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Oral topic: pharmacy education in great britain

Pre-text exercises

Ex.1. Practise reading the following words:

University [junivsiti], council [ kaunsil], society [səsaiti], responsible [rəsponsəbl], certificate [sə:tifikeit], technology [təknolodзi], physiological [fiziolodзikl], immunology [imjunolodзi], curriculum [kjurikjuləm], compulsory [kΛmpΛlsəri], technician [tekniζn], arrangement [ æreindзmənt].

Ex.2. Check up if you read these words correctly:

technician, council, arrangement, society, compulsory, university, curriculum, responsible, immunology, certificate, physiological, technology.

Ex.3. Read and memorize all the word groups:

1. to be responsible for быть ответственным за

They ... pharmaceutical education in Universities and colleges.

We … our future.

2. tuition fees расходы на обучение

The grants cover … and some of the living expenses.

What do … include?

3. to deal with изучать, иметь дело с

This article ... students’ societies in European countries.

Human Biology not only ... normal condition of health but also with physiological functions of children, young people, elderly people and also with infection and immunology.

4. to graduate from оканчивать (вуз)

I ... this academy in three years.

After each course of study there is an examination session and they ... the University or Pharmacy school after the third year.

5. to consist of состоять из

Our term ... lectures, practical classes, some credit-tests and three examinations.

The third year syllabus ... compulsory studies in Pharmaceutics and Pharmacology.

6. to get an appointment for work получать назначение на pаботу

My friend hopes to ... when he graduates from his institute.

Pharmacy graduates don’t ... .

7. to make an arrangement заключать соглашение (договор)

Pharmacy graduates have to ... for work.

We would like to ... for work as soon as possible.

Ex.4. Active vocabulary of the text:

to provide

the Council for National Academic Awards

Pharmaceutical Society

school leavers

a certificate

General Certificate of Education


to take a four-year course of study

to comprise

the first year curriculum

the second year syllabus

to focus

formal tuition

compulsory studies

a system of options

to gain knowledge

hospital pharmacy

to arrange

to obtain experience

long vacations

to subject to smt


[sə tifikeit]





[fo:məl tjutiζn]





совет по присвоению учёных степеней

фармацевтическое общество

выпускники школ


свидетельство об окончании школы


обучаться 4 года

включать, охватывать

учебный план первого года


программа (план) 2 курса

сосредотачивать внимание

обучение основам

обязательное изучение

система выбора

получать (приобретать) знания

клиническая фармация


приобретать опыт

летние каникулы

подвергаться чему-либо

Ex.5. Suggest the Russian for:

educational institutions, the Council for National Academic Awards, the Pharmaceutical Society, to be responsible for Pharmaceutical education, school leavers, the General Certificate of Education, competition for places, tuition fees, living expenses, the parents’ income, pre-pharmaceutical studies, the second year syllabus, compulsory (obligatory) studies, a system of options, to gain knowledge, to obtain practical pharmaceutical experience, to get an appointment for work, to make one’s own arrangement for work.

Ex.6. Give the English equivalents of:

четырёхлетний курс обучения, общеобразовательное обучение охватывает, фармацевтическое общество, программа (план) первого (второго, третьего) курса, концентрировать (сосредотачивать) внимание на, система выбора, клиническая фармация, промышленная фармация, жестокая конкуренция, приобретать опыт работы, обязательный курс практики, фармацевты (провизоры), химик-аналитик, заключать соглашение (трудовой договор).

Ex.7. Read and translate the following text:

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]