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Unit 1 (logging systems).doc
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4. Прочитайте вслух новые слова, познакомьтесь с их русскими эквивалентами

harvesting = logging - лесозаготовки

felling = cutting - рубка , валка (деревьев, леса)

skidding - трелевка (чаще трактором - волоком или в полупогруженном положении)

yarding – трелевка (с помощью каната, наматываемого на барабан лебедки), канатная трелевка

loading –погрузка, разгрузка

bucking – раскряжевка, распиловка

measuring – измерение, обмер

limbing – обрезка сучьев

topping – срезание (обрезка) вершины дерева

timber –лес на корню, древостой, насаждение

drag – подтаскивать, тащить

haul – транспортировать, вывозить

merchantable (merch) – годный к продаже

log – бревно, сортимент, хлыст

bolt – бревно короткомерного баланса

tree-length log – хлыст

sever – отрубать, отделять

shear- ножевое устройство

5. Прочитайте текст, найдите слова из данного выше списка и определите их значения.

Harvesting system objectives

Logging is the felling, skidding, on-site processing, and loading of trees or logs onto trucks. Logging systems always involves log transportation - the movement of trees , logs, or segments of logs from one point to another. By means of various modes of power, the trees, logs, or whatever are dragged, hauled, or carried out of the woods and across the roads and byways to some end concentration point. Thus, two of the first objectives of any logging system are to prepare the trees for transportation and to transport them to the proper conversion facility. How the trees are prepared and transported will depend on the facility or market for which they are intended. Of course, there are other important objectives, such as moving the wood least cost, maintaining a safe environment for the workmen, and maintaining a good working relationship with public and private agencies.

The actual work of logging involves an aggregation of man-machine components: planning, road construction, felling and bucking, yarding, loading, transportation, unloading. These components function together to achieve the transportation objective. Within the logging system there are only four major components. They are cutting, skidding or yarding, loading, and log transportation. Unloading might be defined as either a component of the logging system or a part of an interfacing system. At any rate, unloading has a direct impact on the log transportation component. Each logging system component can be further reduced to elements that better describe its function.

Timber cutting

Timber cutting includes all work elements leading to the total preparation of a primary product, whether that product is the whole tree, logs, or pulpwood bolts. The elements that describe the timber cutting component are:

Felling: Felling describes all steps necessary to sever a standing tree. Most felling is accomplished with either shears or a power saw. In some parts of the world, cutters still use more primitive methods, such as the crosscut saw and the ax.

Bucking: Bucking describes the work done to cut a tree into segments. The segments are called logs, bolts, or if only the top is removed, tree-length logs. Like felling, bucking is accomplished with power saws or shears.

Measuring: Before a tree can be bucked into segments it must be measured for insure that proper log lengths result. Log length depends on end use and ranges from 100-inch bolts to logs over 50 feet in length.

Limbing: In many timber regions all the limbs must be trimmed off the bole of the tree. This is true of species with limbs substantially the full length of the bole. In some cases this function is performed with a power saw or ax - other cases, limbing is performed by the cutting head on a machine such as a Beloit harvester or a Buschcombine.

Topping: Topping is really a form of bucking except that the only cut made severs the tree at what is called a merchantable top or merch top. A merch top is the smallest utilizable top.

At least one of the cutting operations is always first in the tree preparation process and is considered the initial step in the harvesting process. The success of all subsequent operations, including final manufacturing at the conversion plant, depends on the quality of workmanship in the cutting operation. In view of its importance, the cutting operation should be very carefully managed.

Chainsaw limbing Bucking

6. Заполните пропуски словами из следующего списка: power, initial, merchantable, log, least, full, harvesting, on-site, in some, one point to .

1. …………. ………. transportation

2. ……..... ……………processing

3. …………………….saws

4. …………………… step

5. ………… ………… top

6. wood ………………cost

7. ………… …… … .length

8. from …………. … another

9. ………. ……………cases

10. …………………… process

7. Найдите в тексте п.5 глаголы в страдательном залоге, определите время глагола.

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