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6. Translate the sentences into English, paying attention to the use of tenses:

1. Я слышал, что он недавно вернулся с Дальнего Востока. 2. Послушай, Том, я все хочу поговорить с тобой. 3. Мы не ожидали, что он придет, но он пришел. 4. Он был болен уже два дня, когда послали за доктором. 5. Интересно знать, что он обо всем этом думает. 6. У тебя покраснели глаза. Ты плакала? 7. История, которую он вам сейчас рассказывал, — чистейшая выдумка. 8. Он тяжело дышал и не мог вымолвить ни слова. 9. Я никогда его не встречала и не знаю, как он выглядит. 10. Она отложила в сторону книгу, которую читала, и подошла к окну. 11. А теперь мне надо укладываться, мы уезжаем рано утром. 12. Зачем ты открыла окно? На улице очень шумно. 13. Вы нашли журнал, который потеряли вчера? — Да. — А где вы его нашли? — На письменном столе отца. Он взял его почитать перед сном. 14. С минуту она смотрела на отца, затем повернулась и вышла из комнаты. 15. Она всегда задает вопросы. 16. У тебя такой расстроенный вид. О чем они с тобой говорили?

7. A) Comment on the use of the future tenses (the Future Indefinite, the Future Continuous and the Future Perfect):

1. Don't come so early. Jim will still be sleeping, I'm sure. 2. By the 1st of January he will have worked at the laboratory for six years. 3. Don't tell your aunt about it. She will be telling it to other aunts. 4. I'll try to get there as soon as I can. 5. Another ten years and you'll have forgotten all about it. 6. "I must be off," he said. "I’ll be back for lunch."

B) Use the required future or present tense instead of tee infinitives in brackets where necessary:

1. How you've grown! Good gracious me, you (to get) a moustache soon! 2.1 hope you (not to forget) all this by tomorrow! 3. By next Sunday you (to stay) with us for five weeks. 4. If we (not to get) there before seven, they (to do) everything. 5.1 probably (to want) to see the book before he (to finish) it. 6. You must not eat any solid food until your temperature (to go down). 7.1 know you (to whisper) when Peg (to go). You always do. 8. When we (to get) back they (to have) supper. 9. Look! The leaves are yellow, they (to fall) soon. 10. While I (to live), I always (to remember) his face. 11.1 don't think he (to wire) before he (to arrive). 12. Nobody knows when it all (to be settled). 13. I'm not sure if he (to be) glad to see me. 14. She (to do) her home-work after supper. 15.1 suppose you (to work) very hard in the autumn.

8. Use the reguired tense instead of the infinitives in brackets:

"Shall I call again tomorrow?" (to ask) the doctor, before taking leave of the old man.

"Oh, no, we (to send) for you if she (not to be) so well," he (to reply). "She (to have) hardly any temperature today; her cough is easier; and the pain quite (to disappear). I can't think, though, how she (to catch) this germ. She hardly (to be) out of the house for the last three weeks, owing to the intense-ness of the cold, and nobody else (to have) influenza, or even a cold."

"She (to be) certainly very subject to infection. She ever (to try) a course of injections to strengthen her system against these germs? Three injections at intervals of a week, at the beginning of the winter, will often work marvels."

"It (to be) difficult to persuade her to take care of herself, doctor," (to sigh) the father, "but when she (to be) better I certainly (to suggest) it to her."

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