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9.1.2. Check up the meaning of the following verbs:

determine guard resort readdress penetrate combat reload evade NB! Verbs with prefix re- sometimes have a meaning of "doing it again".

9.2. Read the text and translate it using the dictionary.

Text A

Under conditions of development of the market economy and rapid growth of foreign economic relations of the state, matters of an uncompromising fight against smuggling had already come beyond limits of criminal and administrative categories being one of the priority tasks for guarding economic interests of Russia.

This fight is waged by the Customs Service in cooperation with the colleagues from other law-enforcement agencies.

We may state the fact that criminals specializing in illegal foreign economic operations have lately been changing methods of their activity. First of all, they try to make use of opportunities of illegal transit transportations, execute unlawful operations with customer-supplied raw materials (so-called "tolling") and evade taxes. Criminals are widely practicing reloading, readdressing and simply physical interception of freights. As a result, a part of excisable goods that are transported by transit is "sunk" at Russian territory and doesn't reach customs houses of destination. The use of such a way of tax evasion as import of goods in the guise of a property liable to an obligation of returning it back (exhibitions, completing articles, etc.) is becoming wider.

To prevent smuggling modern methods and techniques have been developed that help customs officers examine the inside of the luggage and cargo. TV-cameras and monitors are installed everywhere at the customs house. They are able to detect everything, even if it has been concealed in the very secret corner. Customs men know from experience the exact places of concealment of goods. It may be a double bottom or cover of a suitcase, a hollowed book, an inside pocket, a tooth-paste tube, a stick: even toys and dolls can be used for that.

Fight against smuggling of stolen or illegally acquired cars, counteraction to smuggling of cultural values, illegal traffic of narcotics and "sinking" of goods – these are the main issues for Customs Service activity.

9.2.1. Give the English equivalents of the following collocations:

широко практикуется, изменять виды деятельности, культурные ценности, нелегальный провоз наркотических средств, достичь таможенного пункта, жить в условиях прозрачности границ, прибегать (к чему-либо), средства борьбы.

9.2.2. Write an abstract of the text.

Unit 20. Newspaper Stories.

9.3.1. When you read a newspaper you never want to read all the articles and stories. Usually you check the headlines and just choose to read those articles which look interesting. Look at these three newspaper headlines:

SARS Measures At Customs Customs Bust Smuggling Soviet Coins and Medals

Customs Foils Smuggling of 80,000 Cigarettes Packs

Which headlines do you think will have stories of interest to you?

9.3.2. Look at the following list of words. They all come from the stories that go with the headlines. Which words do you think go with which headline? Why?

cultural value passenger (n) arrival (n) require (v) detain (v) inscription (n) confiscate (v) brand (n) order (n) seize (v)

SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrom)

9.3.3. Choose one headline only and read the story for the headline you've chosen:

Text 1

Primorye customs officers detained a Chinese man on Tuesday who tried to smuggle out Soviet coins and medals with cultural value, the customs authorities said. The 24-year-old Yan Khan Si, returning from a business trip, carried three medals with the inscription "Veteran of Labor," one dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Armed Forces of the USSR, a World War Two order and nine Soviet coins dating back to 1922 and 1957. He said that he intended them for his collection in his Harbin homers.

Text 2

The Federal Government is planning to introduce new customs measures for all passengers entering Australia to help identify people who may have been exposed to the SARS virus. As part of the immigration process, plane or sea arrivals already fill out an incoming passenger card (IPC), which requires personal information and details on food, plant or animal matter being brought into Australia. The Government now intends to introduce an additional card, which will contain questions to determine the extent to which a person may have been exposed to SARS, the deadly pneumonia which has already killed more than 500 people worldwide.

Text 3

AMMAN – The Customs Department seized an estimated 80,000 packs of cigarettes at dawn Sunday and foiled an attempt to smuggle 40 kilogrammes of silver into the country two days ago, a senior department official said on Sunday. "The cigarettes, which included both US Marlboro and French Gauloises brands, were confiscated in Karamah near the eastern border with Iraq", Department Director General Mahmoud Qteishat said. Even though Marlboro and Gauloises are being locally manufactured, attempts to smuggle the brands into the country are on the increase.

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