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“The Population Bomb” and “There’s plenty of room aboard planet Earth”

Обратите внимание на книжную лексику (bookish words) и термины, связанные с экологией и окружающей средой.

Examples of bookish words: Examples of terms connected with

to abound environment and ecology:

efficatious density

enlightening deposit

to require smog

to resolve the problem malnutrition, undernourishment

to necessitate carbon monoxide

a decrease DDT

to perceive detergent

coercion fertile, fertility, fertilizers

to defer pesticide

to embark on/upon sth= sewer monocultures

предпринять что-либо silt population explosion

erroneously ecosystem oxygen production

a decline irrigate birthrate

to decline mutation crop yield

thermal equilibrium mortality

“green revolution”

demographic growth

environmental deteriorations

population-food imbalance

replacement level

“Progress in Samoa”

Обратите внимание на упр.1стр.127 (старые книги), упр.B стр.132-133 (новые книги).

Adj + Noun Combinations Noun + Noun Combinations

open-air home development projects

European-styled homes land community

absolute authority police force

civil engineers communications system

new road system cash terms

communal land ownership inflation rate

Individual incentive

political involvement Verb + Noun Combinations

false economy to elect a Parliament

expatriate children to administer justice

temporary work visa to promote tourism

agricultural economy to retard development

political stability

uncorrupted Polynesian culture

Все эти словосочетания являются терминами и понятиями, кроме фразы “uncorrupted Polynesian culture”, которая придаёт тексту экспрессивность.

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