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Theoretical grammar 6.010100.doc
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Кременецький обласний гуманітарно-педагогічний інститут імені Тараса Шевченка

Теоретична граматика


семінарських занять

для спеціальності 6.010100. Педагогіка і методика середньої освіти. Мова та література. Англійська мова

IV курс


к. філол. н. Воронцова Н.Г.


I semester

Content Module I


Theoretical Grammar as a Linguistic Discipline. Language as a Functional System.


  • to assess and to consolidate students’ knowledge of theoretical material within the range of the theme under consideration;

  • to enlarge trainees’ linguistic competence by promoting their awareness of the language on the basis of the systemic approach to its study.

Questions for discussion:

  1. The tasks and object of study of theoretical grammar. Connection of theoretical grammar with other linguistic disciplines.

  2. The difference between two kinds of grammar: normative (practical) and theoretical grammar.

  3. General characteristics of the language as a functional system. Functions of the language.

  4. General characteristics of the language as a structured system. Notions of language system, language structure, levels, sublevels.

  5. Linguistic units and their main features (segmental, supra-segmental).

  6. *Methods of linguistic analysis.

Recommended literature:

  1. M.Y. Blokh. A Course in Theoretical Grammar. - M.: Высшая школа -2003. – 423 p.

  2. M.Y. Blokh., T.N.Semionova, S.V. Timofeyeva. Theoretical English Grammar. Seminars. - M.: Высшая школа -2003. – 471 p.

  3. Alexeyeva Iryna. Theoretical Grammar Course of Modern English. – Vinnytsya: Nova Knyha. – 2007. – 328 p.

  4. E.J.Morokhovskaya Fundamentals of Theoretical English Grammar. - K.: Вища школа. - 1984. – 246 p.

  5. B. Ilyish The Structure of Modern English. – Л.: Просвещение. - 1971. – 214 р.

  6. N.M.Rayevska Modern English Grammar. - K.: Вища школа. - 1976. p.6-8, 37-42.

  7. Khaimovich B.S., Rogovskaya B.I. The Structure of Modern English. М.

    1. 1967. p.6-10

  8. Языкознание. Большой энциклопедический словарь / Гл.ред. В.Н.Ярцева. – 2-е изд. - М.: Большая Российская энциклопедия, 2000. – 688с: ил.

  9. Traugott E.C., Pratt M.L. Linguistics. – Oxford University Press. – Oxford, 2002. - 58 p.

*questions for self-study ( look Individual work 1)

Seminar 1.

Practical assignment

Exercise 1. Comment on the following terms: language, system, structure, semiotic, sign, phoneme, morpheme, word, word-combination, sentence, text, hierarchy, segmental unit, supra-segmental unit, macrosystem.

Exercise 2. Decide what features of linguistic units are revealed when we speak about these units as follows:

Elements, signs, units, components, constituents, members.

Exercise 3. Identify the lexeme “question” as a part of speech, using the method of distributional analysis. State its functions. Give distributional and structural patterns of the following sentences:

1. Put questions to the boldfolded words. 2. The officer questions the prisoner. 3. A well-guarded secret of Mr. Nixon’s schedule was his visit to the Commons during questions time. 4. You ask too many questions. 5. The question worried me terribly for I didn’t feel entitled to consult who knew him. 6. I don’t question the Pope’s being right. 7. Among the questions to discuss were these of Monday’s strikes.

Exercise 4. Analyse the following language units using the method of immediate constituents (IC analysis).

Model: dread ful ly


ICful ICly

a) Words for analysis: unfavourable, extraordinary, inconsiderable;

b) Sentences for analysis: 1. The sun had disappeared behind the tree line (O’Connor). 2. The whole place is ready to be turned into a market garden (Christie). 3. The tragedy of life is that sometimes we get what we want (Maugham).

Exercise 5. Identify the “ing”-forms as gerunds or as participles; state the functions using the method of transformational analysis.

Ving + N

Note: Gerund is identified due to the transformation Ving+ N ---- N+ prep.+ Ving.

Participle is identified due to the transformation Ving+ N ---- N + “wh” – clause.

adjoining area flying saucers

flying weather rooting depth

mixing basins dressing table

opening speech ripening period

starting point drinking cups

Content Module I

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