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методичка везунчик джим.doc
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4. Fill in the gaps where possible with the corresponding words. Translate the words:







to reproach

to disagree

to endanger



to dignify


5. Learn the expressions. Recall the situations they were used in:

To go downgrade, in retrospect, to be inured to, to look at one’s best, to put smb in bad, without opposition, a fear of a rebuff, to be one’s due, to lower gingerly into sleep, to grit one’s teeth, a lure of the drink, to modify smth to smth, to collect one’s thoughts, to make a (no) secret of smth, an alternative to smth, to give vent to, to spring into activity, to supplement smth with smth, from the foreground of one’s mind, а bearing on smb, a pang of relief, to put up with smth.

6. Translate the sentences using active vocabulary of the unit:

1. Спокуса випити була сильнішою за страх бути пониженим у посаді. 2. Зазираючи у минуле, Джим розумів, що його привчали до вміння збиратися з думками за будь-яких обставин. 3. Будь-яка жінка прагне виглядати як найкраще. 4. Проаналізувавши свої відверті думки («передній план»), Джим вирішив дати вихід своїм почуттям. 5. Стиснувши зуби, директор вирішив внести поправки до (уточнити) статут(у) компанії.

II. Questions and Topics for Analysis

  1. Describe Dixon’s condition after his return from the local pub.

  2. What happened upstairs, near the bathroom?

  3. Who helped Dixon out of the predicament? What did Dixon feel towards his rescuer?

  4. What happened during the night?

  5. How did Dixon resolve the situation?

  6. What were Dixon’s feelings towards “the encounter”?

  7. What did Dixon discover when he “was alive again”?

  8. How did he look and feel in the morning? What was his main concern?

  9. What/who caused Dixon’s tears of rage?

  10. What was special about breakfast at the Welches’?

  11. What feelings did Callaghan girl evoke in Dixon?

  12. How did she take Dixon’s account of the fire in his bedroom?

Note: Bakelite – «Бакелит», фирменное название синтетической смолы одноимённой фирмы; применяется для изготовления пластмассовых изделий.

III. Focus on Writing

1. Translate in written form the paragraphs “What gave him … receiver-rest” (p. 79;) “He heaved the bed away……in front of him looking like that” (p.86) into Ukrainian.

2. How do you understand the statements “There was no excuse which did not consist of the inexcusable” and “A stimulus cannot be received by the mind unless it serves some need of the organism”? Write down a short (80 words) comment on every statement.

3. Analyze protagonists’ personality characteristics taking into account the events described in the previous chapters. What episodes made you change your opinion about the main characters of the book?