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ПРАКТИЧЕСКИЕ ЗАДАНИЯ по учебной практики.docx
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Практическое задание № 2.

Creating Simple animation (Shape Tween) in Flash

  • Flash can create another simple animation: Shape Tween.

  • Creation of Shape Tween using timeline is the basics of Flash.

  • By tweening shapes, you can create an effect similar to morphing, making one shape appear to change into another shape over time. Flash can also tween the location, size, and color of shapes.

  • Steps to follow:

  1. Open a new flash file (Ctrl+N).

  2. New Document window will appear

  3. Select General panel and choose Type: Flash Document . Press OK.

  4. I

    Timeline not opened

    f your timeline window is not open, press (Ctrl+Alt+T).

Timeline opened

(press Ctrl+Alt+T).

  1. Now you can see a single Layer called "Layer1" in your timeline Window.

  1. Select the first frame.

  2. Now go to your working area and draw a circle.

  3. To draw a circle, click the Oval tool or press “o”

Use this Oval drawing tool

  1. Select frame 20 and press F6 to insert a new keyframe.

Create a new keyframe (press F6)

  1. Still keeping playhead on frame 20, delete the circle. Now draw a different object, that is a square.

  1. To draw a square, click the Rectangular tool or press “r”

Use this Rectangular drawing tool

  1. After drawing the square, select any frame between, 2 to 19.

  1. Press Ctrl + F3 and a Property inspector will pop up as follows and select shape from the tween pop-up menu in the Property inspector.

  1. Now your Layer will look something like the one shown below.

20. Now press (Ctrl+Enter) to view your shape tween.



Shape Tweening the following animation:

  • Small circle to bigger circle

  • Red circle to Yellow circle

Практическая работа № 3

Creating Simple animation <Stick man> in Flash

  • Flash can create animation like animated stick man.

  • Steps to follow:

  1. Open a new flash file (Ctrl+N).

  2. New Document window will appear

  3. Select General panel and choose Type: Flash Document . Press OK.

  4. I

    Timeline not opened

    f your timeline window is not open, press (Ctrl+Alt+T).

Timeline opened

(press Ctrl+Alt+T).

  1. Now you can see a single Layer called "Layer1" in your timeline Window.

  1. Select the first frame.

  2. Now go to your working area and draw a stick man as follows:

  1. To draw a circle, click the Oval tool or press “o”. To draw a line, click the Line tool or press “n”.

Use this for drawing circle (or press “o”)

Use this for drawing line (or press “n”)

  1. Select the second frame and press F6.

  1. Select the move tool or press “v”:

Use this for move tool for adjusting line

  1. Adjust the hand of the stick man as follows:

Use the move tool to move this hand

Use the move tool to move this hand

20. Now press (Ctrl+Enter) to view your animated stick man.



Now we learn to draw a more complicated character. Using all the tools you learnt in Tutorial 1, 2, and 3, draw the character as shown below:

O r draw the below: