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14. human feelings.docx
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There is a huge list of human emotions that we are capable of experiencing. However often times we only experience a very limited number of emotions.

It is always the same few ; happiness, anger, love, confidence, anxiety, stress, relaxed. Ask people what emotions do they experience in a week and they'll invariably say those common emotions.

The more type of emotions we feel, the more colorful our life experience will be. It is not that we can't experience a wide array of emotions, rather it is because we often label different emotions into a common group like happy or sad that we forget to experience that emotion for what it is.

Take happy. There is happy, ecstatic, cheerful, relax, excited, exhilarated etc. All those emotions are unique in their own way but we usually label it as happy. By doing that we unintentionally take away it's characteristics and thus take away our experience.

By changing how you label what your emotions you'll change the way you feel. Use stronger labels when experiencing positive emotions and less intense descriptions when going through negative emotions. Doing that alone will literally change your emotional experience. The list below will help you do that.

Below is a list of human emotions sorted by the least to the most intense.

Positive Human Emotions

Glad  Happy  Delighted  Joyful  Elated  Thrilled  Exhilarated 

Hopeful  Expectant  Relieved  Satisfied  Assured  Certain 

Able  Capable  Confident  Strong  Courageous  Powerful 

Adequate  Good  Great  Excellent  Sublime 

Comfortable  Relaxed  Pleasant  Peaceful  Pleasure 

Eager  Surprised  Excited  Lively  Enthusiastic 

Stable  Positive  Superior  Magnificent  Glorious 

Interested  Fascinated  Awe  Inspired 

Love  Compassion  Sympathy  Empathy 

Other positive emotions

Beautiful  Charmed  Cheerful 

Contented  Determined  Energetic 

Glamorous  Graceful  Grateful 

Humorous  Playfulness  Pride 

At the same time, notice that sometimes your negative emotions may not be as intense as you think. It depends on how we label the emotion. Perhaps you are not angry, rather just irritated. Or not disappointed but just frustrated.

Negative Human Emotions

Concerned  Worry  Anxious  Stressed  Overwhelmed  Exasperated 

Tired  Burdened  Weary  Exhausted  Drained 

Jumpy  Intimidated  Apprehensive  Hostile  Destructive 

Uncomfortable  Annoyed  Frustrated  Angry  In rage 

Indifferent  Ignored  Contempt  Rude  Obnoxious 

Sad  Depressed  Grief  Agony  Misery 

Cautious  Doubtful  Hesitant  Wary  Suspicious 

Nervous  Scared  Fear  Shocked  Panic 

Dissatisfied  Upset  Disappointed  Crushed 

Other negative emotions

Confused  Disgusted  Embarrassment  Envy 

Greed  Guilt  Harassed  Humiliation 

Jealousy  Manipulated  Pressured  Regret 

Remorse  Revenge  Shame  Wasteful 

Negative emotions can literally control our lives if we do not handle them.

If you are having difficulties with negative emotions, consider checking out my new ebook on emotional mastery 'Never Lose Control Again' and learn how to control anger and other unwanted emotions.

Contrary to what most of us believe, we can master our emotions IF we know the right approach to doing it. This is what this ebook is all about.

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