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Essential grammar


8. Replace the subordinate clauses by THE GERUND PHRASES using the sample

When I returned home I found that the mail had not been delivered.

On (after) returning home I found that the mail had not been delivered.

1. After I had read the book I went to bed.

2. After he had looked through the article he found many typing mistakes.

3. When she had checked the students’ papers she singled out some typical


4. After she had copied the telephone number she tried to memorize it.

9. Pay attention to the translation of the gerund with the preposition without

1. Without thinking long, he agreed to our offer.

2. I can’t finance your business without reading at least the Summary of your

business plan.

3. This article is difficult. You can’t translate it without using the dictionary.

4. He went there without telling his friends about it.

5. You can’t be successful without clear understanding of your own goals.

10. Translate the sentences using gerund:

1. Беседа с ним занимает обычно около часа.

2. Так много курить вредно.

3. Величайшим удовольствием для нас будет прочитать его новый план.

4. Студенты закончили обсуждать доклад и поблагодарили докладчика.

5. Он любил гулять по городу.

6. Я уверен в том, что он напишет статью.

7. Он настаивал (to insist on) на том, чтобы навестить ее.

8. Мы знали, что он находится в командировке (to be on business trip).

9. У нас было мало надежды (little hope) найти эту книгу.

10. Мы будем иметь удовольствие посетить картинную галерею.

11. Не было никакой возможности предупредить (to warn) его.

12. Написав доклад, он прочел его еще раз.

13. Он подумал несколько минут, прежде чем ответить нам.

Continuous tenses in active voice

время (Past, Present, Future)

be — число (Plural, Singular) + Participle I (Ving)

лицо (1, 2, 3)

11. Open the brackets and put the verbs into Present Continuous. Translate the sentences into Russian

1. The bank (to require) a business plan.

2. You (to create) your plan only as a response to an external request.

3. Market research firms (to bring) together the participants and (to lead) the

group discussion.

4. Why you (to smoke) here? It is not allowed to smoke in the lecture hall.

5. She (not to read) a newspaper now, she (to read) a magazine.

12. Fill in the blanks with the proper tense-forms of the verbs in brackets

1. What you (to do) when I came in? I (to read) an article on economical


2. Where you (to go) when I met you? I (to go) to the University, I (to intend) to

visit the lecture on accounting by the recently arrived american professor.

3. We (to arrive) at the airport when the plane (to land).

4. At the corner of the street we (to see) a van. The driver (to fix) its engine.