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Unit 15

    1. The phrase "think global, act local" is often quoted. What does it mean to you?

It means to me Multinationals running their various businesses the same way all over the world should create politics that planned for not fewer than 5 years and the code and rules should be oriented to global rate. And each of rule can followed in every area that company run their business.

    1. A lot is said and written about "global organizations". What do you understand by this phrase? Which organizations are global, in your opinion? Why?

It is an international organization with an international membership, scope, or presence. Global organization structure is dedicated to the analysis and improvement of business processes and to promote coordination of the business processes in order to maximize their effectiveness and prevent uncertainty and duplication. Through the exchange of data gathered in benchmarking surveys, members will be able to benefit from the experience of many companies. Membership is open to individuals employed as permanent employees of companies.

  1. Developing managers from around the world who share the company's values is essential for global success. Why?

Developing managers from around the world who share the company's values is essential for global success. Because each company have own rules and codes that their managers have adapted, if we combine managers specific and develop their skill one way it is easier to organize company whole world.

  1. According to Lowell Bryan of McKinsey, how many international companies are not dominated by the culture of the home country?

According to Lowell Bryan of McKinsey, if the members of top management are all nationals of the home country, it takes it much more difficult to attract and keep talented and ambitious managers from other countries.

  1. Richard Greenhalgh thinks a younger generation of managers is more likely to have travelled and taken MBAs abroad. Why?

Richard Greenhalgh thinks a younger generation of managers is more likely to have travelled and taken MBAs abroad. Because of salary scale and prospects. The young managers refer to be experienced in the global company in order to find their future career so they tend to travel and take MBA abroad where give them these chance.

  1. Lowell Bryan says that some local managers will leave and "exploit the brand status of the company in their next job"? What does this mean?

Lowell Bryan says that some local managers will leave and "exploit the brand status of the company in their next job. It’s totally true because if manager have huge experience in the global well known company when they leave their work they always have next job and next chance to find new more perspective work. They will get a good job in a new company because of the reputation of their old company.

  1. Greenhalgh lists "entrepreneurial drive" as one of eleven management competencies selected by Unilever. What is it?

Greenhalgh lists "entrepreneurial drive" as one of eleven management competencies selected by Unilever. It is explained that willingness to take risks in order to achieve goals.

  1. How would you define "corporate culture"? Give some examples of elements which make up the corporate culture of an organization.

Corporate culture is one of those focus areas that are not always fully understood and are not optimally utilized either in an organization.

A basic definition of organizational culture is the collective way we do things around here. It involves a learned set of behaviors that is common knowledge to all the participants. These behaviors are based on a shared system of meanings which guide our perceptions, understanding of events, and what we pay attention to. As Sun Tzu, a Chinese military general from 3000 BC, indicated in his explanation of strategy, culture forms an integral part of any organizational strategy. It consists of Tao - the created and shared beliefs, values, and glue that holds an organization together, and it also involves the very nature of the organization. Culture is about individuals in a group sharing patterns of behavior. There is no cultural absolute. Because culture is relative, we have the power to create a culture that is the best fit for an organization’s future direction.

  1. Greenhalgh says that "Unilever has traditionally been much more open with managers in northern and southern countries". What do you understand by this, and why do you think Unilever had this policy?

Unilever had this policy because of adaptation and globalization of their company. They already had known their method how to regulate work and run business keep going under the critic situation such as world crisis, unplanned risks etc.

10. Unilever has developed a set of eleven management competencies. What are they? If you had to choose one of these as the most important, which would it be and why? What other competencies a multinational such as Unilever might have in its list. Try to produce a list of at least five others.

Unilever has developed a set of eleven management competencies. Including:

-measure such things as entrepreneurial drive

-the ability to lead and develop others

-and integrity.

Personally, if I had to choose one of these 11 eleven elements it can be the ability to lead and develop others. Without good management no one can move forward in dangerous and normal situation.