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International Cultural Different Attitudes to Staff Appraisals

The British have formal appraisal systems but they are often lax in administering them. The French and Germans set high standards and expect compliance. In Asia, group performance is rated above individual action, whereas Americans are motivated to achieve personal targets. You should be aware of these cultural differences because business is now a global activity.

Advice for managers

1 Targets for review must be set at realistic, measurable, time limited and achievable levels.

2 Begin staff appraisals by concentrating on what a person has done well.

3 An appraisal should leave staff feeling motivated and happy about their work.

4 If staff fail to meet targets then find out together what can be done to improve performance.

a) Understand what personal attributes work together with successful work behaviour.

b) If a member of staff fails to meet targets, ask yourself the following questions:

i) Were the targets understood clearly by the staff member but the objectives too difficult?

ii) Were the targets understood clearly but the objectives inappropriate?

iii) Was the failure to meet target objectives due to causes within the staff’s control?

Answers to these questions will help you and your staff member to devise appropriate future targets to enhance company performance and growth.

Staff Personal Positive and Negative Attributes during Appraisal. 61

Positive Staff Attributes Negative Staff Attributes.

Enjoys uncertainty Expects certainty

Asks questions Accepts what he/she is told

Tolerates ambiguity Dislikes ambiguity

Looks for alternatives Ignores conflicting evidence

Is self-critical Is impulsive

Seeks and weighs evidence Values gut feelings

Reflects on matters Uses either/or thinking (may be)

Communicates effectively Is unresponsive

Is willing Is reluctant to take new tasks

Gets on well with other staff Is unpopular with staff

Uses initiative Is not proactive

Can work without supervision Requires constant supervision

Is flexible Is not adaptable

Avoid using staff appraisal meeting to criticise and dwell on the faults; however you should not avoid giving constructive criticism where it is necessary.

Promoting Staff in your Organisation. 62.

Promoting Staff into new jobs communicates that you recognise their achievements and that you encouraging them to achieve further success. Rewarding exceptional performance also inspires their colleagues to improve their contribution in the work-place.

However, not all employees are capable in any organisation. Therefore, you need to find out what each member of staff is capable using the following format:

(Will do and Can do) Staff type: This is staff member who demonstrates the standard of work behaviour that you always expect, and is a perfect candidate for promotion.

(Will do but Can’t Do) Staff type: This is a willing staff member who experiences difficulties but will respond positively to training and encouragement.

(Won’t Do but Can Do) Staff type: This is an unmotivated staff member who is in danger of losing his or her job unless motivation can be raised.

(Won’t do and Can’t Do) Staff typr: This is an incompetent staff member who is unwilling to improve and should obviously not be retained in the company.

Promote the staff with Will Do and Can Do staff type attitude and ensure that all everyone knows the reasons why she/he has been promoted.

Tips for managers

1 Encourage your staff to set their own high targets for performance for specific limited times.

2 Prepare an accurate job description and job specification for the new and promotion jobs.

3 Let others know why you have chosen that particular person for the promotion.

4 Dismiss staff only as a last resort and never dismiss anyone just to set an example to others.

5 Be as generous as possible with severance payments to the dismissed person.

Turning Failure To Success

Whenever a business is a failure you must always first consider whether the failure can be turned into success, but be satisfied that the extra effort put in will not be a waste of time. Therefore, if there is a reasonable chance of saving your business, you should take it. This is an example of the Can Do and Will Do attitude of the manager.

In the same manner, if an employee fails on a particular project, you need to discuss and analyse the failure carefully to see if the failure can be turned into success. Your conclusion will determine how best to proceed with the situation and prevent future failures.