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министерство образования и науки российской федерации

Федеральное агентство по образованию

Государственное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования

Московский физико-технический институт

(государственный университет)

Кафедра иностранных языков



(для студентов 3-го курса)

Москва 2007

Составитель Л.И. Климова

ЛАБОРАТОРНЫЕ РАБОТЫ ПО ПЕРЕВОДУ (для студентов 3-го курса) / Сост. Л.И. Климова. М.: МФТИ, 2007. – 27 с.


( для студентов 3-го курса)

Составитель Климова Лидия Ивановна

Корректор в.А. Дружинина

Подписано в печать Формат 60 х 841/16. Бумага офсетная. Печать офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 1,68 Уч.-изд. л. 1,58 Тираж экз. Заказ №

Государственное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования

Московский физико-технический институт

(государственный университет)

Отдел автоматизированных издательских систем «физтех-полиграф»

141700, Московская обл., г. Долгопрудный, Институтский пер., 9

© Московский физико-технический институт, (государственный университет), 2007

Translation № 1

  1. In order for energy to bе conserved in an electron-positron collision, the photon must carry off the several billion electron volts contributed by the annihilating particles.

  2. The actual orbit is a compromise between the large value of energy the electron would have very near the nucleus and the large energy if completely detached.

  3. Attention is to be called to the fact that to prevent the propellants from burning some additional means for cooling are to be provided.

  4. Unfortunately the comparison made turned but to be inadequate for choosing the best move for a player in a current position.

  5. With more sensitive auxiliary devices being available, ground-based telescopes may even be able to determine whether a star is being perturbed by a large planet revolving around it.

  6. We concluded that the Van Peipe calculation was valid for the wave function did converge.

  7. Given any point, z. In the one-dimensional space, the value of the field is specified at that point without ambiguity.

  8. Had the changes In the angular orientation of the machine occurred the corresponding changes of its incidence (наклон, угол атаки) would have brought about extra undesired centripetal force.

  9. The above method of calculation has the advantage as compared to previous calculations of taking account in a rather complete manner of correlation effects between distant particles of the plasma.

  10. In addition, we would' not expect the spin orbit interactions in H4 to be sufficient to account for the spectrum observed.

  11. What is the origin of the expanding shell of gas? In our view asking this question amounts to asking what caused the stars to form nebulae.

  12. To sum up, the program developed could be arranged to handle words In ascending or descending sequence or in no sequence at all.

  13. Until recently physicists believed the slight discrepancies in the individual mirrors to cancel each other.

Translation № 2

  1. The exact operation of some devices cannot be much relied upon due to their being slightly affected by the changes In the ambient temperature.

  2. In traversing the foil of gold most of the alpha particles never approached one of the atom cores (ядро) close enough to be strongly Influenced by it, but when a collision did take place the alpha particle could be scattered in any direction.

  3. A useful way of organizing stellar observation is to plot the value of the newly observed feature against the value of some standard classification feature such as the colour index.

  4. It is of the utmost importance that a time-table leading to a final decision be defined in advance but this should be flexible to allow for changes caused by later developments.

  5. The attainable brightness is found to be confined, the limit depending on whether the optical arrangement used returns or does not return appreciable amounts of radiation of the source.

  6. Should an electrically neutral atom acquire an additional electron, the negative charges would predominate resulting in a negative ion.

  7. The electric field between the plates being altered, particles of a different velocity should be selected for study.

  8. To find flux changes unambiguously would call for continuous and intensive daily observation of stars extending over periods of several weeks or months. А trial effort of this kind was. in fact attempted last summer by investigators from the Carnegie Institute of Washington, all working as a group at the Mount Wilson Observatory.

  9. Once the electric field is strong enough for ionization by collision to occur the glow is formed adjacent to the wire.

  10. The approach concerned takes account of the main features to be taken into account when one decides whether to take advantage of correlation or spectral analysis for a particular problem.

  11. If spin temperatures extend from zero to positive infinity and then from infinity back to zеrо, the temperatures should obey a peculiar law of addition. In particular, two temperatures of equal magnitude but opposite sign should add to yield an infinite temperature.

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