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Гаврилова Английский язык для дизайнеров.docx
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  1. Read the following international words and guess their meanings:






















      1. Choose the correct translation of the following English words:

advertisement рекламировать реклама рекламный

differences различать различия различный

experience иметь опыт опыт опытный

interactive взаимодействовать взаимодействие взаимодействующий

effective иметь эффект эффект эффективный

resolution разрешать разрешение разрешимый

consistent настаивать постоянство постоянный

printer печатать принтер печатный

brightness быть ярким яркость яркий

responsibility нести ответственность ответственность ответственный

marketable быть на рынке рынок рыночный

impressive впечатлять впечатление впечатляющий

      1. Look at some basic design terms and try to guess their meanings by matching them with their definition:

  1. cover

  1. the heading at the top of a sheet of letter paper, usually consisting of a name and an address

  1. billboard

  1. a pre-developed page layout in electronic or paper media used to make new pages with a similar design, pattern, or style

  1. texture

  1. a set of one or more fonts, in one or more sizes, designed with stylistic unity

  1. palette

  1. a scale model of a structure or device, usually used for teaching, demonstration, testing a design

  1. copywriting

  1. the process of writing the words that promote a person, business, opinion, or idea

  1. mockup

  1. the available range of colours or patterns that can be displayed by a computer on a visual display unit

  1. typeface

  1. the general structure and disposition of the constituent parts of something

  1. template

  1. a panel for the display of advertisements in public places, such as alongside highways or on the sides of buildings

  1. letterhead

  1. a binding or enclosure for a book or magazine

  1. Discuss the following questions:

  1. What is Graphic design?

  2. Where is Graphic design?

  1. Now read Text I and see if you were right. Text I what is graphic design?

Suppose you want to announce or sell something, amuse or persuade someone, explain a complicated system or demonstrate a process. In other words, you have a message you want to communicate. How do you “send” it? You could tell people one by one or broadcast by radio or loudspeaker. That’s verbal communication. But if you use any visual medium at all — if you make a poster; type a letter; create a business logo, a magazine ad, or an album cover; even make a computer printout — you are using a form of visual communication called graphic design.

Graphic designers work with drawn, painted, photographed, or computer-generated images (pictures), but they also design the letterforms that make up various typefaces found in movie credits and TV ads; in books, magazines, and menus; and even on computer screens. Designers create, choose, and organize these elements — typography, images, and the so-called “white space” around them — to communicate a message. Graphic design is a part of your daily life. From humble things like gum wrappers to huge things like billboards to the T-shirt you’re wearing, graphic design informs, persuades, organizes, stimulates, locates, identifies, attracts attention and provides pleasure.

Graphic design is a creative process that combines art and technology to communicate ideas. The designer works with a variety of communication tools in order to convey a message from a client to a particular audience. The main tools are image and typography.