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Our University

Text 1

Kyiv National Economic University is a prominent economic establishment of higher learning. It provides a high quality training of economists and managers for various fields of national economy and coordinates economic and managerial training programmes in Ukraine.

The leading position of the University, its prestige and renown are the results of its orientation towards progressive goals and objectives of nowadays. The main purpose of the University is to equip students with contemporary knowledge of economics and to provide them with excellent professional skills.

The University was founded in 1906 as a commercial school in the field of industry and trade. In 1908 it was transformed into Kyiv Commercial

Institute. The students studied at three faculties: economic, commercial and technical, and railway maintenance. In 1920 the Institute was restructured and named Kyiv Institute of National Economy.

Many prominent scientists and public figures studied and worked at the Institute: the founder of the school of statistics Ye.Slutsky, one of the inventors of the theory of numbers Academician D.Grave, President of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine O.BohomoIets and many others.

In August 1992 the Institute was transformed into Kyiv State University of Economics and became the leading higher school of economics in Ukraine. In February 1997 according to the President decree the University was given the status of National Economic University. At present it is granted autonomy in making decisions on the major directions of its activity.


1. Establishment of higher learning — высшее учебное заведение

2. to equip students with — дать студентам

3. railway maintenance —обслуживание железных дорог

  1. public figures — общественные деятели

  2. ... it is granted autonomy in making decisions... — ему предоставлена самостоятельность в принятии решений

Text 2

Kyiv National Economic University is more than 90 years old. It has three academic buildings with all education facilities, four hostels and a sport centre. There are well-equipped laboratories and studies, lecture halls and computing centres. The University's library has the largest collection of literature on economics in Ukraine. The students have free access to the library, reading-rooms, laboratories, medical assistance and sport facilities.

More than ten thousand future specialists get their training here. They are admitted to the University on the basis of their results at the entrance examinations. The students may enroll in day-time, evening or correspondence departments.

At present the University has faculties at the day-time department: Marketing, management, international economics and law, accounting, finance, information systems and technologies, and agrarian management. The graduates of the University work at various branches of industry and agriculture, state and private organizations with different forms of ownership, finance and banking system.

About 50 per cent of young people prefer to combine studies with work. They are admitted to the evening or correspondence departments after passing successfully their examinations.

There is also a preparatory faculty at the University. It offers programmes aimed to prepare applicants for entrance examinations.


1. Education facilities — средства для образования 2. a study — кабинет

  1. ... have free access... — могут бесплатно пользоваться (иметь свободный доступ)

  2. to be admitted to the University — поступить в университет (быть принятым в университет)

  3. entrance examinations — вступительные экзамены

  4. to enroll (to enrol) in day-time (evening, correspondence) depart­ment — поступить на дневное (вечерние, заочное) отделение

7. a graduate — выпускник высшего учебного заведения 8. to graduate from — заканчивать высшее учебное за­ведение

9. with different forms of ownership — с различными фор­мами собственности

  1. to combine studies with work— совмещать учебу с работой

  2. to pass examinations — сдавать экзамены

  3. preparatory faculty — факультет до вузовской под­готовки

Text 3

Kyiv National Economic University offers a wide choice of programmes and courses for the students: Bachelor's programmes in economics and management, Master's programmes, postgraduate and doctorate programmes. They are aimed to develop individual and professional abilities of the students and represent different level of academic achievement.

Bachelor's degree programmes in economics and management are profession-oriented and require four years of study. The first two years (the freshman year and sophomore year) are aimed at providing general education and preparing for more special studies. The last two years (the junior and senior years) are devoted almost entirely to the majors. The undergraduates major in those subjects which are essential for their future activity.

The academic year is usually nine months duration and is divided into two terms. The students have an examination session at the end of each term.

At the end of their studies they have to submit a graduation paper and take the state examinations. The Bachelor's degree is usually known as the first degree and may be a terminal qualification. But it is often considered as a background for further specialization, a step toward higher degree.

The Master's degree programmes require one or two years of study beyond baccalaureate. The Master's degree candidate fol­lows a rather specific course of study, usually in a single field.

The postgraduate programmes provide a deeper study of philosophy, foreign languages and subjects related to the chosen major and lead to the candidate degree.


