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Частина ІІ


LESSON 1. Advertising as a career in the USA

(Реклама, як зробити кар’єру в США) ………………………………………… 5

LESSON 2. Aggregate demand and aggregate supply

(Сукупний попит і сукупна пропозиція) ………………………………………. 10

LESSON 3. Planned economy

(Планова економіка) ……………………………………………………………. 15

LESSON 4. Market economy

(Ринкова економіка) …………………………………………………………….. 19

LESSON 5. Economic Forces

(Економічні чинники) …………………………………………………………… 24

LESSON 6. Finding a job

(Пошук роботи) ………………………………………………………………….. 29

LESSON 7. Negotiating

(Ведення переговорів) …………………………………………………………… 34

LESSON 8. Doing business with the Japanese

(Ведення бізнесу з Японією) …………………………………………………… 39

LESSON 9. Management strategy: choices of a strategy

(Стратегія управління: вибір стратегії) ………………………………………… 44

LESSON 10. Transportation of Goods

(Транспортування товарів) ……………………………………………………… 49

LESSON 11. Transacting

(Угода) …………………………………………………………………………….. 54

LESSON 12. English Bank

(Англійський Банк) ……………………………………………………………… 59


Практикум для підготовки вступу в магістратуру студентів IV курсу розрахований на студентів всіх економічних спеціальностей денної форми навчання. Він містить різні види тестових завдань, спрямованих на перевірку мовної професійної компетенції студентів та рівня сформованості їх навичок.

Певні тести спонукають студентів до самостійної роботи, повторення та закріплення граматичного та лексичного матеріалу за темами їхньої спеціальності. За допомогою даного практикуму студенти мають можливості систематизувати та оцінити свої знання з англійської мови професійного спрямування.

Даний практикум можна рекомендувати для використання у процесі навчання не тільки студентам четвертого курсу денної форми навчання, але й усім, хто вивчає англійську мову в ОНЕУ.

Lesson 1

Task 1. Complete the text with the words in the box.

1. objectives

5. suppliers

9. designers

13. support

17. an advertising agency

2. advertising managers

6. media

10. presentation and promotion

14. film producers

18. Competence

3. skilled

7. advertising program

11. consumer psychology

15. Careers

19. the standard of living

4. to produce knowledge

8. free-market

12. to stimulate

16. a developer

20. effective

Advertising as a career in the usa

Advertising is any paid form of non-personal ( 10 ) of products, services or ideas by an identifiable individual or organization. It flourishes mainly in ( 8 ), profit-oriented countries. It is one of the most important factors in accelerating the distribution of the products and helping to raise ( 19 ). Advertising cannot turn a poor product or service into a good one. But what it can do — and does — is to create awareness about both old and new products and services. So three main ( 1 ) of advertising are:

(1) ( 4 ) about the product or service;

(2) to create preference for it; and

(3) ( 12 ) thought and action about it.

( 13 ) in advertising may involve working for advertisers, media, advertising, or ( 5 ) and special services. In opinion of American specialists, at most, only 35 colleges and universities in the USA have ( 20 ) programs of advertising education. Fewer than 10 offer any truly significant amount of graduate work in advertising. However, advertising draws people from a variety of educational backgrounds.

Advertisers. Most companies that advertise extensively have ( 2 ), to help brand managers. Because these people help to coordinate the company's ( 7 ) with its sales program and with the company's advertising agency, they must have attitudes for both advertising and management.

Media. All media use salesmen to sell advertising space or broadcasting time. Media salesmen must be knowledgeable about business and ( 3 ) in salesmanship.

Advertising agencies. A variety of specialists is required in ( 17 ) because it develops advertising programs, prepares advertisements, and places them in ( 6 ). Those interested in advertising research and fact gathering should know both statistics and ( 11 ).

( 18 ) in media planning and evaluation is essential for a career in media. The media buyer must identify and determine the most effective media in which to expose the advertising messages, and purchase space or time in these media. Copywriting requires creative writing skills and ability to visualize ideas. The copywriter is ( 16 ) of advertising ideas and messages.

Supplies and special services. Positions similar to some of those already described are offered by the following services that ( 13 ) advertising: marketing research organizations, television and radio producers, ( 14 ), art studios, photographers, producers of display materials, and product and package ( 9 ).

Task 2. Match each of the words or phrases on the left to an appropriate definition.

1 application i

a) the speed at which a worker or a company or a country produces goods, and the amount produced, compared with how much time, work and money is needed to produce them

2 chief executive officer h

b) the group of people who work for a particular company

3 distribution j

c) a detailed and careful study of sth to find out more information about it

4 human resources f

d) the state of having a paid job

5 employment d

e) the number of hours in the week that you spend doing your job

6 productivity a

f) the department in a company that deals with employing and training people

7 working hours e

g) the money that you have to pay to the government so that it can provide public services

8 tax g

h) the person with the highest position in a company or an organization

9 staff b

i) a formal written request, especially for a job or a place in a school, club, etc.

10 research c

j) 1) the act of transporting and delivering goods to clients 2) the department in a company that is responsible for transporting and delivering goods to clients

Task 3. Fill in the blanks using the word combinations given below, translate the letter.

Letter 1.

I wanted ( d ) to thank you for the excellent job you did in arranging financing for our project. We ( f ) you made yourself available for discussion seven days a week. We were impressed by your thorough knowledge of financing and investment banking.

( a ) with our new financial institution for about a week now. The advantages of association with this institution are ( b ). I feel as though we have taken a quantum leap forward in progress.

I ( c ) to retain your services again and ( e ) to any company seeking the best representation.

a) we have been dealing

b) already apparent

c) would not hesitate

d) to take this opportunity

e) to recommend your firm

f) appreciate the fact that

Letter 2.

( b ) on Friday I have given much thought to the equipment we need in the Art Education Department. Our art equipment is basic and ( e ) teaching some new techniques that will “enhance student learning.” We need to purchase ( c ) to learn about graphic designing. ( f ) a list of ( d ) and a floor plan sketch showing the layout of my room after the installation of the ( a ).

a) several new computers and programs

b) following our meeting

c) new equipment

d) needed computer-related equipment

e) I would like to start

f) attached is

Task 4. Choose the correct variant.

1. A wholesaler does not deal with …, he deals with a retailer.

a) a seller

b) a man

c) a customer

d) a distributor

2.The department store gives a 30% … on all Chinese shoes.

a) offer

b) discount

c) rate

d) sale

3.The wholesaler is an … link between a producer and a consumer.

a) more important

b) important

c) most important

d) less important

4. There … different channels of distribution helping to bring goods to the market now.

a) is

b) were

c) are

d) have been

5.The work … two days ago.

a) was done

b) will be done

c) were done

d) has been done

6. We … this bank account any more.

a) don’t want

b) won’t want

c) doesn’t want

d) haven’t wanted

7.Consumers … do business only with online retailers who are certified safe.

a) don’t have to

b) needn’t

c) are to

d) should

8) If we came down in salary, … you be prepared to increase our health benefits?

a) would

b) are

c) will

d) would have

9. They will cut our holiday allowance, as long as we… on overtime.

a) will insist

b) insist

c) insisted

d) would insist

10. I would appreciate… from you soon.

a) hear

2) hearing

c) heard

d) having heard

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