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6. Integrated Marketing Communications and imc for the 21st century.

Nowadays the disciplines of adv-g, marketing, sales promotion and public relations become inextricably intertwined. This symbiosis is called IMC. IMC is more like going to see a team of doctors, than to pick up some items. The aim of creating such an unholy alliance of dif-t disciplines is to win consumer support. It’s important, that customers can’t penetrate the clutter of info, so they tend to lump all persuasive msg.

Nowadays the companies can’t compete on price only, they must focus on communication and on building relationships with their target audiences. Characteristics: 1) speak to all target audiences with a “single,” consistent voice. Different communications means must be realigned. They should be looked at the way the customer sees them – as a flow of information from indistinguishable sources. 2) Intergrated marketing must to take into account the consumers’ point of view. 3) It should be strategic and results-oriented. 4) It must have a clear and consistent message that is more efficient and effective than competing messages. 5)It must foster a two-way dialogue between TA and the company. 6)It must build bonds that lead to long-term relationships. When all the corporate msg are strategically coordinated, the effect is greater than adv,promo … are executed independently.

PR prf should practice more than tech-s of pr: key to success – cross-training. The whole of communications is better than the sum of its’ parts.

Marketing – selling through pricing, distr-n and promotion. PR – marketing of an organization. In the past PR – ancillary part, but now situation is different (customers began to consider a firm’s policies and practices on every issue). Beyond the social concerns – the effectiveness of adv-g began to be questioned (so many competitive messages). Many PR activities are used to help market products.

Marketers turned to product publicity as an important adjunct to adv-g. Cases: introduce a new product, small budgets and strong compet-n, complicated product, creating new excitement for an old product.

+ product publicity – 3rd party endorsement (support by smb who is not engaged).

Concerning imc in XXI century. IMC must keep pace with the ever-changing world of promotional innovations. Traditional practices of marketing, adv, pr will disappear over time, specialists in these fields will become generalists in IMC. There are such modern tech as infomercials (program length commercials shamelessly hawking products), 900 numbers (charge callers for the privilege of tuning in to current business news or sport or oth info), movie product placements (product placement in films; merchandising resource). Savvy companies have to train theirs personnel to keep abreast of fast-shifting market situation. It concerns pr students – to cross-train brains.

16. Pr and the Law. Pr and Ethics Law. Pr and Privacy Law. Pr and Copyright Law. Pr and Internet. Using of pr in Legal Profession.

Ethics law. The laws on ethical misconduct in society have gotten quite a workout in recent years. Forbids lobbying former contacts. The increasing # of gov officials who resign to become play-for-pay lobbyists may indicate that those who govern & those who attempt to influence them will in future be scrutinized more closely for how ethically they do business & how scrupulously they follow the law.

Privacy law. Laws that govern a person’s privacy also have implications for the pr profession. PL prohibit libel and slander in the media. When such defamation involves public figure, this person must prove a reporter acted with actual malice. Actual malice means that statements have been published with the knowledge, that they were false. Media very often invade personal privacy, especially gossips-oriented tabloids.

Copyright law provides basic automatic protection for writers, whether manuscript is registered with the Copyright Officeor even published. Protected as soon as the work is in fixed form. You create it & you own it. You can sell the exclusive right to reproduce.

Literary works, musical works, motion pictures, dramatic works, pictorial, graphic & sculptural works, sound.

PR ppl must be careful when using documents etc. Titles, short slogans, ideas, info from common sources, public documents, unfixed speeches and performances can’t be protected. The old idea newly packaged is legal and recommended.

Laws conc-g censorship of the Internet. Extend the principles of the 1st am-t into cyberspace. Ppl argue: all manner of speech is acceptable, inet is the most democratic, others – children might have access. Laws that govern Internet. There was situation when Communications Decency Act introduced criminal penalties, including serious fines & prison terms for making indecent speech available to a person under 18 years of age.

Earlier the rel-p betw lawyers and pr ppl was an uneasy alliance. Now – mutual respect. Law firms use pr consultants. PR ppl have become more open to lawyers, tension is less. How to work with lawyers: become an equal partner, fight with the legal no-comment advice, research the background of the jury, winning may not be everything.

Lawyers often are not prepared for the unpredictability of dealing with the media, therefore pr prf is very important in a public legal battle. PR assistance to complement legal litigation techniques: learn the process, develop a message strategy, settle fast, anticipate what can be said, keep the focus positive – fight nicely.

PR has become involved with the law in many cases. It’s based on legal contracts, controlled by legal laws.