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Reported questions

Are you studying alloys now?

She wonders if we are studying alloys now.

She wondered whether we were studying alloys then.

Did you study alloys at the lesson yesterday?

She wonders if we studied alloys at the lesson yesterday.

She wondered whether we had studied alloys at the lesson the day before.

Will you study alloys next year?

She wonders if we will study alloys next year.

She wondered whether we would study alloys the following year.

What alloys is he studying now?

They ask what alloys he is studying now.

They asked what alloys he was studying at that time.

When did he study alloys?

They ask when he studied alloys.

They asked when he had studied alloys.

Why will he study alloys?

They ask why he will study alloys.

They asked why he would study alloys.

this – that today – that day

these – those last night – the previous night

now – then yesterday – the day before

here – there ago - before

Exercise 31. Изложите диалог в косвенной речи:

You: - How do you do.

Interviewer: - How do you do. So, you want to work with our company, Mr. Isayev. Is that right?

You: - Yes.

Interviewer: Ok. What school did you go to?

You: - I finished a specialized English school. And I have a diploma with honours in Automobile Engineering.

Interviewer: - Did you have any special training?

You: - I worked at the Motor Plant. So, I am familiar with a wide range of steering and breaking systems.

Interviewer: - What are your three strengths?

You: - I’ m reliable, hardworking, and I have the ability to work in a team.

Interviewer: - Well, Mr. Isayev. Your experience is quite considerable and your references are perfect. I think we’ll offer you a job with our company. Fill in the form, please.

Exercise 32. Исправьте ошибки:

1. We thought that those parts are combined to form a pressure gauge.

2. His assistant said that he is carrying out an experiment.

3. We supposed that the new method will be more fruitful.

4. It was announced that the engineers object to applying this technology.

5. She was sure that she’ll find the most energy-efficient way of sending signals soon.

6. He found out that properties of a substance depend on its structure.

XVII Conditional sentences (Условные предложения)

Условные предложения в английском языке вводятся союзами if ­ если, unless ­ если не, а также словами:

provided (that)

providing (that)

supposing (that) ­ при условии, что; если

on condition (that)

In case

В зависимости от характера выраженного условия, условные предложения делятся на реальные и нереальные.

Реальные условные предложения выражают выполнимое условие, относящееся к настоящему, прошедшему или будущему времени.

If he is busy, I don’t come up to him. Если он бывает занят, я не подхожу к нему.

If he was busy, I didn’t come up to him. Если он бывал занят, я не подходил к нему.

If he is busy, I will not come up to him. Если он будет занят, я не подойду к нему.

Нереальные условные предложения:

I тип ­ предложения, выражающие маловероятное или нереальное условие, относящееся к настоящему или будущему времени.

Придаточное предложение

Главное предложение

Глагол в Past Simple

Should / would + V

If he came here now, we would ask him for help. Если бы он пришел сейчас сюда, мы попросили бы его помочь вам.

II тип ­ предложения, выражающие нереальные (невыполнимые) условия, относящиеся к прошедшему времени (упущенная возможность в прошлом)

Придаточное предложение

Главное предложение

Глагол в Past Perfect

Should / would + have+ 3форма V

If he had come here yesterday, we would have asked him for help. Если бы он пришел сюда вчера, мы попросили бы его помочь нам. (Но он не приходил сюда вчера)

Exercise 33. Переведите предложения:

1. I’ll speak to him if I have a chance. 2. In case I would see him tomorrow, I would certainly speak to him. 3. If they had tested this material, they should have used it in their work. 4. If ordinary gases are greatly compressed, they become liquids. 5. Superconductivity can be obtained in some materials if the temperature is very low and close to absolute zero. 6. Unless various units of the MKS system had possessed simple and logical relationships, they wouldn’t have been the basis of the SI Units.

Exercise 34. Продолжите предложения:

1. I would work much better if……………………… .

2. If I see her tomorrow …………………………….. .

3. I would have had more opportunities, if………….. .

4. If I were free , ……………………………………...

5. I would help them………………………………….. .

Exercise 35. Переведите предложения:

1.Я позвоню тебе, если у меня будет время. 2. Если бы мы увидели их завтра, мы бы обсудили проект. 3. Если бы студент был внимательным, он не сделал бы так много ошибок. 4. Если он выучит немецкий, он поедет учиться в Германию. 5. Если бы мы узнали о конференции, мы бы приняли участие.

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