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1. Космическое пространство: определения, проблема космического мусора. Основные документы в области международного космического права.

  • Space law is an area of the law that encompasses national and international law governing activities in outer space.

  • Outer space is considered to be the current orbital minimum approximately 100-110 km. The outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, is free of national appropriation.

  • The Moon and other celestial bodies are common heritage of mankind. The outer space is used by all states parties to the treaty and exclusively for peaceful purposes.

International treaties

5 international treaties have been negotiated and drafted in the UN Committee On Peaceful Uses of Outer Space:

  • The 1967 Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (the "Outer Space Treaty").

  • The 1968 Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space (the "Rescue Agreement").

  • The 1972 Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects (the "Liability Convention").

  • The 1975 Convention on Registration of Objects Launched Into Outer Space (the "Registration Convention").

  • The 1979 Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (the "Moon Treaty").

Space debris are the objects in orbit around Earth created by humans, and that no longer serve any useful purpose: spent rocket stages, defunct satellites, explosion fragments, paint flakes, dust, and slag from solid rocket motors, coolant released by RORSAT nuclear powered satellites, deliberate insertion of small needles, and other small particles. Clouds of very small particles may cause erosive damage, like sandblasting.

Space debris have become a growing concern in recent years, since collisions at orbital velocities can be highly damaging to functional satellites and can also produce even more space debris in the process. Astronauts on space-walks are also vulnerable.

  1. Способы отбора персонала. Агентства по подбору персонала. Резюме. Сопроводительное письмо (структура, содержание).

When a company needs to recruit or employ new people, it may decide to advertise the job or position in the appointments section of a newspaper.

Interested people can apply for the job by sending in a letter of application (covering letter) and a curriculum vitae (CV).

Curriculum vitae – key information about individual’s educational background, previous work experience, skills and personal qualities.


- personal/contact information

- academic background

- foreign language abilities

- clear to read, present an attractive image

- not too long

- chronological or functional order

- interesting features highlighted

Covering letter may be attached to create a good impression (so that the recruiter will want to read CV):

* briefly: where you heard about the job and why you fit it

* confirm your wish to apply

* information you learned about the job

* formal tone of the text

* no mistakes

* concise and precise

* why you are interested in the position

* possible contribution to the job (highlight relevant skills)

* indicate willingness to attend interview


- company may also ask candidates to complete application form

- HR department selects most suitable applications and prepares short list of candidates

- invites applicants to attend an interview

Alternative: services of a recruitment agency (US search firm) – provides company with a list of suitable candidates;

may act as a consultant or organize testing and simulations to evaluate the candidates' skills.

A number of companies are not satisfied with traditional job interviews. When the candidate could gain the post only with a good prepared answers and representative look. Now employers want to evaluate candidates on intangible qualities:

- creativeness or entrepreneurial spirit

- leading or coaching skills

- flexibility and capability of learning

- functioning under the pressure

- fitting to corporate culture

They are requiring applicants to submit to a series of:

- paper-and-pencil tests (general intelligence)

- role-playing exercises

- simulated decision-making exercises

- brainteasers

Others put candidates through a series of interviews by psychologist or trained interviewers.

Possible questions:

“Who is the best manager you ever worked for and why?”

“What is your best friend like?” – can understand your behavior pattern and managerial style

The mistake can cost for the company a huge sum of money (lead to corporate downsizing)

Aims of comprehensive testing – to measure skills in:

- communication

- analysis and organization

- attention to detail

- personality traits and motivations

This can predict applicant’s performance.

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