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Алябьева Ю.М., Клинг В.И. English listening com...doc
5.43 Mб

1. Read this short text on asthma and answer the questions:

1. What kind of disorder is asthma?

2. What is it caused by?

3. What are the symptoms of asthma?

4. What other reasons besides allergy can trigger an asthma attack?

Asthma is a disorder in which the patient experienced difficul­ty in breathing accompanied by a slight wheezing and a tight chest. Additional symptoms can be a dry cough and vomiting (usu-ally in children). An asthma attack may start suddenly, and the fear and worry that this causes can prolong an attack.

Asthma most often occurs as allergy. Many pollens, dusts (especially dust containing dust mites), and animal hair and dander can all cause asthma attack. Asthmatic symptoms are sometimes associated with hay fever.

Infection in the respiratory system is another cause of asthma. Exposure to cold, exercise, fatigue irritating fumes und certain emotional and physiological states can all trigger an asthma at­tack. Or these conditions may serve as secondary factors that increase the severity and frequency of attacks. Asthma from these causes may occur in people who have no history of allergic reac­tions, as well is those who do.

Note: 1. a slight wheezing- небольшой стридор

2. a tight chest – чувство стеснения в груди

3. dander- перхоть

4. irritating fumes- раздражающие вещества в дыме

Key words for the 1st part:

to figure out – угадать

frightening – пугающий

to work through several questions – рассматривать несколько вопросов

to outgrow asthma – излечиться от астмы с возрастом

a prevalent disease – a common disease

intermittent – с перерывами

natural elastic recoil – естественная эластичная тяга легкого

“My, it is not a serious problem”– ну, здесь нет ничего серьезного

1) Listen to the 1st part of the talk. Say if these statements are true or false:

1) Bronchial asthma is a common medical problem in the USA, especially in children.

2) Asthma is not a serious disease, it can never be fatal.

3) Dr. Habenicht is sure bronchial asthma is a less prevalent disease in Russia than in America.

4) One can surely diagnose asthma if a patient coughs or wheezes all the time.

5) The wheezing part of asthma is caused by spasm of the smooth muscles surrounding the alveoli.

2) Answer the questions!

1) How many people annually die of asthma in the USA?

2) How does Dr.Habenicht define asthma?

3) What la the mechanism of asthma?

4) When can wheezing be heard: on inhalation or on exhalation? Why so?

5) Why can wheezing be not heard in asthmatic children?

Key words for the 2nd part:

to trigger asthma – to cause asthma

vegetable garden – огород

to melt – таять

indoors – в помещении

to store – хранить, складировать

to spoil – портиться

dust mites – пылевые клещики

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