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Контрю роб. Ікурс, ІІ, 2освіта, 2012р., нові

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Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України

Київський національний лінгвістичний університет


з першої іноземної мови

за ІІ курс (ІІІ семестр)

спеціальність „Переклад”(англійська мова)

заочного відділення факультету перекладачів


ст. викладач Гіжевська С.М.

Затверджено на

засіданні кафедри

Протокол 1

від 27.08.12.

Зав. кафедри

доц. Яценко Л. М.

Київ 2012

Module Test № 1

Topics: “Mass Media, Theatre, Medicine”

for "English as First Foreign Language"

for Major 6.030500 "Translation"

for the students of the second year


Task 1

Read the article, choose the best answer for each item

Smokers Under 18 in Iowa Now Outlaws

By Don Terry New York Times Service”

Des Moines – Young smokers beware: On Monday it became illegal in Iowa for anyone under 18 to smoke a cigarette.

If caught smoking, chewing or even possessing tobacco by the police, an under aged offender could be fined as much as 100, yanked off the street or out of the shopping mall and taken home in the backseat of a squad car.

The law is part of the state’s campaign to reduce tobacco use greatly among all lowans by 2000. The police are charged with enforcing the law, but some are skeptical. On their crowded list of priorities, the measure shares a spot with the neighbor’s cat stuck in a tree.

“We’re too busy to enforce a law like that”, Sergeant Gail Dunn of the Des Moines Police Department said with a sigh.

Michael J. Coverdale of the Iowa Department of Public Health has heard the grumbling, and his terse response is, “The law is the law”.

But for the first year or so, Mr. Coverdale said, he thinks the police will simply inform under aged smokers about the law and confiscate their cigarettes.

“I doubt the police would actually arrest a juvenile for smoking”, he said. “But they certainly will have the opinion to”.

Forty-four states have laws – rarely enforced – that bar selling cigarettes to minors from possessing tobacco, said Tim Hensley of the Centers for Disease Control’s office on Smoking and Health, in Atlanta.

“But I’m not aware of any other state that actually says they are prohibited from smoking”, he said.

The grown-ups in Des Moines say the new law is for the “kids’ own good”, because, after all, Mr. Coverdale said, “cigarettes are often a gateway to other drugs that are illegal”.

The kids are not so sure.

It’s stupid”, declared Wendi Spuehler, 17, who smokes a half-pack of cigarettes a day. I’m supposed to be an American; I’m supposed to be able to do whatever I want. If I choose to ruin my lungs, it’s my choice and not the cops’ ”.

Some police officers in Iowa are not too keen about the law, either.

In Davenport, Lieutenant Michael C. Hammes said he doubted that the measure would “scare very many kids” away from cigarettes.

I started smoking when I was 13”, he said. “My parents didn’t scare me from smoking. And I feared my father more than I feared the police, and he couldn’t stop me”.

The tobacco industry, which has been under attack in the courts over liability in smokers’ deaths, has no argument with the law. Even the Tobacco Institute, an industry lobby group in Washington, supports it.

  1. This article is mainly about

  1. smoking

  2. a new smoking law in Iowa

  3. teenagers

  1. With the new law, the state of Iowa hopes to

  1. arrest many teenagers

  2. collect fines

  3. reduce tobacco use

  1. Unlike laws in other states in the United States, the Iowa law

  1. bars the selling of cigarettes to minors

  2. bars police from arresting minors for smoking

  3. prohibits minors from smoking

  1. Some officials worry that the new law

  1. cannot be enforced

  2. will cause many teenagers to become violent

  3. will result in many teenagers going to jail

  1. Similar laws against smoking in other states

  1. are very effective

  2. are rarely enforced

  3. reduce the death rate from smoking

Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar

Task 1

Lay stress-tone marks and draw tonogrammes to the following sentences according to the types of scales given in brackets.

