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  1. Напишите транскрипцию к следующим словам.

Culture, letter, rapture, day, will, lecture, nature, three, week, feature, furniture, calf, Moscow, holiday, home, sun, spent, that, place, too, good, time, swim, lie, vacation, beginning, quarter, check, join, knife, waiter, soup, without, hungry.

2. Заполните предложения предлогами.

behind in front of outside inside up down on onto off into out of along across at round towards between near past next to opposite

There is a cafe between a supermarket and a post office. A woman is coming __1___ the supermarket. Some people are sitting 2___. the café. ___3____the post office is a bank. A man is getting 4 ___a bus ___5____the bank. ___6_____the bus there is a girl getting___7___a motorbike. An old man is going__8___some steps ____9___the post office; a young woman is coming ___10___ the steps. Another woman is walking ___11___ the road ___12___ the bank. Some children and a dog are running ____13___the street___14____the cafe. A car is waiting _____15___some traffic lights ___16____the supermarket. Some people are crossing the road_____17____the car. There is a telephone box ____18___the corner of the street ____19____the supermarket. A young man is walking ____20____the corner.

Упражнение 3. Выберите подходящий предлог

Example: I found some money on the floor under/ below the sofa.

  1. The house was on a hill above/over the village.

  2. The cat was sitting below/under the kitchen table.

  3. On our way to the village we drove above/over a small bridge.

  4. There are some old shoes above/on top of the wardrobe.

  5. He sat down below/under an apple tree.

  6. She was wearing a long dress below/underneath her raincoat.

Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие словосочетания на английский язык.

На полу, на стуле, в коробке, на той полке, на доске, в комнате, в книге, в шкафу, на стенах, на тарелке, под ковром, над столом, между нами, в тетради, у школы, через улицу, вдоль дороги, позади машины, впереди автобуса, вниз (вверх) по лестнице, вокруг дома, за окном.

Упражнение 5. Прочтите и переведите письменно текст.

A British Working Class Family Home

by C. Bidwell

Kitty Lawrence's friend lives at 132, Acacia Avenue — all the roads in the estate are named after trees or flowering shrubs. We pass through a small wooden gate, along a short gravel path on to a small porch where we ring the electric bell.

Soon we are in the tiny hall and then in the general living room. The living room is rather large. It has an oak table against one wall, an oak sideboard against another, and chairs to match all clearly bought as a set. Two modern looking armchairs stand on either side of the open fireplace. Near the fireplace there is a TV-set. There is no fire burning in the grate — the housewife tells us that she and her husband and three children manage to crowd round the folding table in the kitchen for breakfast, which saves lighting the living-room fire until the children come home from school in the afternoon. The house strikes us as chilly, but we already know that English people seem to prefer to shiver rather than be warm. Even where a big fire is burning, the side of the room away from the fire is often extraordinarily chilly. Heating bedrooms is frequently regarded as unnecessary, even a sign of physical softness. The living-room floor has a square carpet extending to the wall. The pictures on the walls are mostly family photographs. It is all very cosy looking, but a little lacking in the expression of personality — living-room suites like or similar to those here can be seen in scores of the smaller English homes.

The kitchen is handily arranged, with a coke stove to heat the water for the bathroom upstairs, a deep sink, a gas cooker, built-in cupboards and a table that folds against the wall when not in use. We climb neatly carpeted stairs to the two bedrooms. Nothing very special about them. Just a double bed and a child's bed in the parents' room and one large bed in the second room, where the other two children sleep. And in each case a wardrobe and chest of drawers and a couple of chairs. The parents' room has a rather badly worn carpet, the floor of the children's room is covered with linoleum. Then there is a neat bathroom with a wash-basin and a toilet.

Looking out of one of the upstairs windows we can see that the garden is made up of a small, trimly kept lawn, a few flower beds, and the further end is given up to vegetables. It is almost immaculate — obviously the man of the house takes a great pride in it as do most men in England who have a piece of garden.

"Well, there you are," Kitty says as we leave her friend's house, "now you've seen what we call good working class hous­ing like this. Of course, it's nothing special. This house was built before the World War II and some similar houses were built just after the war".

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