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иоаниди расторгуева МУ по развитию навыков и ум...doc
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1. A. Назовите глаголы, соответствующие данным словам и дайте их значение.

acceptable, requirement, additional, occurrence, accomplishment, preference, haste, attainable, involvement, attempting, determination, significance, equalization

Б. Найдите в тексте предложения с вышеуказанными словами.

2. Укажите номера словосочетаний, объясняющих сущность технологических процессов виноделия.

1. maturing, 2. ageing, 3. fining, 4. racking, 5. binning, 6. blending, 7. filtering, 8. fortification, 9. clarification, 10. settling

1. wine alcoholization, 2. making wine clear (transparent), 3. storing bottled wine in cellars for ageing, 4. passing wine through a filter prior to bottling, 5. keeping all wines for a minimum of clarification, stabilizing and settling prior to containerizing for market, 6. drawing off young wine from one vessel and transferring it to another vessel to separate the sediment, 7. clarifying wine by depositing the sediment, 8. the transformation of the green wine into an acceptable product for market, 9. mixing the wine of several casks to equalize vintage in any given year, 10.methods for bringing about clarification of wine

3. Назовите русские эквиваленты предлагаемых сортов вина.

1. bottled, 2. green/young, 3. matured/aged, 4. immature, 5. cloudy, 6. blended, 7. fortified, 8. sparkling, 9. still, 10. sweet, 11. dry/semidry, 12. strong, 13. table, 14. vintage, 15. tonic

1. марочное, 2. крепленое, 3. крепкое, 4. сухое/полусухое, 5. тонизирующее, 6. сладкое, 7. невыдержанное, 8. столовое, 9. игристое, 10. выдержанное, 11. мутное (с мутью), 12. бутылочное, 13. купажное, 14. тихое/неигристое, 15. молодое

4.Укажите номера синонимичных пар.

1. bring about, 2. ultimate, 3. adverse, 4. signify, 5. attainable, 6. obtainable, 7. sediment, 8. bouquet, 9. prior to, 10. cask, 11. vat

1. harmful, 2. tank, 3. barrel, 4. receivable, 5. lees, 6. before, 7. final, 8. mean, 9. cause, 10. aroma, 11. achievable

5. Укажите номера пропущенных слов в следующих предложениях.

1. The requirement for all the wines during … and ageing is clarification, stabilizing, and settling prior to … for the market. 2. Maturing and ageing is critical for the development of the … bouquet of a wine. 3. … is most efficiently accomplished in relatively small vessels. 4. In the process of racking … and … formed during prior storage period are separated. 5. The size of the … affects the rate of ageing. 6. Winemakers consider that … helps to quicken the ageing process. 7. Full development of … and … in wines is attainable only by slow ageing. 8. … is the term used to describe the storage of bottled wine for ageing. 9. Because of the … affect of light upon ageing coloured bottles are preferred. 10. Some wines depend upon a carefully worked-out system of … .

1.binning, 2. adverse, 3. bouquet, flavour; 4. blending, 5. maturing, 6. fining, 7. container, 8. ultimate, 9. refrigeration, 10. lees, sediment

6. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What is the aim of the process of maturing and ageing? 2. What is the requirement for all wines prior to containerization for the market? 3. When does additional maturing occur? 4. What does the process of fining mean? 5. What does the operation of racking involve? 6. What does the number of times of racking depend upon? 7. How can the term of binning be explained? 8. What is said about blending and filtering? 9. What does the term “fortification” signify?

7. Кратко расскажите по-английски:

а) о технологии производства вина;

б) о сырье и конечном продукте данной отрасли.