  1. What a pretty little orchard! (The Scandent Scale)

  2. Are you doing anything special tonight? (The Stepping Scale)

  3. You’ve hardly been in Germany a month! (The Sliding Scale)

  4. I wonder if they know about our arrival. (The Level Scale)

Task 2

Read the sentences. Choose a suitable type of nuclear tone for each sentence to express the meaning given in brackets. Write (a)-(g) for the variant you’ve chosen.

  1. Can you believe it? (impressed)

  2. – What’s wrong with you? – Wrong with me? (repeating the given message)

  3. Avoid stress as much as possible. (final, serious, firm, weighty)

  4. – How are the children? – Johnny’s fine, but Ruth has caught a cold. (showing contrast)

  5. Stop smoking and drinking. (self-satisfied, challenging)

  6. You ought to go to hospital with your pneumonia! (personally concerned, involved)

  7. Is she supposed to stay with me tonight? (polite, interested)

  8. Calm down! (warning)

    1. Low Rise;

    2. Low Fall;

    3. Fall-Rise;

    4. Rise-Fall;

    5. High Rise;

    6. High Fall;

    7. Level Tone.

Task 3

Choose the right answer.

1. Did you see that __________ about wildlife in Africa on television last week?

a) documentary b) history c) slapstick d) soap opera

2. All three TV channels place great _________ on sporting events.

a) accent b) emphasis c) attention d) vision

3. We hope to bring you further news of this in our next _________ at midnight.

a) article b) bulletin c) episode d) piece

4. National TV board has recommended _________ to present news without any emotions.

a) foreign correspondents b) editors c) newsreaders d) talking heads

5. TVP Channel One tries to __________ for all tastes.

a) cater b) furnish c)regard d) suit

6. We are interrupting this programme for a news ___________

a) alarm b) alert c) flash d)signal

7. The programme was so successful that a __________ series is being made.

a) after-effect b) backup c) by-product d) follow-up

8. There are several TV ___________ in Poland, and all of them allow advertising.

a)broadcasts b) canals c) channels d) screens

9. Violent programmes on TV may have a bad __________ on children.

a) control b) influence c) power d) pressure

Task 4

Find the word in each line which is different.

1. pamphlet

2. obituary

3. delete

4. sub-editor

5. axe

6. libel

7. scoop

8. statute

9. ordeal




















classified ads








Task 5

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word from the topical vocabulary making any necessary changes.

restriction publicity legitimate emphasis copyright overseas

subscription baffle objective poll

1. The newscaster informed the public that this disorder was a rare skin problem that has …………… doctors for years.

2. Her behaviour during the filming attracted a lot of free …………………… .

3. It was made clear that the country faces ……………. on the use of water for irrigating crops.

4. The Scots proclaimed James Stuart as the …………….. heir of the British throne.

5. Today the Ukraine’s president has greeted a large number of …………… visitors.

6. “The principal ……. of the department is to identify market opportunities”, - the journalist reported.

7. According to a ……… conducted last week 75% of the public support the Prime Minister.

8. The new publication “On money” is availed only by ……. .

9. If you own a ………. on something, it is your intellectual property, and other people must pay you to broadcast, publish, or perform it.

10. The main …… should be put on quality rather than quantity.

Task 6.

Complete the sentences with words from the box choosing appropriate ones among the suggested (some words are odd)

Screen version scenery interval footlights stuntmen sketch wings disjointed cast costumes audience ovation burst out dressing room dress rehearsal

    1. Before the glare of ____________ and smoke, Angela started to sing.

    2. Tom stared at his wife from the ____________ while she was performing his new song.

    3. Spectators are not allowed to enter the ____________unless actors give their permission.

    4. The success of this production is due to a greater extent to the ____________.

    5. The film is excellent but the ____________ leaves a lot to be desired.

    6. She got a standing ____________ for her performance of Juliet in “Romeo and Juliet”.

    7. There was no sound in the ____________, everybody tried to catch the expression of her big eyes.

    8. During the ____________ we had a lively talk and drank coffee with sponge cakes.

    9. This actor is known to be brave and risky, he has never resorted to the help of ____________ in his films.

    10. During the ____________ she was quite relaxed but she felt a bit ill at ease on the first night.

Task 7

Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right.

