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Данная методическая разработка состоит из текстов, связан ных общей темагикой. Эти тексты рассказывают об истории, по­литическом ус1ройстве, географии, системе образования, музы­кальной культуре, литературе Соединенных Штатов Америки Все тексты информативны, познавательны. Каждому из них пред­шествует работа над незнакомой лексикой, упражнениями, под­готавливающими студента к чтению текста После текстов даны упражнения на проверку понимания прочитанного и упражне­ния, побуждающие к устному высказыванию.

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The United States of America


A look at the people Before You Read the Story

This story tells how men and women from all over the world have come to the United States to begin a new and better life for themselves

Word Study

I .Look up_these words in the dictionary except, to pray. courage

II Win] evading, the story take into account that

descendants are children, grand-children, grand-grandchildren,

to seek means to look for;

opportunity is the chance to do or to get smth.;

liny ~ very small temple - the house where people pray belongings - things church — the same as "temple" to worship - to pray to, to respect - to show honour to srab-to pay honour and respect to neighbours ~ men living next door backbone - basis fear - antonym to "courage" strength ~ force want - need, something needed

III Read these sentences and learn the meanings of the under­lined words:

1- Americans are descendants of people from other countries-

2. The Pilgrims who came to this country showed great courage.

3. Good parents try to protect their children from fear and wapt.

4 In America they respect all religions.

5. The United States is a land of opportunity.

6 Many of to-day's immigrants want freedom from fear.

Notes to the Text

1. the same (rights) - identical (rights)

2. "neither ... nor" gives a negative sense to the whole sentence.

3. side by side - next to

4. belief (n) - remember "to believe" (v) 5- Pilgrims - people who came to the United States in 1620 from England -

Read the Story and Answer These Questions

1. What is meant when people say that all Americans are immi­grants or sons of immigrants?

2. What does the concept "Americai-s •.'.•ay of life" mean?


The United States was built by men and women who came to this country from all over the world. All Americans except the Indi­ans, are immigrants or descendants of immigrants.

Most immigrants came to the United States seeking freedom and opportunity. The people who started the first English colony at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607 came here to find a better life. The Pilgrims who crossed the Atlantic Ocean in their tiny ship, the Mayflower, in 1620 came here to enjoy religious freedom. They came with their wives, their children, their animals and their be­longings. People still come to the United States seeking a better way of life. Immigrants who come to America to-day by plane or large ship want the same freedoms - freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from fear and freedom from want-,.

In the United States every person is important. The belief that everyone has the same rights is the backbone of American way of life. It will take courage and strength to live by this belief.

America is a nation of people from all walks of life. Like other countries America has people who are rich, who are poor, who are educated and who are uneducated. In America, however, most peo­ple are neither very rich nor very poor. But it is all the people who help to keep the country strong. Every person in the United States has the right and the opportunity to better himself. This opportuni­ty is the same for people of all races and religions.

Everywhere in America you can see churches, synagogues and temples side by side: everybody respects each other's religion.

Americans are a friendly people and they want to be good neigh­bours.