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Повествовательное предложение

hardware is the input, storage, processing and control devices.

software is the set of computer programs procedures and associated documentation

the currency of the USA is dollar

Halloween is connected with Witches and ghosts

the main river of the USA is the Mississippi

the word ’’program’’ refers to an application program

systems programmers are highly trained specialists

the computer as a system can perform numerical computations

Basic operations may be operated many times.

computers are able to store vast amounts of information

Computers are unlikely to make computational errors

each instruction is then Fed to the control unit

there are primary and secondary storage units

Each binary digit is called bit

air traffic control is impossible without computer application

space exploration Uses widely computers

computers help in management of economy

Thus computers use two conditions, high voltage, and low voltage.

Разделительный вопрос.

they don’t solve specific problems do they

systems software don’t solve specific problems do they

the computer can not program itself can it

The computation doesn’t stop with the execution , does it?

Russian scientists made contribution into the computers, didn’t they?

Утвердительное предложение.

the person who prepares systems software is a system programmer

the capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast

William Shakespeare wrote ’’Othello’’, ’’King Lear’’ and ’’Hamlet’’

the U.K. is the abbreviation for the United Kingdom of Great Britain

English is the official language in Australia and New Zealand

the American flaghas has fifty stars and thirteen stripes

there are five Great Lakes between the USA and Canada

the control and arithmetic components are called central processor

the second important unit of the computer is the control

a number system has only two possible values

Computers can control the work of power station

computers are used For image processing

vacuum tubes assisted in manipulation

Специальный вопрос:

what doesn't the computation stop with

What functions do the computer systems perform?

Вопрос к подлежащему

what uses only ones and zeros

What directs the operations of computer?

What is stored in them in the same binary codes?

Общий вопрос

is the cost per character decreasing Rapidly

Were there times when a computer operated like a"brain"?

Альтернативный вопрос

Do they bring or break economic and social changes?

Are software programs of two or three types?

Вставить слово

What does a computer require?

Programs and data must be in the internal memory.

The control unit obtain instructions from the program.

The results of arithmetic operations are returned to the decoder .

The comparer performs logical comparisons.

The read out command is passed from the instruction register.

Charles Babbage never finished his work.

CU and ALU consist of millions of servers .

The function of the CPU is to transmit control signals .

The USA is a constitutional republic, consisting of fifty states.

Третий element of a computer is the arithmetic device.

Programs and the data must be in internal memory.

A / computer …/ is a machine with an intricate network.

Most computers have three basic capabilities.

For outputting information two devices are used: a printer and cathode-ray-tube display

The work of banks depends upon computer terminals.

It is known that learning on a computer is fun.

There are four types of resources: people, materials, facilities, equipment.

Inputting is the process of entering data.

storing is saving data or information for additional processing.

outputting is the process of producing useful information.

characters are all written language symbols.

data elements are meaningful collections of related characters.

records are collections of related data elements.

files are collections of related records.

A set of related files is called a data base.

controlling is directing the manner where operations are performed.

The two basic types of computers are analog and digital.

analog computers simulate physical characters.

digital computers deal with discrete rather than continuous quantities.

Input - to insert outside information into the machine.

storage or memory - to store information and make it available at the time.

arithmetic-logical unit - to perform the calculations.

output - to remove the data to the outside world.

control unit - to cause all parts of the computer to act as a team.

Arithmetic operations are performed in the arithmetic-logical unit

The five units do this by a machine language.

Machines that combine analog and digital capabilities are called hybrid

The combinations of the characters are coded.

Computer system architecture is organized around the primary storage unit

Another name for primary storage is memory

A number system with only two digit, 0 and 1, is called a binary number system

The word “computer” and “processor” are used interchangeably.

This leads to the examination of the central processing units.

The gadget for the first computer revolution was vacuum tube

Information is given in the form of the characters

The basic functions of the computer is to process information.

The data are kept in the memory

electronic devices control the work of power stations.

Automatisation of production processes became possible due to electronics

systems software are the programs designed to control the operation.

The person who prepares systems software is a system programmer.

Canada’s capital is …. Ottawa

Who discovered America? Christopher Columbus

Most families usually have Christmas tree in the corner on Christmas.

Often programs, particularly systems software, are stored in an area of memory

Applications software are written to solve specific problems.

The word ’’programmer’’ is a person who prepares applications software

The computer as a system can perform numerical computations.

????b) is able to

The control must convert the command into appropriate set of voltage.

That are only a few basic operations which must be performed.

An electronic digital computer is a system which processed data.

Finally a computer requires appropriate input-output devices.

A command to perform an addition or division is transmitted.

The instructions which form the program are stored in the computer.

For this reason computers can be defined as devices.

A computer can solve series of problems without becoming tired.

The need for converting facts into is not a phenomenon.

The converting facts into useful information is not a phenomenon.

Computer data processing system can be designed for four capabilities.

Computers, when properly programmed, can’t make computational error.

Reservation clerks may make an enquiry about transportation on lodgings.

the most cost-effective computer data processing system does the job effectively.

Computers are designed by a computer system architect.

They operate to the process that is being .

Voltage may be used to represent speed, temperature or pressure.

The response of an analog computer is based upon the signals.

All computer operations can be grouped into five functional categories.

A compete set of instructions are fed to the memory.

Information may be fed from the arithmetic unit or the memory.

The five units of the computer must communicate..

They used numbers instead of analogous physical quantities.

Computer memory must be able to locate all its contents quickly.

It must locate all its contents upon demand.

Computer memory must be able to locate all its contents.

Data as well as instructions must flow into primary storage.

The codes used are based upon a system.