  1. theatre /n/

  1. to begin a new activity

  1. cast /v/

  1. the effect produced in the mind by an experience

  1. villain /n/

  1. to be as good or important as someone or something else

  1. troupe /n/

  1. a building or place with a stage where plays and shows are performed

  1. retrospective /n/

  1. the main bad character in a story

  1. footlights /n/

  1. an actor who learns a part in a play so that they can act the part if the usual actor is ill

  1. kick off /v/

  1. one of several levels or layers that rise up one above the other

  1. ham /n/

  1. to choose which people will act particular parts in a film, play

  1. wings /n/

  1. a group of singers, actors working together

  1. impression /n/

  1. someone who introduces the people who are performing in a television programme, theatre show etc

  1. understudy /n/

  1. a show of the work of artist, actor, that includes examples of all the kinds of work they have done

  1. rival /v/

  1. a person who performs with too much false emotion

  1. compere /n/

  1. a row of lights along the front of the stage in a theatre

  1. tier /n/

  1. the parts at either side of a stage where actors are hidden from people who are watching them

Task 8

Complete the sentences with prepositions.

1. The president’s speech made a profound impact ____ everyone.

2. The stage in a theatre is usually raised several feet ___ the floor.

3. ___ graduating from university, he decided to start his own business.

4. As the son loved his father very much, he decided to devote his career to him by following ___ his father’s footsteps and becoming a doctor.

5. Our farm land is adjacent ___ the nearby forest.

6. The program of the performance is ___ sale in the foyer.

7. She accused me ___ causing the accident.

8. As it is always difficult to get tickets for the first night in a theatre, one should book them ____ advance.

9. We decided to reserve tickets ___ my name for they may be bought by someone else.

10. There was a large queue ____ the box-office, so we decided to book tickets via the Internet.

Task 9.

Choose the most suitable word or phrase in bold type in each sentence.

a) There were ten people waiting in the doctor's office/surgery/ward.

b) After I ate the shellfish I experienced/fell/happened ill.

c) George's cut arm took over a week to cure/heal/look after.

d) David fell down the steps and twisted his ankle/heel/toe.

e) Everyone admired Lucy because she was tall and skinny/slim/thin.

f) I've been digging the garden and now my back aches/pains/injures.

g) Whenever I travel by boat I start feeling hurt/sick/sore.

h) The doctor can't say what is wrong with you until she cures/examines/recovers you.

Task 10.

Insert the words from the box into each gap. Change the original word if necessary.

cause increase reduce alleviate provide deduce

release recover deaden hurt

  1. This medicine is used to __________ the pain after the operation.

  2. Try to ___________ the amount of fat in your diet, it is harmful for your stomach.

  3. She __________ herself when she jumped off the bus and fell over.

  4. After a few days spent in hospital, he began to __________ from a heart attack.

  5. I __________ that she was married by the ring on her finger.

  6. Adrenalin is __________ in moments of danger, stress or nervous exhaustion.

  7. The pain __________ steadily until I could think of nothing else.

  8. We’re hoping the enquiry will __________an explanation for the accident.

  9. This medicine is used to __________ cold symptoms.

  10. This disease __________ his face to swell, he couldn’t even speak and eat for two days.

Task 11.

