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A. They say, you have bought a computer.

B. Yes, now I have got my own computer.

A. That's fine. And what type of a computer have you got?

B. The most common type, a digital one.

A. By the way, do you know what it means "a digital computer"?

B. It goes without saying. Digital computers deal with numbers. All data — pictures, sounds, symbols, and words — are translated into numbers inside the computer.

A. Yes, you are right. Digital computers are so widespread that the word "computer" almost always refers to a digital computer. But there are 3 types of computers: digital, analog, and hybrid ...

B. Sorry for interrupting you. I do know about it. Analog computers work with a physical quantity, such as weight, speed, temperature. They solve problems by measuring a quantity in terms of another quantity. Do you understand it?

A. Yes, certainly, for example, they measure temperature in terms of the length of a thin line of liquid in a thermometer.

B. Good for you. And when are you going to buy a computer? You know so much about the computers.

A. You see, I haven't got such a large amount of money.

B. Take it easy. You may use my computer.

A. Thanks a lot.

B. You are welcome.

EXERCISE 20. Act as an interpreter.

About ibmc (international business machines corporation)

Robert Brown, an American from New York, works in one of the firms of International Business Machines Corporation (IBMC). He has come on a visit to Russia, and now he is speaking with the head of one of the computer centers Sergei Volkov.

— Мистер Браун, Вы рабо­таете в корпорации IBM?

— А какие виды электрон­ного оборудования Вы произ­водите?

— Мистер Браун, а как на­зывалась Ваша корпорация раньше?

— А когда ваша корпорация получила название IBMC?

— Кто возглавляет IBMC?

— В нашем компьютерном центре есть компьютеры вашей корпорации.

— Безусловно. Всегда пожалуйста.

— Yes, I do. It is one of the world's largest producers of elec­tronic machines.

— IBM makes data processing systems, electronic computers, electric typewriters, dictation ma­chines, etc.

— IBMC has grown out of an earlier form, the Computer-Tabulating-Recording Co (CTRC).

— It adopted its present name in 1924.

— Thomas J. Watson was the firm's chief executive for 42 years. IBM's headquarters are in Armonk, New York.

— May I have a look of them?

— Thanks a lot.

EXERCISE 21. a) Learn the following phrases:

Как выразить восторг, удивление

Great! — Грандиозно!

Terrific! - Потрясающе!

Grand! — Здорово!

That's fine! — Это прекрасно!

Fantastic! — Фантастика!

How wonderful! — Как чудесно!

Really? Is that really so? — Неужели? Неужели это так?

You don't say so! — He может быть!

That's surprise! — Это сюрприз!

That's news to me. — Это новость для меня.

How come? — Как это может быть?

Believe it or not! — Верьте или не верьте!

Just fancy! — Только представьте!

b) Learn these dialogues by heart.

— What's the matter? You look so happy.

— I've won a four-week cruise for two.

— You don't say so. That is surprise.

— Just fancy! I've sent the answers to some questions to the travel­ling agency two months ago. And it is the prize for my correct answers.

— Fantastic. My congratulations!

— Hi! You look so happy.

— Hi! I've won the first prize at the conference!

— Is that really so? That's surprise! My congratulations on your ex­cellent results!

— Thanks! I'd like to invite you to our party. Does 6 o'clock suit you?

— It's O.K. Are you going to invite your friends?

— Of course. It goes without saying.

— And could you do me a lift now?

— Sorry. I'm afraid not. I'm in a hurry now.

— No need to be sorry. We'll meet soon.

— See you soon.

EXERCISE 22. Arrange role-plays on the following subjects; be as imaginative as you can:

1) You are at the International scientific conference for the first time. You meet a famous American scientist there and have a talk with him. 2) You are in the shop. You are buying a computer. You are talking with a shop assistant.

EXERCISE 23. Talk on one of these topics:

1) The Importance of Science.

2) The Importance of Modern Technologies.

3) Different Kinds of Transport in Our Life.

4) The Telephone in Your Life.

5) Your Computer.

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