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IX. Topics for the discussion:

What is more significant for you, inside or outside beauty? Why?

Describe appearance that you consider ideal.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Практический курс перевода

  1. Translate the following extracts from English into Russian:

  1. He saw a tall, pretty woman dressed with careful and expensive informality in a black cashmere sweater with a silk scarf at the throat and fawn trousers … It was a distinguished face with deep-set eyes beneath straight eyebrows, a well-shaped, rather secretive mouth and strong, graying hair swept upwards and curled into a chignon.

  2. She wore a pale blue sweater and a gray flannel skirt, schoolgirl’s clothes, which made her seem younger than her age. She was about twenty-five. Her face was framed by thick hair, in a color midway blonde and brown, and held back by a black velvet band. The skin was fine and she had large, rather beautiful dark blue eyes, with long colorless lashes.

  3. Temple was a small stocky man in his early forties. His jaw line had long ago disappeared into one of his chins, His pepper and salt hair was cut short with a parting in the middle and he had a dark bushy drooping moustache that grew well over his top lip. His nose was small, almost snub, and his eyes were pale.

4. He got up and tried to see himself in the dirty looking glass over the wash-

stand. He saw the head and face of a young fellow of twenty. Above a square-

domed forehead he saw a mop of brown hair, nut-brown, with a wave to it and

hints of curls, making hands tingle to stroke it. But he passed it by, and dwelt

long and thoughtfully on the high square forehead.

He wondered if there was soul in those steel-gray eyes that were often quite blue of colour and that were strong with the salty air of the sea. Well. They were honest eyes, he concluded. The brown sunburn of his face surprised him.

His mouth might have been an angel’s mouth, had not the full, sensuous lips a habit of drawing firmly across the teeth. At times so tightly did they draw, the mouth became stern and harsh. The chin and jaw were strong and just hinting of square aggressiveness. And between the lips were teeth that were white and strong and regular.

  1. Give a free translation of the following fragment:

У деда моего были огненно-рыжие волосы и обычная для рыжих людей красноватая в веснушках кожа. Когда я впервые увидела его, это был пятидесятилетний мужчина, худощавый, с грустным выражением лица. Говорил он всегда негромко и спокойно.

Жена его бала миниатюрной женщиной с чёрными глазами навыкате. Её гладкие тусклые (dull) волосы были тщательно затянуты в тугой узел. Лицо у неё было вытянутое, как у овцы, но она не производила впечатления глупой. Самым примечательным в ней был голос – высокий, металлический, лишённый интонаций. Выглядела она старше своих лет.

Дед мой был очень общительным человеком (a good mixer). В его доме бывали разные люди. Я заполнила особенно хорошо одного. Это был его друг. Человек добрейшей души. Внешность его была своеобразной (singular). Он был высок и тощ, с длинными, словно развинченными (loosely jointed) руками и ногами, впалыми щеками и торчащими скулами. Лицо его было таким бледным, что его полные чувственные (sensual) губы казались особенно удивительными. Он носил длинные волосы. Его тёмные глубоко посаженные глаза были большими и печальными, а руки с большими длинными пальцами были красивой формы и придавали ему вид человека, обладающего большой физической силой.

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