The switches are capable of two or three possible states.

The computer is capable of storing and manipulating symbols.

Computer is to make what we want.

The program, which is telling the computer are kept inside.

If we couldn’t feed information, the computers would not be of use.

Some of the most common methods inputting information are using terminals.

The computer’s input device reads the information into the computer.

Computers have circuits which can make decisions.

A computer works according to the instructions given to it.

Recently a computer seemed to operate like a mechanical “brain”.

A computer can carry out arithmetic-logical operations.

The use of the computer in business is widespread today.

Without these terminals it would be impossible to make inquires.

Computers are applied for automatic piloting and automatic navigation.

Space exploration depends on computers for guidance and research.

Weather forecasting can benefit from computers too.

The use of computers in business is widespread today.

Computer- controlled robots improve the quality of products.

Uses of computers will become commonplace in the transition of society.

Inputting information is realized by means of diskettes

A computer can carry out arithmetic-logical operations instantaneously

The operation of circuits depends on the flow of electrons for generation.

Today it is difficult to imagine our life without electronics.

transistor provided the same functions as the vacuum tubes.

With the invention of transistor all circuit functions carry out.

Early transistors responded at a few million times a second.

The essence of integrated electronics is batch processing

The first programmable computer complete with punched cards for data input

It was the largest calculator ever built

It should be noticed that learning on computer can be fun.

It switched flows of electrons off and on faster than possible.

There was a time when privileged people learned the basics.

Now we are becoming an information-becoming society.

Computers and their many applications are technical achievement.

The control must convert switches and carry out the instructions.

the numbers and the instructions are stored in memory.

The second important unit of the computer is the control.

In an instance where cost is more important than performance.

in a large-scale digital system, there are a few basic operations.

There are four circuits most commonly employed in the systems.

There is little doubt that computers are among the achievements.

they bring with them both economic and social changes.

He needn’t know much about how to prepare programs.

Computers and their accessory equipment are designed by an architect.

Systems firmware are usually stored in read-only memory.

Computers can store information far beyond the capabilities of humans.

The function of memory is to store data.

The very first calculating device used was the ten fingers of a man's hands..

People went on using abacus into the 16th century.

Abacus can be understood without knowing how to read.

During the 17th and 18th centuries many people tried to find easy ways of calculating.

Advances in science have led to the proliferation of computers .

The function of memory is to sore the partial results.

The first calculating machine appeared as people's experiments .

Ch. Babbage called his machine the analytical engine.

Hollerith invented a means of coding the data by punching holes into cards.

By the1970-s punched cards had been replaced by keyboard terminals .

The first machine could figure out mathematical problems.

A remote banking terminal is an example of a human-related input environment.

Air traffic control depends on computer.

The British Parliament comprises two branches The House of Commons and the House of Lords


This device was used in World War II

Это устройство было использовано во Второй Мировой Войне.

This operations are allowed to be operated many times.

Эти операции могут выполняться много раз.

Computers are applied for automatic piloting.


The machine was not confined to simple addition, subtraction.


Aiken’s machine is often classified as a computer.

часто классифицируют

The gadget for the first computer revolution was vacuum tube.


A computer works according to the instructions given to it.

инструкции (команды)

to cause the machine to accomplish the same function

заставить машину выполнять ту же функцию

Firmware is a term that describes certain programs.

Встроенное программное обеспечение – это термин, который описывает некоторые программы.

An electronic digital computer is a system which processed data.

Электронный цифровой компьютер это система, которая обрабатывает данные.

Память служит также для хранения частичных результатов.

The memory serves for storing also the partial results.

Digital computers deal with discrete.

цифровой компьютер

Data must flow into and out of the primary storage.


Computers can control the work of power stations.


Storing is saving data and it is available for processing.


System programmer are высококвалифицированный specialist.

highly trained

Инструкция которая направляет операции компьютеров

the instruction that direct the operations of computers

stored program computer ??? компьютер с занесенной в память программой

Mark I could figure out long lists of mathematical problems.

мог вычислять

The word programs usually refers to an application program.


A computer requires appropriate input – output devices.


A computer requires appropriate input – output devices for inserting numbers.

устройства ввода-вывода

“Computing” is the concept that embraces also a computer literacy.


We are on the way to becoming компьютерно-грамотными.

computer- literate

Advances in science have led to the proliferation of computers.


Двоичный код упростил дизайн компьютера.

A binary code simplified computer design.

Henry Briggs used Napier's ideas to produce logarithm tables.

логарифмическая таблица

машина для решения проблем общего назначения

a general-purpose problem-solving machine

He built one machine to punch the holes.

пробивать отверстия

Machines designed to manipulate punched card were used for business.

были использованы

Эти электромеханические процессоры обработки данных были названы машина записи единиц.

These early electromechanical data processors were called unit record machines.

In the 1940s electronic computers were developed to perform calculations.


Initially these computers accepted their input data from punched cards.

Первоначально эти компьютеры принимали вводимые данные с перфокарт.

to store both data and instructions.

хранить и данные и информацию

Technical development of digital computers took place in the 1940s.

цифровые компьютеры


What is program?

the instruction that directs the operations of computers

– It’s high time to go home, Jim. Good bye!

see you soon

What is the basic job of computers?

processing of information

– Joyce, let me introduce my friend Victor Danin.

Glad to meet you.

What does "a computer literate person " mean?

should be able to use computers as everyday problem-solving device.

What is computing?

a concept of old third R, arithmetic and computer literacy.

What do the people mean by the “basics”?

the tree R’s: reading; writing; arithmetic

What is application software?

are the programs written to solve specific problems;

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