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Unit 6. It Takes all Sorts…


  1. ambitious

She then attempted something more ambitious, a novel of 120,000 words.

  1. artistic

a. I talked to many artistic people, writers, dancers, film makers.

b. She is very artistic.

  1. cautious

a. My mother was a very cautious driver.

b. We moved cautiously forward.

c. Her husband is reserved and cautious, never making a swift decision about anything.

  1. easy-going

My father was a gentle, easy-going person.

5. enthusiastic

a. Sarah is very enthusiastic about learning to read.

b. Enthusiastic crowds filled the streets.

c. The response was enthusiastic.

6. frivolous

a. He laughed and became frivolous and made light of it all.

b. This is a frivolous way of attacking the problem.

7. gregarious

… a charming and gregarious man whose dinner parties were always lively.

  1. introverted

a. Rosa was quiet and introverted.

b. During pregnancy a woman often becomes introverted.

c. He was now in a slightly introverted mood.

d. Creation is a slow and introverted activity.

  1. outgoing

Adler was an outgoing, sociable kind of man.

  1. outspoken

a. You are younger and more outspoken than they are.

b. They were penalized for their outspokenness.

  1. passionate

a. … a passionate social reformer.

b. She burst into passionate sobbing.

  1. reserved

a. An Englishman is very reserved, quiet, always discreet.

b. … their cold and reserved letters.

  1. resourceful

a. … an able, keen, resourceful politician.

b. … the most resourceful and well-supplied cook in the town.

  1. ruthless

  1. … the most ruthless dictator.

  2. His adversary was ruthless.

  3. Political power was in the hands of a few ruthless men.

  1. sensitive

We are trying to make people more sensitive to the problems faced by working mothers.

  1. spontaneous

  1. They are very fresh and spontaneous people.

  2. Their Irish ebullience made them outgoing and spontaneous.

  1. generous

  1. That’s very generous of you.

  2. You can give more if you are feeling generous.

  3. You’ve been most generous with your time.

  4. She was paid generously to look after children.

  1. prejudiced

  1. People were prejudiced against her.

  2. Public opinion is based on incorrect or very prejudiced information.

  1. sensible

  1. She was far too sensible a person to believe these ridiculous lies.

  2. It seems sensible to move to bigger premises when the company started expanding.

  3. I think that’s the most sensible thing to do.

  4. Try to use your time sensibly.

  1. sophisticated

  1. … a glossy magazine designed for today’s sophisticated woman.

  2. … a sophisticated lifestyle.

  1. conceited

  1. … a conceited old fool.

  2. I am not conceited about my achievements.

  1. stingy

a. He’s too stingy with money.

b. He’s too stingy to give money to charity.

23. open-minded

a. … an intelligent, open-minded man.

b. … an open-minded approach to new techniques.

24. tolerant

  1. Michael is a remarkably tolerant person.

  2. Sheldon only smiled tolerantly.