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Семинар № 3 - ценности ценности

Приведите определение «культурно заряженных» слов

sheepskin, mortarboard, gown, freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, undergraduate, graduate, minor, upperclassman, valedictorian, Ivy League, major, commencement

Text # 13

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The transition to adulthood seemed much more straightforward 30 years ago. We went to school. We got education. We found a job, understanding that, while it wasn’t necessarily our dream job, it was at least a stepping-stone to the career we hoped to pursue. If we weren’t yet earning the riches of Croesus, that was beside the point. The paycheck was an emblem of freedom, of independence; and if we lived in a shoebox, at least it was ours. If we ever needed help, our parents were probably the last people we’d turn to. There was no going back: we had crossed the Rubicon into adulthood.


But in much of the country today, even a shoebox is beyond the reach of many of our kids. So it’s no surprise that a growing number of them don’t appear to be in a hurry to move out. Some are reluctant to leave the comfort and security of home because they can’t afford any place else as nice. Others will do almost anything to live on their own, but will happily accept help if they can get it. And then there are those who, after being indulged with more expensive gear then we ever could have imagined (desktop, iPod, cell phone), feel entitled to a similar setup when they leave. Indeed, young adults are enjoying an extended period of dependency, living at home longer (and moving back in more frequently) than ever before. No prizes for guessing who’s footing the bill.

The traditional cutoff for parental support – 18, 21 – is as outdated as a vinyl LP. Which means more and more of us are supporting – and sometimes controlling – our adult children in ways we would never have tolerated from our own parents. This social change is confusing. As both parties try to figure out the new rules for when adulthood officially begins, when children should stop expecting to be taken care of, and when parents should stop playing bank.

Source: Mary P. Willis. Tapped Out // Best Life, July/August 2005. – p. 111-112.

Parents’ values

Children’s values

Text # 14

Ниже приведен текст из брошюры, изданной студентами Вашингтонского государственного университета после их пребывания в ДВГУ. В ней студенты дают советы тем, кто собирается приехать в Россию, в частности, во Владивосток, в Дальневосточный государственный университет. Сравните впечатление студента о жизни в общежитии и найдите американскую ценность, которая привела к легкому культурному столкновению. Какие аспекты культуры сравниваются в данном отрывке?

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