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FIR, Department of ESP, International Economic Relations, 2011/12 AY

Card 1

1Define the concept of management and speak about different types of managers. Take into consideration the following points:

  • planning

  • organizing

  • leading

  • controlling

Suggest ways of effective education management.

2 Discuss the kind of situation with your partner.

FIR, Department of ESP, International Economic Relations, 2011/12 AY

Card 2

1 Speak on the importance of marketing. Give three reasons. Speak about separations between producers and consumers. Take into consideration the following points:

* spartial separation

* temporal separation

* separation of ownership

* separation of values

Suggest ways of avoiding separation between producers and consumers

2 Discuss the kind of situation with your partner.

FIR, Department of ESP, International Economic Relations, 2011/12 AY

Card 3

1 Speak on marketing mix. Take into consideration the following points:

  • product

  • price

  • distribution

  • promotion

Suggest ways of creating an effective marketing mix

2 Discuss the kind of situation with your partner.

FIR, Department of ESP, International Economic Relations, 2011/12 AY

Card 7

1Speak on how competition affects prices and profits. Take into consideration the following points:

*perfect competition

*Imperfect competition and it’s main varieties(monopolistic competition, monopoly and oligopoly)

Suggest conditions defining the existence of a perfectly competitive market.

2 Discuss the kind of situation with your partner.

FIR, Department of ESP, International Economic Relations, 2011/12 AY

Card 8

1 Speak on the main characteristics of monopolistic competition. Take into consideration the following points:

*products are differentiated

*it has an element of monopolistic power

*price exceeds marginal cost

State how monopolistic competition differs from perfect competition

2 Discuss the kind of situation with your partner.

FIR, Department of ESP, International Economic Relations, 2011/12 AY

Card 9

1 Speak on what a market economy is. Take into consideration the following points

:*the definition of the market economy

*the crusial characteristic of the market

* two important cases of market failure

Suggest ways to improve market functioning

2 Discuss the kind of situation with your partner

FIR, Department of ESP, International Economic Relations, 2011/12 AY


1 Speak on the difference between “economy and “economics”. Take into consideration the following points:

*what the economic system is

*the definition of economics

*microeconomics and macroeconomics

*positive and normative economics

Suggest ways improving effectiveness of our country’s economy

2 Discuss the kind of situation with your partner.

FIR, Department of ESP, International Economic Relations, 2011/12 AY


1 Speak on economic science. Analyze some definitions of “economics”. Take into consideration the following points:

*some definitions are too general, too specific or not actual

Suggest the definition which can be generally accepted.

2 Discuss the situation with your partner.

FIR, Department of ESP, International Economic Relations, 2011/12 AY


1 Define the concept of management and speak about different types of managers. Take into consideration the following points:

  • planning

  • organizing

  • leading

  • controlling

Suggest ways of effective education management.

2 Discuss the kind of situation with your partner.

FIR, Department of ESP, International Economic Relations, 2011/12 AY

Card 13

1 Speak on the importance of marketing. Give three reasons. Speak about separations between producers and consumers. Take into consideration the following points:

* spartial separation

* temporal separation

* separation of ownership

* separation of values

Suggest ways of avoiding separation between producers and consumers

2 Discuss the kind of situation with your partner.

FIR, Department of ESP, International Economic Relations, 2011/12 AY