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15.Stylistic value of set expressions.

The use of SE is connected with clishes, proverbs & sayings, quotations & allusions.

CLIchE – expr-n that had become tried & lost originality. There’re different treatments & understanding of the term, bur every agree that it’s rather stable & bredictable( the wheat & carrot policy). Cl-s are often used in publ speeches. On the 1 hand, they give lively effect, on the other hand,they become > underst.by ordinary people. As sp characteristics os literary char-r CL is stubborn, poor-educated, everyth will depend on the topic of the ? CL is used of a speech of a char-r descry politics, economics give rather positive convers.on habitual topics with lots of Cliches presupposes a negative char-r.

PROVEBS & SAYINGS usually collected in dictionaries. Their > char-c f-re lies in the content form in the utter-ce. Their wording becomes a pattern wh/needs no new w-ds. A PR presup a simult. Supplication of 2 m-ngs: - a primary, an extended(from the cont). PR ‘re deductive & descry. Norms, morals of the society. Being well-known Pr have rather low styl value. It’s their modifications that sound lively. (I leave John for a present safe not sound( safe & sound). The destr-n c/be observed in liter works of newspaper & magazine articles. The effect of the destr-n is mockery, irony & sarcasm.

AN EPIGRAM - . It’s a stylistic device akin (сродни) to a proverb, difference - epigrams are coined by individuals whose names we know, while proverbs are the coinage of the people. E are witty statements. They always have literary bookish air & posess a > degree of indep-ce. E are > often char-d by rythm, alliteration & rhyme.

A quotation is a repetition of a phrase or statement from a book, speech & the like used by way of authority, illustration, proof or as a basis for further speculation on the matter. By repeating a passage in a new environment, we attach to the utterance an importance it might not have had in the context. What is quoted must be worth quoting, since a quotation will inevitably acquire some degree of generalization. There’re spec dictionaries of Quot-ns. In literary works Q serve as a speech or interior char-cs of the char-r, the sit-n or event. If it’s repeated frequentlyit’s recognozed as Epigram. But many Q repeated in new environments areperceaved as an Epigram. A Q is always presented in inverted commas. It must be an extract rep-n of the w-ds of the creator. As soon as the Q looses its specific reference it becomes a saying as the form permits.

An allusion, is an indirect reference, by word or phrase, to a historical, literary, mythological, biblical fact or to a fact of everyday life made in the course of speaking or writing. The use of allusion presupposes knowledge of the fact, thing or person alluded to on the part of the reader or listener. As a rule no indication of the source is given. This is one of the notable differences between quotation & allusion. Another difference is of a structural nature: a quotation must repeat the exact wording of the original even though the meaning may be modified by the new context; an allusion is only a mention of a word or phrase which may be regarded as the key-word of the utterance. An allusion has certain important semantic peculiarities, in that the meaning of the word should be regarded as a form for the new meaning. Set expressions are really very seldom produced in literary works in their original form. They’re always modified modified t.wh the terms are rather conventional they only hint at the source of modification.