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Letter of a medical student to his friend

I am eager to tell you that I am a first-year student of a Medical Institute at present. In six years Г11 graduate from this Institute and become a doctor. My duty will be to treat people and fight against different diseases.

In July I arranged all my affairs to be admitted to the Institute. I got a medical certificate, handed in my matriculation certificate and the application for admission to this higher school I followed my father's advice and began to work hard for my competitive entrance examinations. I passed my competitive entrance examinations and was admitted to the Institute.

Let me tell you something about our group. There are 20 students in our group. All of us attend our classes regularly and never miss the lectures. We all take an active part in the Institute social life. Our students who live at the Institute hostel as well as those who live with their parents can. always have their dinner at our Institute canteen. Most of us get scholarships and have all the necessary textbooks which we get from our library.

The first-year curriculum includes many subjects. Anatomy is the most important subject in the first year. Our timetable Includes six periods of Anatomy weekly* I am greatly interested in Anatomy and Histology and pay great attention to these subjects. During our practical studies in some other subjects we often carry out experiments in different laboratories. Sometimes we receive very interesting findings. We also take notes of the lectures delivered by professors of medicine.

Some of my fellow students belong to our scientific circles. They xaiTy on different experiments on animals, spend much time on research work and cope with it well. Most of the members of these circles are senior students who have a good knowledge of medicine. Many of them are going to attend post-graduate courses. XAs I am friendly with most of my fellow students I spend all my spare time together with them. We attend discussions, go to _the theatre and the cinema and arrange evening parties, I expect to go home for rny winter vacation because I miss my parents and all rny old schoolmates.

How I got my medical certificate.

When I was entering the institute I had to get a medical certificate.

When I came to the polyclinic I went to the registry first. A registering clerk on duty asked my name, address, age and occupation. She wrote out some slips because several specialists had to examine me .

The doctors including a therapeutist , a neurologist and the others had to listen to my heart and lungs. They had to check my kidneys, liver, stomach, eyesight, hearing. Besides, thy had to make my blood analysis, to take my blood pressure and X-ray me too.

I made the appointment with my doctor for 10 o’clock. Nurse gave me a thermometer which I had to keep in my armpit for about 10 minutes.

My temperature was normal. Then I went in consulting room. My doctor is an experienced therapeutist. He questions his patients thoroughly and examines them carefully. He always makes a correct diagnosis and prescribes a proper treatment. In the afternoon he goes out to the calls. My doctor asked me to sit down on a chair and asked me what my troubles were. Yet the doctor asked me to strip tj the waist and listened to me heart and lungs. He felt my pulse and took me blood pressure. My blood pressure and my pulse were normal. Then the doctor offered me to lie down on the examination couch and palpated my abdomen. After the examination the doctor began to fill in my patient’s card and asked me what diseases I had in my childhood . I had in my childhood. I had suffered measles when I was a child. Now I am healthy, because I don’t smoke and drink alcohol and I go in for sports.

But when I catch a bad cold, I stay in home. If I sneeze, cough and have high temperature, I follow the prescribed treatment.

When my doctor finished, I went to an X-ray room, where my chest was X-rayed. The results of my X-ray examination were normal. The nurse took some blood from my finger. The blood analysis was normal and the next day I received my medical certificate which stated that I was healthy and could enter the Institute.

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