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Salient features of stereotypes

ASSIGNMENT1: Find salient features that served as a basis for stereotypes below. The first has been done for you.


Text 1: Henry was a kind of stupid man, always had been; part Welsh

Gardner, John. October Light. New York: Ballantine Books, 1976. 341).

Salient features: foolishness is a salient feature of a “Welsh”.


Text 2: "Give me a one-way ticket to Capri." "Si, signore." "What's this 'si signore' crap? Robert said in a loud voice. "Why don't you people speak English like everybody else?" The man's eyes widened in shock. "You goddamn guineas are alike. Stupid! Or, as you people would say, stupido."

Source: Clancy, Tom. The Hunt for Red October. New York: Berkley Books. Р. 337

Salient features: _____________________________________________________________


Text 3: Sterling Bintz arrived early and loudly… He claimed to represent over half of the Bowmore victims, and therefore deserved a lead role in the negotiations. He spoke with a clipped nasal voice and in an accent quite foreign to south Mississippi, and he was instantly despised by everyone there.

Source: John Grisham, the Appeal. A Dell Book, 2008. p. 380 (484 p)

Salient features: ______________________________________________________________ .


Text 4: He mistrusted Mexicans, that was all – their looks, their smell, the sound of their voices.

Source: Gardner, John. October Light. New York: Ballantine Books, 1976

Salient features: ______________________________________________________________



Text 5: …but by the late 1970s, Jeremiah Dogan was just another thug with a robe in a rapidly declining organization. Blacks were voting. The public schools were desegregated. Racial barriers were being struck down by federal judges throughout the South. Civil rights had arrived in Mississippi, and the Klan had proved pitifully inept in keeping Negroes where they belonged. Dogan couldn’t draw flies to a cross-burning.

Grisham J. The Chamber, New York, N.Y.: Island Books, 1995 p.28)

Salient features: ______________________________________________________________


Text 6: In the table below find salient features of stereotypes, explain the origin of these stereotypes. You may also add some stereotypes and analyze the origin.


Salient feature



Honest Injun


Cabbage head

Dutch feast

Dutch courage

Gold digger



ASSIGNMENT 2: Summarize salient features. Can we say that they are true to life? What is the most frequent salient feature (remember other stereotypes)? Explain why people “accuse” others of different “sins” and do not blame themselves.



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