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1. Use the verbs in the right form:

1 is offering 2 means 3 continues 4 is starting 5has seen 6 has grown 7are increasing 8 has reduced

The economy is stable following the problems of the past two years. By following a tight monetary policy the government ---1---the inflation rate to 2%. After going up dramatically, the interest rate is now down to 8%. The last six months---2--- a slight improvement in the exchange rate against the dollar. The GDP ---3---by 0.15%.Exports ---4---and the balance of trade ---5---to look much healthier. The unemployment rate ---6--- to be a problem as it is still 16%.In order to stimulate the economy and attract foreign investment the government ---7--- new tax incentives as well as making a renewed effort to reduce government bureaucracy. Finally, a large skilled labor force ---8--- there could be attractive investment opportunities over the next five years.

2. Use the table below to make passive sentences.

Diamonds Microchips


Electronic goods Coffee

Leather goods Oil Rice

Watches Coal Copper

Mobile phones







Poland Kuwait Japan

The United States

Finland Switzerland

Malaysia Brazil

Spain South Africa

Zambia China

3. Complete the following with passive forms of the verbs in brackets

The idea for how our company’s new products …..(develop) is not new -- it …..(model) on the well-known example of the Body Shop. When a new product …. (plan), the first step is to send Product Development Agents to the region of the developing world chosen for the project. They start by finding materials that …..(use) in the product. Then links…..(arrange) with local suppliers. Wherever possible, products ….(manufacture) locally as well, although the finished product ….(export) for sale mostly in the developed world. Normally, products ….(ship) in large containers and ….(package) in their final form only when they reach their destination. The Product Development Agent identifies and establishes links with local material suppliers. After that he or she ensures that these links ….(maintain). The agent is also responsible for producing goods safely so that human rights ….(respect) and local workers ….(not exploit).

4. Complete these sentences with either the present simple or the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. We normally ….(hold) our sales conference in Spain, but this year we…. (hold) it in Poland.

  2. Although we ….(use) our own sales rep at the moment, we generally …(use) agents in Japan.

  3. It normally ….(take) us two years to develop a new product.

  4. We don’t often ….(raise) our prices more than 5%, but this time we ….(raise) them 10%.

  5. Usually our sales Director….(deal) with important customers.

  6. We usually ….(recruit) from within the company, but this time we ….(advertise) externally.

  7. We ….(rent) offices until our new headquarters are ready.

  8. The company….(want) to achieve record sales this year.

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