Choose from the variants (a, b, c, or d) provided the one which best fits the context

1. After delivering his lecture in a cold auditorium the professor lost his ……… .

a) eyesight b) voice c) appetite d) ear

2. Angela sprained her …………… falling in the skating rink.

a) neck b) finger c) wrist d) toe

3. The doctor asked to put the patient’s hand in …………… .

a) cement b) glue c) plaster d) caffeine

4. Last time I visited my dentist, I had three ………… filled.

a) cavities b) paddings c) refills d) recharges

5. Every spring when trees bloom Kate suffers from ………….

a) dysentery b) stroke c) cholera d) hay fever

6. Indulging in drinking cocktails Lorna suffers from …………. .

a) quinsy b) hangover c) abscess d) cold

7. People trying to give up smoking frequently experience ………… symptoms.

a) renewal b) tough c) heavy d) withdrawal

8. Julia was lucky to remain alive after a terrible car accident. But now she does not remember her relatives and friends. She’s suffering from …………. .

a) amnesia b) insomnia c) headache d) abscess

9. If you can’t make injections, you’d better ask a …………. to do it.

a) nanny b) nurse c) mistress d) sister

10. Leading a regular life provides positive health ………… .

a) benefits b) profits c) earnings d) income

Task 12.

Define the functions of the infinitive in the following sentences

1. It is the story to hit the headlines.

2. The story is important enough to find its way into a stop press column.

3. He decided to attract readers’ attention by including a sound bite in the article.

Define the complexes with the infinitive in the following sentences

4. Everybody wanted the speaker to come down to brass tacks.

5. He is sure to feel contempt for you.

6. It is important for pensioners to get special concessions on buses and trains.

Rewrite these sentences using complexes with the infinitive

7. He issued a statement at the press conference. I heard him.

8. The journalist reported that the copy was ready for a deadline.

9. I didn’t mean that the news would hit the headlines.

10. Nobody expected that the story would receive lot of coverage.

Task 13.

Define the functions of the Gerund.

  1. They began erecting a skyscraper outside the jurisdiction of the authorities.

  2. The public amused itself by eating apples, nuts, smoking and drinking ale.

  3. The Queen was fond of bear-baiting and cock-fighting and wanted the nobles to be present.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the –ing form.

  1. Peter will never forget ____________ (fulfill) his monologue with much dramatism.

  2. Oh, no! We forgot ____________ (renew) the contract.

  3. They didn’t mean ____________ (conceal) that fact from you.

  4. It would mean _____________ (keep) you in suspense.

Rewrite the sentences using Gerunds.

  1. Your theater will attract the audience if it carries the reputation of an English tradition.

  2. Bondarchuk distinguished himself after he played the part of Othello.

10.I remember that I had a leading part in a comedy of manners.

Task 14.

Define the functions of the Participle

  1. The patient lay in bed suffering from hay fever and sneezing a lot.

  2. If operated on in time, she’ll get over heart condition quite quickly.

  3. Feeling mentally and physically exhausted, I decided to turn to alternative medicine.

Define the Participial Constructions

  1. He saw the acupuncturist inserting a needle in his right foot and fell asleep immediately.

  2. The professor was heard speaking about alternative treatments which helped cope with stress.

  3. The tooth being colossal and monumental, the dentist’s nerves were on end.

Rewrite the sentences using Participles

  1. They were talking about the impact of social support on our mental and physical well-being. I heard them.

  2. As I was feeling a bit under the weather I stayed home that day.

  3. The nurse was filling a syringe with some medicine. She was seen.

10.As there was a sudden outbreak of cholera, everybody in the area was vaccinated


Translate the sentences into English.

1. Середній час перегляду телевізійних передач в Британії складає 24 години на тиждень, тому британців можна вважати не тільки нацією, яка складає велике читацьке коло, але і нацією, яка вважає, що телебачення є інформаційним, корисним, розважальним; в програмах підіймається багато важливих питань, які цікавлять, як дітей, так і дорослих.

2. Одним із завдань журналіста є отримання новин; існує багато засобів, за допомогою яких журналіст отримує інформацію: це проведення прес-конференцій, контроль за діяльністю міжнародних агенцій новин, використання корисних джерел, викриття таємних махінацій.

3. Багато людей вважає, що журналісти мають забагато свободи, оскільки вони не мають обмежень щодо публікацій; тому іноді вони вдаються до обмови та наклепу, друкують оманливу інформацію, втручаються в особисте життя людей, організують облоги зірок щоб отримати сенсаційні та ексклюзивні матеріали.

