:Jh] —погружение

tempering [' temparir)] —отпускпослезакалки,нормализацияto quench [kwentj] —закаливать,охлаждатьto restore [ri' sto: ] —восстанавливать


Alloy steels are those in which some alloying element in addition to the carbon is present in some appreciable quantity. The principal alloying elements used in steel are nickel, chromium, vanadium,molybdenum, manganese, and to lesser extent, copper,tungsten, beryllium andboron.

Because of its high electric conductivity about 60% of copper pro­duced is used in electrical work. Three chief groups of copper alloys used in machinedesign arebrasses (copper-zinc alloys),bronzes (cop- per-tin alloys), and nickel-copper alloys.

Aluminium is one of the lightest metals used for machine construc­tion. It is commonly used alloyed with copper, silicon or magnesium, the world’s lightest structural metal.

Intensive chemical research has created a large number of nonme- tallic synthetic materials grouped under the general term of plastics, e.g. bakelite, plexiglass, textilefibres, syntheticrubber and severalpro­tective coatings.

Heat-treatment is the process of controlled heating andcooling of metals to change their structuralarrangement and to ensure certain de­sirable properties.

Annealing consists of heating the metal to a temperature slightly above the critical temperature and then cooling slowly to producegrain structure, reduce the hardness, and increase the ductility.

Normalizing is a form of annealing in which the material is cooled in the air.

Quenching or rapid cooling from above the critical tem-perature byimmersion in cold water or some other cooling medium, is a hardening treatment.

Tempering consists of reheating thequenched metal torestore duc­tility to some extent and reduce the brittleness.

Exercise 1.1. Find the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations:

alloy steel; the addition of carbon; because of high electric conductivity; cooling of metals; to reduce the hardness; rapid cooling; by immersion in cold water; to reduce brittleness; to restore ductility.

добавление углерода; из-за высокой электрической проводи­мости; легированная сталь; структуральные металлы; охлаждение металлов; быстрое охлаждение; уменьшить прочность; погруже­нием в холодную воду; уменьшить хрупкость; восстановить ков­кость (эластичность).

Exercise 1.2. Answer the questions:

  1. What is the most important non-ferrous metal?

  2. What is the difference between brass and bronze?

  3. What nonmetallic synthetic materials do you know?

  4. What is quenching?

  5. What is the difference between annealing and normalizing?

  6. What does tempering consist of?

  7. What is a hardening treatment?

Exercise 1.3. Combine the parts of the sentences given in columns land II:


  1. Heat-treatment

  2. Quenching

  3. Normalizing

  4. Annealing

Exercise 1.4. Translate into English:

  1. Основными легирующими элементами, используемыми в стали, являются никель, хром, ванадий, молибден и мар­ганец.

  2. Около 60% меди используется в электротехнике.

  3. Латунь, бронза и сплавы меди с никелем — основные мед­ные сплавы.

  4. Алюминий обычно используется в сплавах с медью, крем­нием и магнием.

  5. Химики создали много синтетических материалов, кото­рые могут быть использованы вместо металлов.

  6. Нормализация — это форма отжига.

  7. Закалка — это быстрое охлаждение при погружении в хо­лодную воду.

  1. Text А ALLOYS

Memorize the pronunciation of the following words:

bronze [bronz] —бронза

brass [bra: s] —латунь

alloy ['asloi] —сплав

metallurgy [me' tasladji] —металлургия

probably ['probabli] —вероятно

to obtain [9b' tein] —получать,добывать

to melt [ melt] —плавиться

ore ['э: ] —руда

iron [ 'aian] —железо

to manufacture [,m£enju' faektfa] —производитьscale [skeil] —масштаб,объемpure ['pjua] —чистый,безпримесиrange [reind3] —ассортиментmanganese [,тагддэ' ni : z] —марганецmagnesium [тзед' ni : z jэт] —магний

silikon ['silikan] —кремнийpolarity [pou'lasriti] —полярностьcore [ko: ] —сердечник,сердцевинаto resist [ri ' zist] —сопротивлятьсяcorrosion [кэ'гоизп] —коррозияproperty [vpropati] —свойствоartificial [, a: ti ' f ijbl] —искусственныйcoinage [' koinid3] —чеканкаbismuth [' bizms0] —висмут


Bronze andbrass, the firstalloys in the history ofmetallurgy, wereprobably obtained by man accidentally whenmelting mixed metalores. Much later alloys ofiron were obtained.

Steel was made in small quantities in early times until the mid- 19thcentury when it wasmanufactured on a largescale in the iron and steel industry.

The commercial production of pure aluminium in about 1890 began a newrange of alloys and among them duralumin, an alloy of about 94 per cent aluminium, with small quantities of copper,manganese, magnesium, andsilicon. Most of aluminium alloys are both light and strong.

Nickel is often mixed with other metals for special purposes: permalloy is a nickel-iron alloy that is magnetically soft. The polarity of its magnetic field can be easily changed and it is used for transformercores. Monel metals contain about two parts nickel to one part copper, plus other elements. They are stronger than nickel and extremelycorrosion-resistant. Theseproperties make them useful in chemical production.

Electrum is a natural or artificial alloy of gold and silver containing 15-45 per cent of silver. It wasused in ancient world for coinage.

Bismuth is frequently used as a part of alloys with low,melting-points. Today alloys can be designed for particular applications with Certain properties.,технологического ун-те;