1. Bachelor's programmes in economics and management

программы бакалавра в экономике и управлении

  1. Master's programmes — магистерские программы

  2. postgraduate and doctorate programmes —програм­мы аспирантской и докторской подготовки

  3. freshman — первокурсник

  4. sophomore — второкурсник

  5. junior •— студент третьего курса

  6. senior — старшекурсник

  7. undergraduate — студент последнего курса

  8. to major in a subject — изучать основной предмет , специализироваться

  1. academic year —учебный год

  2. term — семестр

  3. to submit a graduation paper — защитить дипломную работу

  4. to take the state examinations — сдавать гос. экзамены

Text 4

In 1992 Krymsky Faculty of Kyiv state University of Economics was founded in Simferopol. In 1998 it was transformed. into Crimean Economics Institute as a structural entity of Kyiv National University of Economics. There are

three faculties which train specialists in the fields of economics and management. Our students are going to become the competent graduates and do courses in finance and credit, economy of enterprises, marketing and management, accounting and audit, banking and international economics. Alongside with economic subjects the students study humanities, foreign languages as an important part of the curriculum. In order to become qualified specialists they have some practice in banks, stock exchanges, foreign trade firms, etc. The total number of students now accounts for more than 1.500. Our students have an opportunity to choose between fulltime tuition and courses by correspondence. The quality of teacher's staff is very high. Our students do their graduation papers under the guidance of scientific advisers and successfully defend them before an examination board.

The specialized laboratories equipped with modem computer facilities, the library, the gymnasium are of great help for the students. One of the most important achievements of our Institute is the creation of the environment which promotes successful learning, individual development and formation of valuable human and social qualities of the students.

Economy of Ukraine

Text 1

On August 24, 1991 the Verkhovna Rada declared the formation of the Independent Ukrainian State and on December 1991, a nation-wide referendum confirmed the formation of a new large European state.

As to its territory Ukraine is the second largest country in Europe. As to its industrial potential, this is one of the most developed republics of the former Soviet Union with highly developed metallurgy, machine-building, chemical production and agriculture.

The economy of the Soviet Union was functioning for decades as an aggregate national economic system linked by united management, cooperated links, and applied technologies. This has predetermined the inherited dependence of Ukraine on economic ties with former republics of the former Soviet Union. It will suffice to point out that 2/3 of the country's gross domestic product did not have a closed productive cycle in Ukraine. Clearly the emergence of political and economic borders in a formerly united economy, the emergence of the national monetary-credit and financial systems, breaking of the system of traditional economic links have brought the economy of the country to a crisis. Almost all the indices of the economic development have negative dynamics. But the rates of decrease of production are slowed down and first signs of stabilization appear in a number of branches of economy. One of the main reasons of inflation are prices for power carriers imported from Russia. These prices have increased by hundreds times during the last years. The government of Ukraine sees the way out of the crisis in realization of the programme of economic reforms which would make it possible to reorganize the economy, to change its structure, to carry out privatization and to restore stimuli to a highly effective work.


  1. co-operated links — совместные связи

  2. inherited dependence — унаследовать зависимость

  3. gross domestic product — валовой внутренний продукт

  4. closed productive cycle — закрытый производствен­ный цикл

  5. emergence — появление

  6. national monetary-credit and financial systems — на­циональные денежно-кредитные и финансовые системы

  7. rates of decrease of production are slowed down — темпы снижения производства замедляются

  8. power carriers — энергоносители

  9. to carry out — проводить

Text 2

Two interrelated processes are characteristic of Ukraine's economy today, namely its assertion as that of an independent state, and its transformation from planned-centralized to market-controlled. These processes are rather complicated, but there are all prerequisites for their effective accomplishment. Present-day independent Ukraine has a considerable potential to quickly develop its economy — and this is explained not only by the favorable natural conditions, but also by the convenient geographical position, in terms of international trade exchanges. Reforms, started in the national economy after the proclamation of independence, are aimed at the establishment of an open, effective market type economy. The main directions of the programme of economic reforms are as follows:

  1. The programme of structural reorganization.

  2. Attainment of balanced payments account.

3. Creation of conditions for gradual integration of Ukraine with the world economy.

These and other problems must be solved at the cost of a wide attraction of foreign investments. In a short period of time the Verkhovna Rada and government of Ukraine have succeeded in creation a legislative and regulating basis for conducting economic reforms. Taxation and budget systems corresponding in their structure to the world practice are created essentially anew. The change over to a free price formation in the economy is carried out. The government regulation of price level is applied only in establishing prices for main energy carriers, some most important food, communal and transportation services.

Much attention is given to the change of the structure of property. Legislative basis is created for privatization of state- owned enterprises, implementation of reforms of the banking and financial systems.