4. Данченко створив театр, який ніколи не був провінційним. Всупереч опозиції з боку влади він створював шедеври, в яких торкався таких одвічних тем, як свобода, доля людини та сенс людського існування.

5. Його постановки, які вважаються віхами української культури, не завжди поціновувалися критиками та владою, хоча він створював шедеври, які запровадили нові художні стандарти театрального мистецтва.

6. Після перемоги Англії над Великою Іспанською Армадою, в цій країні настала епоха Відродження. Перші театри в Англії з’явилися саме тоді, а до того часу невеликі трупи акторів їздили по країні і ставили свої п’єси для багатої знаті.

7. Всесвітня організація охорони здоров’я передбачає, що докорінні зміни в стилі життя людей призведуть до неконтрольованого поширення ракових, а також хронічних захворювань. Протягом двох наступних десятиріч кількість серцево-судинних захворювань значно збільшиться. Особливо велике занепокоєння викликає підвищений кров’яний тиск. Через недостатню обізнаність населення щорічно помирає 50 000 осіб.

8. Міністри охорони здоров’я Європейського Союзу заборонили рекламу тютюнових виробів. Вони вважають, що така реклама спонукає молодь до звички куріння. Крім того, куріння може підвищити кров’яний тиск, пульс, а також викликати такі серйозні хвороби як рак легенів, горла, шлунку тощо.


Choose one of the topics to write an essay. Active vocabulary and grammar constructions with the verbals are to be used. Your essay should include around 200/250 words.

1.Write a letter to a TV channel with your suggestions as to programmes for those who are eager to learn foreign languages.

2.Entertainers such as actors, singers, and comedians contribute as much to society as professionals such as doctors, engineers, and teachers. Do you agree or disagree?

3. Write a letter to your friend about the danger of smoking. “Smoking is on the increase among young people”. Use specific reasons and details to support your opinion.

Вимоги до іспиту з "Першої іноземної мови" для студентів ІІ курсу факультету перекладачів.

Іспит з "Першої іноземної мови" складається двічі на рік, в зимову та літню екзаменаційну сесію.

Студенти, які виконали всі види робіт, написали та захистили модульну контрольну роботу вважаються допущеними до іспиту.

Щоб отримати позитивну оцінку на іспиті, студенти повинні опрацювати тематичний матеріал відповідно до вимог, які викладені в робочій програмі, володіти знаннями активної лексики, граматичних конструкцій: the Infinitive? Gerund, the Participle, Modal Verbs? the Subjunctive mood, підмет, присудок, прості та складні речення – складають основу граматичного матеріалу. Студенти повинні розпізнавати їх в екзаменаційних текстах та реченнях на переклад з української мови на англійську.

Студенти повинні продемонструвати знання фонетичного матеріалу, вміти транскрибувати, знаходити синтагми, володіти знаннями про інтонацію речень, термінальні тони, шкали, стилі, а також мати практичні навички для виконання завдань.

Третє питання іспиту складається з ситуацій, які студенти повинні подати в рамках вивчених усних те вживаючи на практиці лексичні матеріал та граматичні конструкції.

На екзамені і диференційованому заліку оцінювання рівня засвоєння студентом навчального матеріалу з дисципліни здійснюється таким чином.

Викладач оцінює кожне питання екзаменаційного білета окремо у 4-бальній шкалі ("5","4", "3", "2",). Загальна оцінка за відповідь на екзамені (диференційованому заліку) виводиться як середнє арифметичне з оцінок за кожне питання білета з округленням до десятої частки. Ця оцінка помножується на 20. Отримане значення становить підсумковий рейтинговий бал, якому відповідає підсумкова оцінка з дисципліни за національною шкалою ("відмінно, "добре", "задовільно", "незадовільно") і оцінка за шкалою ЄКТС за таблицею:

Підсумковий рейтинговий бал

Оцінка за шкалою ЄКТС

Підсумкова оцінка з дисципліни за національною шкалою
















