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3.1. Подлежащее (местоимения, артикли, число существительных, падеж)

Заполните пропуски нужными личными местоимениями.

1. I have a sister. I love her very much.

2. This is my new coat. Look at it

3. Where is my ticket? Here it is. Take it

4. They are very good people. I know them

5. Where is your letter? I’d like to read it

6. My uncle is old. He wants to live with me and my parents.

7. The girl is bored. Take her home.

Заполните пропуски личными местоимениями me, him, her, it, us, you или them.

1. Linda isn’t here. Can I give her a message?

2. What’s your telephone number? I don’t know it

3. Look at the exercise on page 20. Please do it for Friday.

4. We want to talk with our cousin William, but he is tired and bored. He doesn’t want to speak with us

5. I don’t have my books here. I have it at home.

Употребите в данных предложениях личные местоимения.

1. My husband has a new car, but he doesn’t like it

2. Pete has three sons. He plays golf with them in his free time.

3. Steve’s new teacher is Mr. Todd. Steve like him a lot.

4. That’s my notebook. Can I have it back, it.

5. Mary and I are good students, so our teacher likes us.

2. Притяжательные местоимения (Possessive Pronouns)

Заполните пропуски местоимениями my, his, her, its, our, your, their.

1. We have a nice flat. Our flat is in a new house.

2. They have a large apartment. There are four rooms in their apartment.

3. I have a dog. Its name is Snip.

4. Steve has a new school-bag. His school-bag is brown.

5. Ann is glad to see her friends again.

6. I have a piano in my room.

7. You have a big dog! Does it live in your flat?

8. He put on his new jacket.

9. She broke her arm.

10. Materials can be classified according to their electrical properties.

Перепишите предложения два раза по модели, используя притяжательные местоимения. This bag belongs to me. This is my bag. This bag is mine.

1. This watch belongs to you. This is your watch. This watch is yours.

2. That house belongs to them. That is their house . That house is theirs

3. These notebooks belong to us. These are our notebooks. These notebooks are ours

4. Those clothes belong to him. Those are his clothes. Those clothes are his

5. This car belongs to her. This is her car. This car is hers

Употребите в данных предложениях притяжательные местоимения в абсолютной форме.

1. His composition is much more interesting than yours or mine.

2. You can very well do without my help, but not without theirs.

3. The pleasure was mine.

4. Ours was the last turn.

5. This radio-set of his is always out of order.

3. Указательные местоимения (Demonstrative Pronouns)

Заполните пропуски местоимениями this, that, these, those.

1. All this is very interesting.

2. These are TV sets of the latest type.

3. There are no richer art museums in this country than those of St. Petersburg.

4. That will do.

5. Try one of that .

6. In those days I was living with my parents.

7. Those students who failed the exam will have to take it again.

8. This is my coat and that is yours.

Заполните пропуски such или such a (an).

1. Such criticism is unfounded.

2. I’ve got such nice people in my house.

3. They are such polite children.

4. Such a holiday we have had!

5. I don’t like such weather.

6. Mary is such an intelligent girl!

Употребите местоимения that, these и those во избежание повтора существительных.

1. His history was more interesting than that of Mike.

2. The finest wines are those from France.

3. The cost of the air fare is higher than that of the rail fare.

4. All sentences consist of words and these of letters.

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