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  1. Define the function of the infinitive. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. His dream was to visit foreign countries. 2. To enter the University is not so easy as you think. 3. It was impossible to speak with her. 4.The problem was difficult enough to be solved very quickly. 5. She finished to do her home task late at night. 6. I have nothing to tell you about. 7. This is the article to look trough. 8. We shouldn’t leave him alone as he looks so upset. 9. It was not hard to learn this poem by heart. 10. I want to invite you to the theatre. 11. She lost the hope to learn this language. 12. I found it impossible to betray you. 13. He was so angry as to behave himself. 14. The child was the first to have broken the silence. 15. I just call to say “I love you”. 16. She was the last to be interviewed. 17. To put it mildly, he was not the right man for you. 18. She looked at me as if to be offended. 19. Even to think of it makes me crazy. 20. It is not the thing to be talked over.

  1. Define the type of the adverbial modifier expressed by the infinitive. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  2. She is too exited to be clam. 2. The baby is too little to understand your joke. 3. I came into the room to switch on the light. 4. She was so polite as to invite me to her party. 5. He waved his hand as if to stop her. 6. I moved to another place, never to see him again. 7. She is such a baby to accept his joke as a real fact. 8. She put on her new dress so as to look beautiful. 9. He is strong enough to lift these heavy boxes. 10. I am sorry to have told you about it, only to disappoint you.

  3. Complete the following, use the infinitive in the correct form, define the function of the infinitive.

1. To act like this meant ...

2. It will take you ten minutes ...

3. We were not afraid ...

4. He had to work hard (in order) ...

5. There was nothing ...

6. We stopped ...

7. The storm was such as ...

8. It’s easy ...

9. The tourists were lucky...

10. The main problem is...

11. We must hurry (so as not) ...

12. I was too astonished ....

13. She will always find something ...

14. They offer ....

15. I don’t know him well enough ...

  1. Paraphrase the following so as to use the infinitive as attribute.

  2. There was nothing that might keep him at home that night. 2. He is not the man who could betray his friends. 3. This is the play that can be seen only at that theatre. 4. There are so many things that must be done. 5. She had no one whom she could trust. 6. Can you tell your secret to anyone? 7. We could not spare a moment. 8. Can anything be done to help him. 9. Here are the letters that are to be sent by air. 10. He was the last who was taking the exam.

  3. Paraphrase the sentences so as to use the infinitives as an adverbial modifier.

  4. I must hurry, otherwise I should be late. 2. He looked at me as if he was going to tell me something. 3. The mother did not switch on the light lest the child should wake up. 4. His behavior was such that it impressed everybody. 5. The girl waved her hand that her friends might take notice of her. 6. The student was very careful to pronounce every word distinctly for fear of being misunderstood. 7. You must brush up on the material studied, otherwise you could fail the exam. 8. He stood up and went to the door as if he might leave. 9. If you hear him speak, you might think he was right. 10. He must have had a trouble if he had to take a risk like that.

  5. Change the structure of the sentences according to the model.

Model: It is difficult to understand his pronunciation. - His pronunciation is difficult to understand.

  1. It is rather hard to read his handwriting.

  2. It is very pleasant to see him.

  3. It is not easy to answer your question.

  4. It was amusing to watch that play.

  5. It is hard to work with you.

  6. It was difficult to trust him.

  7. It is impossible to explain his behavior.

  8. It was funny to listen to his story.

  9. It is dangerous to leave children alone at home.

  10. It is terrible to stay alone in the forest at night.

  1. Paraphrase the following sentences so as to use the infinitive as object. Mind the form of the infinitives.

Model: I am glad that I have seen this play. - I am glad to have seen this play.

  1. She is lucky because she has such a good family.

  2. We were disappointed when we heard about your failure at the exam.

  3. I am very happy that I have met you.

  4. She was surprised when she didn’t find me at home.

  5. You were right when you hadn’t invited him to the party.

  6. She was angry when she found that the book was missing.

  7. He was very sorry that he couldn’t accompany you.

  8. I am lucky that I have visited England. They were pleased when they heard about my success.

  9. He is disappointed because he can’t read English books in the original.

  10. You were very kind that you gave me that advice.

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