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Lab #7-8

Laboratory works №7-8

The Topic: MS Word. Editing document

Aim of the work:

  • learning the properties of MS Word application;

  • learning ways and modes of formatting document;

  • learning basic file operations of MS Word.

The objective

  1. Read information (topic#4 of lectures and pages 3-20 of this lab).

  2. Copy folder BF_lb_7_8 from the desktop into your diskette.

  3. Launch MS Word.

  4. Study customizing abilities of Word Toolbar.

  5. Load from your diskette files text_1.doc, text_2.doc, text_3.doc, text_4.doc, text_5.doc, text_6.doc using menu commands and toolbar buttons.

  6. Insert into first line of each opened document text “Topic #” and number of text document. Then move the header written by red characters to this line.

  7. Format each opened document using such settings:

Font settings: Font=Times New Roman; Font style=Regular (Обычный); Font size=14;

Paragraph settings: Paragraph line spacing=1,5 line (Междустрочный интервал полуторный); Spacing before and after header 6 pt (Интервал Перед и После абзаца); Alignment=justification (Выравнивание по ширине).

Note: make settings using window menu, toolbar buttons and format painting button.

  1. Insert numbers of header susing following rules:

First number is the number of topic (file).

Headers coloured by green must have second level numbers (e.g. 1.2).

Headers coloured by magenta (малиновый) must have third level numbers (e.g. 2.1.2).

  1. Create new document.

  2. Make following page settings:

All margins (поля) 2cm; Format of paper=A4; Orientation=portrait.

  1. Copy text from 6 opened windows in order according number of document.

  2. Save new document as A:\Lectures.doc.

  3. Save and close all documents except Lectures.doc.

  4. Select all text of the document Lectures.doc. Set Font color=automatic (black) for selected text; Remove paragraph shading (отменить заливку абзацев).

  5. Make global change in the text of Lectures.doc:

Substring Topic # change to Topic # using bold italic underlined font (жирный курсив с подчеркиванием).

  1. After lines Topic # and name of topic add new line with words “Edited by [your name]”.

  2. Insert numbering pages in right top corner of the page.

  3. Insert page breaks before beginning of new topic.

  4. Save document Lectures.doc at the same place.

  5. Save document as Computer_Lectures.rtf using the path d:\users.

  6. View document in different view modes: Regular mode, We-document, Page layout, Document structure. Explain every view mode.

  7. Show to your teacher the results of every step of your work.

  8. Delete the file Computer_Lectures.rtf from disk D:\.

  9. Keep the file Lectures.doc on disl A:\ for next laboratory work.

All results during making the work you must show to your teacher. All results must be fixed in the report. After making the lab you must answer all questions proposed (page 21).

Content of report:

  1. Number of the work.

  2. The topic.

  3. Aim of the work.

  4. Description of making every point of the task.

  5. Conclusion.

  6. Glossary of new terms.

Report must be presented and defended on next lab.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]